Assignment of military ranks: procedure and terms. Extraordinary conferment of military rank

A military rank is an integral part of any army, and this also applies to the Russian Armed Forces. The introduction of a system of military ranks made it possible to draw a clear line between soldiers, officers and senior command personnel, which makes it possible to observe interpersonal subordination and order in the Russian army. This is important not only in peacetime, but especially in the period of hostilities.

The history of the origin of military ranks

For the first time, military ranks and posts appeared in the Russian Empire in the 16th-17th centuries. The system of army unity of command only affected the streltsy army. In the rest of the army, the ranks of the state, that is, civilian service, were preserved, right up to the moment of reorganization into the regiments of the new system.

In the Streltsy regiment there was a system of military ranks, which varied depending on the number of subordinate personnel (tenor, Pentecostal, centurion, and so on).

Later, in the regiments of the new system, the ranks underwent major changes and became known in the Western European manner (starting from ensign and lieutenant, ending with lieutenant-general and general).

Such a system is very similar to the current design of the military ranks of Russia.

Soldiers of the Russian Empire

In 1722, the nomenclature of military ranks expanded greatly, due to which there was a division between the rank and position of officer.

Military ranks in the Soviet Union

This order was maintained until 1917. It underwent significant changes after the communists came to power, and in the Soviet Union the ranks were replaced by the posts of Soviet officers.

September 22, 1935 by decree of the CEC introduced military ranks. In order to avoid associations with the White Army, some ranks were changed (for example, the general was changed to divisional commander, brigade commander). Later, in 1940, the general and admiral ranks were returned, and already in 1972 the rank of “ensign” and “warrant officer” will be introduced.

Soviet officers

The current military rank system is a legacy of the many-sided history of Russia, and in particular of the Soviet Union.

Subordination in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The vital activity of the army largely depends on the existing relationships in the team. A team that is mired in conflicts cannot carry out appropriate combat training activities. Whereas a company, where friendship and mutual support reigns, does an excellent job of this. The commander of a military group must always remember this.

Military subordination

However, this is a double-edged sword: military personnel are obliged to do what the higher authorities order (if this does not contradict the military charter and current legislation). Few want to experience the hardships of service. And military service is exactly what obliges the soldier to do.

To this end, military service regulations have been introduced in the armed units, which the soldier, upon entering the service and taking the oath, undertakes to fulfill. The charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation regulates the relationship between soldiers and officers: unity of command and subordination, tact and restraint, mutual respect, collectivism, which are the basic principles of this document.

The disciplinary charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation determines the main essence of the discipline of a soldier, his rights and obligations, types of incentives and disciplinary sanctions, the rights and obligations of the commander for their use, the rules for filing complaints, applications and proposals.

The statutory rules of the relationship between military personnel entering the guard, garrison and commandant services are regulated by the relevant charters of the Armed Forces, which exist to monitor compliance with this type of military service. The combatant rules and the order of military greeting are determined by the combatant charter.

Compliance with the statutory relationship lies with each soldier in particular and the collective as a whole. In particular, the commanding part of the garrison should follow this. Therefore, the officer is entrusted with special powers to control the discipline and order of service of his subordinates.

Responsibility for violation of statutory relationships

Depending on the nature and gravity of the offense, a soldier may be disciplined, administratively, civil or even criminally liable (Article 28 of the Federal Law “On the Status of Military Personnel”).

For violation of discipline or public order, the military will be punished in accordance with the Disciplinary Statute. The acting commander can make both a remark and a reminder of military duty, and carry out disciplinary action. It depends on the degree of guilt and the severity of the offense. Also, the chief may see signs of a crime in the actions of the subordinate, which he will have to inform the military prosecutor, who, in turn, will conduct an investigation.

The statutory relationship of soldiers is protected by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and applicable law. The threat of criminal punishment occurs if a soldier:

  • exceeded official authority;
  • did not comply with the order;
  • resisted the commander or forced him to violate his military duties;
  • insulted another soldier or injured him.

The complex form - the psychological impact and educational work, will be able to strengthen the fighting spirit of the soldiers and warn them against violating the statutory rules of relations.

The value of military rank in the Armed Forces

Military ranks cannot be viewed only from the angle of the fact of encouraging a military serviceman. They are issued by the most trained, disciplined and responsible from among those serving, since it is they who are entrusted with the duty of commanding personnel.

Rank is an important component of the Armed Forces. But it is worth remembering that the position that the latter occupies is decisive in leadership between the subordinate and the boss.

The rank can be understood as a kind of service skill, according to which, a soldier or officer is awarded certain powers and privileges. The military rank is issued solely for services to the Fatherland, which allows us to divide up decent soldiers in the army and not so much.

Types of military ranks

At the moment, there are two types of ranks in the army of the Russian Federation:

  • combined arms;
  • ship.

