Domestic water pumping station

Using pumping equipment to provide home or garden water is common practice. With the help of a small unit, you can organize a convenient irrigation system, cover small household water needs, etc.

However, for a full-fledged maintenance of a homeownership with the supply of a liquid resource to 5-6 consuming nodes of a conventional pump, it may not be enough. Indeed, in addition to high power with maintaining optimal pressure, an appropriate control system of the unit will be required. How to be It is for such tasks that manufacturers offer domestic pumping stations that allow you to organize automated water supply with constant pressure.

domestic pumping station

Pump station design

Stations for pumping water are characterized by a complex device, which is formed by several functional components. Among them are the following:

  • Directly the pump, which provides the process of pumping fluid from the intake.
  • Tank designed for temporary water content. It is also called a hydraulic accumulator.
  • A control relay that allows the household pump station to control the pressure.
  • Pressure gauge.
  • Automatic protection and control systems.
  • Electrical wiring with plugs, plugs, connectors and grounding terminals.

Manufacturers produce stations both in assembled form and in separate parts. That is, the user can select each component specifically for his needs in a particular function. As experts and experienced summer residents note, the prefabricated domestic pumping station is still more reliable and efficient in operation. After all, every detail is selected by engineers as part of established technological calculations. Obviously, it will not be so easy to perform a professional calculation, for example, of matching the parameters of the same hydraulic accumulator of pump power to an ordinary user.

As for the external design, it is the case. Among the fundamental differences of the station from conventional pumps, the use of metal as the basis of the entire structure is just distinguished. Only low-power pumps allow the use of plastics. But in the case of stations, this decision is excluded. Most often, the design is based on cast iron alloys and stainless steel. And only individual components can be made of high-strength plastic.

The principle of operation of the unit

domestic water pumping station

Power maintenance of sufficient performance is provided by the electric motor of the station, for the supply of which electrical fittings are provided. On the other hand, plumbing communications are organized with the introduction of pipes into the water intake area. As a rule, domestic stations pump the resource from wells or wells located on the homeownership site.

After starting the engine, the pump starts the process of absorbing water into the accumulator. In the temporary liquid storage tank there is a pear-shaped elastic membrane, as it fills, air is compressed in the cavity of the accumulator. When a certain level of filling is reached, the unit automatically shuts down.

Further, the consumer will receive water from the tank, as a result of which the membrane will again take its original shape - this will give a signal for repeating water intake. Depending on the volume of the tank and power qualities, domestic water pumping stations can carry out from 1 to 20 operating cycles in 1 hour. What is important, all resource submission sessions take place offline without the participation of the owner. Based on pressure indicators, automation controls the plant's cycles, providing water needs as needed and turning off the equipment when there is no need for water supply.

Characteristics of pumping stations

Without looking up to the description of the function of the accumulator, we can first of all point to its volume, which is on average 15-25 liters, if we talk about household models. This value is important, as a kind of buffer, which is emptied and filled as water is consumed and pumped. It is very important that in the process of water consumption the pump has time to fill the tank, otherwise the equipment will begin to work in the “dry run” mode, and this is unsafe for the equipment.

The next significant characteristic is the suction depth, which determines the level of the intake point with which the unit can, in principle, work. For example, domestic pumping stations for summer cottages, working with a vertical lift, allow water intake at a depth of 7-9 m. But it should be borne in mind that the nominal indicator of the lifting height can decrease as the pump moves away horizontally. Consider an example. If the suction depth is 8 m, and the station is 10 m away from the well itself, then the height of the fence will be reduced by about 1 m.

domestic water supply pumping stations

The pace of the equipment determines the performance of the engine. The accumulator filling speed and the range of water delivery from the point of intake to the point of consumption depend on the same characteristic. The power potential of domestic water pumping stations for 500 W, for example, provides a capacity of 50 l / min, and 1100 W - about 70 l / min. In this case, it is worth considering all the nuances. In turn, the capacity of 50 l / min allows you to deliver water to the place of consumption, 20-22 m away from the well or well. Accordingly, the distance increases as the indicator grows. Although other operating factors also influence this value: from the depth of the sampling point to the ambient temperature and the supply to the place of water flow.

Types of domestic pumping stations

As already mentioned, the equipment can be prefabricated or assembled from separate functional parts at the request of the buyer. The second option can be advantageous in that there are great opportunities for interfacing diverse pumps with automation and a hydraulic tank. In particular, this configuration makes it possible to use in the design not only standard surface units for suction and pumping, but also to assemble submersible water pumping stations.

Types of household models of this type differ in performance, but all of them allow the possibility of lowering into a well or well. That is, if the classic unit is located on the surface, and only its communications are lowered into the water, then the submersible equipment is located directly at the water intake point.

Also, stations for home use can have an ejector in their design. It is received by the so-called jet units, which are distinguished by the ability to absorb water at great depths. For example, 5-6 m can be called the average height of the fence with which ordinary household water pumping stations work. Types of inkjet models with ejectors, in turn, raise water by 8–9 m. At the same time, an increase in operating parameters causes other types of disadvantages. The presence of an ejector makes the pump operation more noisy, increases the risk of formation of air jams and complicates repair operations.

domestic water pumping stations

Installation of a household pumping station

For permanent operation, it is advisable to place the equipment in a special room: a technical utility room or utility unit. The installation site must be insulated and protected from rain.

As another placement method, installation in the ground can also be recommended. A depression is created in the form of a pit repeating the shape of the station. The upper part is closed with a hinged metal or wooden lid. Regardless of the method of placement, it is advisable to initially provide the suction hose with a check valve that will prevent water from draining into the intake site. Next, the domestic pumping station must be connected to the pumping line. The suction hose is fixed to the equipment with a threaded nipple so that the line is laid with a rise towards the station. The water supply circuit should not be installed above the pump, as this configuration will make it difficult to naturally remove air bubbles.

