How to draw up a characteristic for an employee? Sample characteristics per employee

Many people, sometimes even not expecting a trick, are faced with the need to draw up a character on the "neighbor". Naturally, this applies to those people who carry out personnel work. Often they already have a sample characterization per employee. However, other citizens may receive a similar task. After all, this document is often used for pleasant and not quite occasions. Let's look at the most common documents to have a general idea of ​​the nature of the work ahead.

What data is required

sample characteristics per employee
In order not to make mistakes, it is advisable to have a sample characteristics for the employee. The fact is that various organizations are developing their own scheme for submitting material. Even the shape (font, margins, and so on) can vary. If the question is about the request of state bodies, then a sample of a characteristic for an employee can be found (and it is absolutely necessary to do this) in the relevant normative act. It is not recommended that when preparing a document of this kind engage in amateur activity if you do not want to redo it many times. And in general cases, it is necessary to adhere to such recommendations. You will definitely need the personal data of the employee. Both personal data and the name (official) position, the period (exact dates) of his work are included in them. If he is working at the time of compiling the document, then instead of the date of dismissal, it is indicated “to the present.”

The purpose of the document is crucial.

Now let's move on to why, in fact, a characterization was needed. This is a subtle question. After all, you will not begin to write the same thing to describe the one who is nominated for the award, and the one they want to punish? And there are other options: for public work, for participating as a candidate in elections, for the court, and so on.

employee reward specification

The meaning of the document should correspond to the purpose of its preparation. For example, a characterization for rewarding an employee (a sample is usually given in the service that deals with this work) should describe his achievements and achievements. Please note, we repeat that if it is a matter of state promotion, then it is necessary to look for an appropriate by-law. There, in additions, a developed and approved sample of a characteristic is necessarily present. For an employee who has achieved certain achievements, a document is compiled that strictly matches this form. If you are asked to make a characterization for a public organization, then you can dream up a little. Only the answer to the question: "What to reward?" should be clear, detailed and specific.

How to approach the essence of the characteristic

Young people (and even older people) are often confused, not understanding which side to approach to work on compiling this document. It’s just that there is not enough experience, so it’s difficult to write a description for an employee. The sample greatly facilitates the task. But if you take this from nowhere, then you can handle it yourself. You just need to answer questions, literally making your thoughts into a complete text. And these "beacons" in almost all cases are the same. After specifying the required data, it is necessary to proceed with the presentation of clarifying information. It includes the qualifications of the employee, his attitude to the performance of duties. It makes sense to indicate which path he traveled to the enterprise. Does it strive for self-education, career growth, and so on. This is important if a job description is compiled for an employee. Large enterprises with serious personnel divisions most often develop a sample on their own (based on well-known experience in the industry) and approve it by order of the head, coordinate with the union.

job description per employee sample

Necessary Nuances

For a more detailed familiarization with the topic, you should know that the characteristics are of three types. These include internal and external reviews. The first of these documents is used within the walls of the institution, the second is published for provision to other organizations. There is also an external characteristic. Documents differ in content. What can be included in the internal review is not suitable for the external. For example, a characteristic for a police officer whose sample is approved by internal order contains only publicly available data. This is the period of work, promotion, attitude to work, recruitment and promotion, and so on.

characteristic for a police officer sample

But there is also an internal characteristic, which includes information about who this specialist maintains relations with (regarding their possible criminal content), moral qualities and character traits.

How not to make semantic mistakes

First of all, it is necessary to decide on the purpose of compiling the document. If, for example, it is provided at a university, then the person’s business qualities are described, focusing on an active position (if any). When you need to submit a document to the court or law enforcement agencies, you need to focus on its moral qualities, discipline, a positive (negative) attitude to work, participation in public life (or ignoring it). The compiler of the document must understand that the fate of the comrade sometimes depends on his work.


write a testimonial per employee sample

It makes no sense to write unnecessary details, especially if they can inadvertently harm. It is better to make the text concise and informative. It should also be remembered that the factual material used must be supported by relevant documents. For example, we take a sample of a characteristic for an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If it is said that there is a lack of proper discipline for a particular employee, it is necessary to indicate the number and date of the document in accordance with which a disciplinary sanction is imposed on him. The same goes for promotion. It is advisable to avoid subjective evaluations when preparing an official document.

An example of an internal characteristic

Nevertheless, it is more understandable to people when a sample is in front of their eyes. No matter how you read the rules for compiling a document, an example is more obvious. Here is a piece of internal characterization to rely on. “Mitrofanov I.I., has been working at the enterprise since 12/12/12 as a manager. He proved himself to be a high-class specialist, constantly caring for improving his professional level. In 2013, on his own initiative, attended courses (specify). Performs official duties at a sufficient level, changes advanced working methods. To strive to direct his creative potential towards the development of production, a quick and objective solution of tasks. With comrades maintains an even, benevolent relationship.

He is trying to help less experienced colleagues. He does not refuse urgent tasks, does not count with time, if necessary for the development of the enterprise. Mitrofanov I.I. is recommended for appointment to the position of senior manager. "

sample characteristics per employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Bureaucratic nuances

There is another important aspect that should not be forgotten when compiling the characteristics. This is an official document. It must be printed on the letterhead of the company, indicate the date of publication, certified by the signature of the head, the level of which is determined by regulatory acts. In small firms, this is usually the director. At large enterprises, a document can be certified by a deputy or the head of the personnel department. But this must be a person whose signature is “stamped”. In various organizations, the list of these persons is determined by their own rules. In addition, it is necessary to familiarize the employee with the text of the document. This is a prerequisite. The employee may have questions or objections. Therefore, he is often asked to sign a copy of a document. This is done in order to eliminate the possibility of disagreement.


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