Jeweler alloy: composition, characteristics, care, photo

Most women do not allow themselves to go out without accessories. Some prefer jewelry, while others prefer jewelry. The most common material among jewelry manufacturers is a bijouterie alloy. It is from it that beads, rings, earrings, toggles, earrings, etc. are made. In the article, we will try to figure out what this material is and how to properly care for it.

What is included

Since not all women and girls can afford to wear items made of gold, silver or platinum, jewelers use bijouterie alloy to make more affordable jewelry. What it is? The photos presented in the article demonstrate the diverse beauty made of this material. It can be beads, earrings, clips, rings, bracelets, hair ornaments (hairpins, headbands, crabs), brooches, etc.

Alloy jewelry

In the manufacture of the alloy, tin is most often taken as the basis. In its natural form, it is not suitable for the production of forged products, as it is refractory and brittle. Therefore, since ancient times, other metals were added to tin. What else can be included in the alloy? This is aluminum, and copper, and antimony, and any other metal that has hypoallergenic qualities and does not irritate human skin. When copper is added, the alloy acquires plasticity, and antimony maintains a bright and sparkling appearance of the product for a long time.

Sometimes manufacturers in order to reduce the cost of jewelry take zinc as a basis. However, the appearance will be very different from tin.

Forbidden additives

It is noteworthy that already in the 19th century a bijouterie alloy was widely used, the composition of which until the end of the century also included lead. But when scientists found that it remains on the skin, this supplement was strictly banned. To date, the absence of lead in such alloys is prescribed at the legislative level.

Another forbidden metal, which in no case should be in a good jewelry alloy, is nickel. The reason for this is the negative effect of the metal on the skin, as a result of which an allergic reaction can occur.

What does the appearance say?

Jewelry masters can simply figure out by eye what a bijouterie alloy consists of. If the color of the item is slightly dull and dull, then tin plays as part of the “main violin”. Such decoration will be light but brittle. If there is a reddish tint, then the alloy has copper. In this case, the color will change slightly, as the old look was originally conceived. Yellow-green (sometimes yellow-gray) overflow indicates the presence of brass in the composition.

Alloy earrings

Some jewelry alloys contain steel, and jewelry made of it has a corresponding gray, metallic shade or made of silver based on chrome. If the alloy product is too dark, this indicates the addition of nickel, which causes allergies in sensitive natures. Less common are alloys made of titanium, which give the costume jewelry durability and durability, but are many times more expensive.

Variety of products

In addition to women's jewelry, figurines, figurines for home decor, cups for presenting to teams at competitions, and also exquisite dishes, including handmade ones, are made of bijouterie alloy. Even the Oscar figurines, as it turned out, are made of a similar alloy, topped with gilding.

Coating Options

Often, finished products are coated with various compositions, since the bijouterie alloy contains metals that lead to darkening. For example, for a bright expensive shade, gilding or silvering is chosen, and for an interesting antique color they are covered with copper or bronze. Brass and chrome plating are often observed not on jewelry, but on furniture accessories. And such an option as gold leaf is used by masters as a cover for church domes, decorative frames for icons, crosses, etc.

Alloy Jewelry


All products for the manufacture of which a bijouterie alloy is used have a number of positive characteristics. If we talk about jewelry, then everyone knows the fact that jewelry is much cheaper in price than products made of precious metals and stones. It is characterized by wide availability, as it is sold in many stores and supermarkets. Safety for health is equally important: the alloy does not contain all the elements that irritate the skin, so you can wear products for almost everyone.


In addition to positive qualities, bijouterie alloy also has negative ones. So, it does not withstand constant bends and can break. Also, any product made of such an alloy does not have long wear resistance and, getting into an aggressive environment, quickly changes its appearance and becomes unusable. For example, women often swim in the sea without removing rings and earrings. But salty sea water instantly begins the process of destruction. If they are made of jewelry alloy, they can at best just change color. Any acid and alcoholic drinks are even worse. Along with the previous destroyers, you can put food vinegar, any detergents, and even some medicines. In no case should it be allowed to get on the alloy of manganese, because it is very difficult to wash.

Plated Alloy Jewelry

Care Rules

When buying jewelry in stores, fashionistas often ask: is the bijouterie alloy getting dark or not? The answer is simple: it gets dark under the influence of the external environment. Even with daily skin contact, a reaction may occur and the alloy will fade. Here, the exception is only products with a stable galvanic coating.

How to care for bijouterie hardware? Do not allow contact with water, soap and shampoos, various chemicals, you must avoid temperature extremes, protect from hairspray, perfumes, deodorants due to the content of acidic substances in them.

Care of jewelry made of bijouterie alloy

How to clean from falling debris and dirt? Cotton, flannel or special fabric napkins are used. To prevent deformation, you need to remove jewelry during sports (running, swimming, fitness), as well as when performing repairs, especially when working with paints and varnishes.

It is necessary to store products separately from each other in order to avoid chemical reaction between them.


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