The discharge and suction lines are mounted with minimal risk of mechanical impact of communications on the equipment. The discharge circuit is connected to the pump by means of an internal thread or by means of a complete coupling. But it is important to consider that if the discharge hose has a smaller diameter compared to the pump nozzle, then the water flow rate will decrease.

Next, you can proceed to the installation of wiring. The main rule in this part of the work is maximum safety support due to the integration of protective systems, grounding devices and grounding. Direct connection of a household pumping station to the network is carried out via an RCD. It will also not be superfluous to add to the infrastructure the engine overload control systems and protective mechanisms that protect the unit when operating in the “dry run” mode.

Configure equipment for the workflow

After completion of installation operations, the equipment is configured to work in specific conditions. But before that, it is necessary to fill the unit body with water using the jellied screw channel. At this point, it is also recommended to fill with liquid and the suction line. Now you can move on to the question of how to adjust the domestic pumping station? First of all, all stop valves are opened, among which nozzles, valves, spray units, etc. This is required to release air from the water circuit. Then you can connect the power wire.

household pumping station

Using the switch, it is necessary to start the engine in suction mode and leave it in this state for 5 minutes. It may take more time, but the main thing is that the pump during this interval reaches the maximum rise in suction.

If there are pressure regulators, they should be adjusted for optimal performance of the equipment. There are cases when a domestic water supply pumping station operates with reduced productivity, but with an optimal load on the power filling. This balance must be observed in favor of maintaining the reliability of the electric motor.

Also configured automation with programmable modes of operation of the unit. How to do it? This setting can be done either through a complete relay or through separate control panels that can control the operation of other equipment.

Maintenance of pumping stations

As a rule, pumping stations do not need regular updates of consumables. A routine inspection usually aims to identify problems, depressurization and physical damage to communications. Unless cartridges in additional filtration systems may require regular replacement. The main maintenance measures relate to cleaning equipment.

If any signs of clogging are detected, disconnect the suction hose and connect the discharge circuit to the supply line. Next, the water supply opens, which will clean the communication infrastructure of the pump. For greater effect, turn on the device should be with sharp breaks every 2 seconds.

Special attention is paid to the pressure tank, which includes a water jacket and an air compartment. The user is required to ensure that the pressure in this tank does not exceed the standard value: an average of 1.5 bar.

Problems with power cables are also common when operating domestic pumping stations. Spare parts in the form of electrical devices and wiring should be selected strictly according to the nominal characteristics of the equipment and better from the assortment of the equipment manufacturer. The internal filling stations for water supply usually does not have elements that are serviced at home.

Faults and equipment repair

One of the most common problems with this technique is the lack of reaction from the engine when it is turned on. The reason for this may be a malfunction in the mains, a lack of power, or a rotor lock. Also, malfunctions of a household pumping station associated with electric motors are eliminated by comprehensive disassembly of the structure.

If the power unit works, but pumping is not carried out, then there may be places of depressurization on the suction line, the absence of a valve in the aquatic environment or the filter is blocked. In such situations, it will be useful to reconsider the layout of the location and the overall condition of the communication lines, check the filling of the pump chamber with water, perform cleaning and make sure that the equipment works with the fence height corresponding to its potential.

malfunctioning domestic pumping station

It happens that pumping stations, and with the correct calculation of the lifting height, do not produce their basic level of productivity. Such malfunctions occur in cases of clogged filters, a rapid drop in the water column or in the presence of foreign objects in the chamber of a household pumping station.

Repair can consist of replacing a worn part, which could as a result become an extraneous object that blocked the water supply line. Often the placement of the suction hose at a deeper level also helps. If problems were discovered with the thermostat, as a result of which the equipment began to work incorrectly, then the quality of the power supply of the device is checked first, then the device is tested and, if necessary, calibrated.

Manufacturers and prices

The market for engineering equipment is also saturated with stations for organizing water supply. The highest segment is represented by the products of Grundfos, Elitek, Metabo, Karcher, etc. Such companies offer models equipped with modern automation, reliable and durable housings, powerful engines and ergonomic controls. But such stations are not cheap, even despite belonging to the household class. In particular, we can talk about the average price of 10-15 thousand rubles. And this applies only to equipment without an optional addition and, as a rule, with limited equipment.

The middle and budget classes are represented by the Patriot, Sturm, Aiken companies and a whole line of domestic manufacturers, including Zubr, Dzhileks and Vortex. In this segment, a domestic water supply pumping station is offered for an undemanding average user who plans to serve 2-3 consumption points. Such equipment does not differ in high power and manufacturability, but at the price it suits many: for 5-7 thousand it is quite possible to find a high-quality unit of this type from a Russian manufacturer.

how to adjust a domestic pumping station


The concept itself and the technical and operational characteristics of pumping stations do not allow us to consider them strictly as household equipment. Even low performance models are an order of magnitude superior to conventional pumps in terms of pumping capabilities. That is, stations can be considered at least semi-professional equipment designed for water supply.

Accordingly, the question may arise, how much for an ordinary summer resident or the owner of a country house will it be justified to buy just such equipment, and not an ordinary household pump? Pumping stations will undoubtedly cope with the tasks, but this will require the organization of a complex communication network, as well as additional costs.

Is it possible to achieve a full water supply by traditional means, using, for example, a borehole or standard submersible pump? Theoretically, this is possible, but only with the use of high-power models. You will also have to put up with minimal capabilities in terms of managing and controlling the system. Indeed, the same automation not only makes the process of regulating water supply more convenient, but also insures equipment with an engineering network from electrical overloads and sudden pressure drops.


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