The first are assigned to persons serving in the infantry and air forces. The latter relate to the military, who serve in the Russian Navy. An obligatory attribute of the rank is the type of armed forces in which the person is located. For example, a serving colonel in the guards unit is assigned the title supplement “guard,” that is, “guard colonel." For people who are assigned to legal or medical units, the concept of “justice” or “medical service” is added to the rank, respectively.

Types of military ranks

When a soldier retires or resigns, his rank is retained, but his definition will be “retired” (retired captain or retired colonel).

The order of conferring military ranks

To obtain the next rank, it is necessary to voluntarily enter the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, join upon conscription or graduate from a special higher educational institution.

Assignment of a rank

Service life also plays an important role in conferring military ranks on military personnel. After serving a certain period, a soldier receives the next rank. Within the framework of his authority, an official may be assigned the title, if he considers it necessary.

For persons liable for military service, for which sergeant and sergeant ranks are provided, they are issued based on the results of successful training.

Assignment of military ranks by presidential decree is also possible, but for this officer should be represented by his current boss, having reported about this.

Reception of the next military ranks

For ordinary soldiers, in order to get the next rank, they will need to serve a certain period of time.

  • senior soldier or sailor - 5 months;
  • Junior sergeant - 1 year;
  • sergeant - 2 years;
  • Senior sergeant and ensign - 3 years.

During this period, the soldier’s service should be held without disciplinary action, and the rank will be awarded only after passing the test according to the service program.

The next rank assigned to the officers also depends on the period of service. The terms for awarding military ranks to officers are calculated over the years. The higher the position and rank, the longer it will take to get a new one:

  • for “junior lieutenant”, this period is two years;
  • Awarding the military rank of “lieutenant” and “senior lieutenant” occurs after three years of service;
  • four years will be required to obtain a “captain” (“captain-lieutenant”) and “major” (“captain 3rd rank”);
  • “Lieutenant colonel” or “captain of the 2nd rank” can be obtained only after five years of service.

Duration of stay in the rank is calculated from the date of its receipt. Also refers to this period:

  • interruption of service due to unreasonable criminal prosecution;
  • illegal dismissal;
  • being in stock.

The assignment of regular military ranks occurs after a certain time of service, during which a soldier or officer must show his best side and not receive disciplinary action.

General ranks

For general and admiral ranks, the term of service in the current position is not established, however, for their appointment, they will need to be in the current rank for at least two years. The procedure for conferring military ranks for them in the future is carried out only by decree of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Marshal or Minister of Defense of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

To go a long way from an ordinary to a colonel is not given to everyone. But most importantly, only a few receive the assignment of the military rank "general".

Assignment of a rank to the general

Who is not assigned the next military rank?

Stars do not shine on military uniforms for military officers if they:

  • brought as an accused in a criminal case or against them it was instituted (before the end of the proceedings);
  • are at the disposal of the chief (commander);
  • committed a disciplinary offense (before the application of the measure of responsibility);
  • submitted to early dismissal under Art. 51 of the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" ;
  • checked for accuracy and completeness of information about income and expenses, about property and property obligations;
  • suspended military service;
  • stay in places of detention and serve criminal punishment;
  • not extinguished the criminal record.

Assigning an Extraordinary Military Rank

In addition to refusing to receive the next military rank, as part of the award, soldiers or officers can be assigned to an extraordinary rank.

You can get the cherished stars for epaulettes ahead of schedule only by decision of the leadership, in whose department the soldier is serving. This happens very rarely, because the dominant person performs such actions only at his discretion.

If an officer or soldier participated in special operations, proved to be in an emergency, his subordinates showed excellent results in training and combat training, then as an incentive the acting commander can assign him an extraordinary military rank.

Special operation of military personnel

Loss of rank

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have a system of encouraging and punishing their subordinates. A soldier can not only be deprived of the next rank, but also demoted in the existing one.

This occurs in grave and especially grave misconduct on the part of the military, of which only the court can blame him. After the conviction, the military may be demoted and deprived of existing social benefits and privileges.

After the conviction is extinguished, the rank and position can be restored by submitting a corresponding application to the military enlistment office. However, there is no guarantee that the Armed Forces will accept the former soldier back to the same position and in the same rank.

If an officer or soldier was unjustly convicted, then after rehabilitation he will be automatically reinstated in his position and rank.

A military rank is an integral attribute of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the history of which can be traced back to the beginning of the 16th century. The assignment of a military rank can be either regular (after a certain period of service), or extraordinary (for special services to the Fatherland and the quality of service).

In the process of serving, the military must abide by strict subordination, for the violation of which liability may follow, even criminal, depending on the severity of the offense. After the conviction, a soldier can be demoted and dismissed, which is not easy to restore. Responsible attitude to military duties is the key to a healthy army.


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