DIY hanging gates: drawings, design of hanging gates

Suspended sliding gates are a high-quality, reliable design, characterized by low cost and the ability to use for ordinary residential buildings, garages and industrial facilities. They can be done independently, preliminarily armed with the necessary materials and carefully studying the relevant information. Subject to all the rules, you can create a system that will work flawlessly in all weather conditions. And the addition of an automatic mechanism will make the operation of the gate a real pleasure.

Suspended gates consist of several basic elements, such as:

  • guiding parts;
  • support rollers;
  • base.

overhead gates


To make a suspended gate, a drawing must be made before the start of work, while the dimensions of all parts must be taken into account and a suitable location must be selected, which will prevent difficulties in the passage of vehicles and the passage of people. Calculations are also carried out to identify the total cost of the structure.

Hanging gates will last much longer when using parts of high quality. This can be determined by the presence of all the details of the manufacturer and durable packaging. The products of little-known companies may have a low cost, but you should not pay attention to it if there is a damaged poor-quality packaging, and there are no accompanying documents for the goods. Because of such components, the gates may jam or simply not open at the most inopportune moment.

do-it-yourself hanging gates

Do-it-yourself hanging gates: drawings and construction process

The first stage of work is the filling of the base, on which the supporting supports are subsequently installed using fasteners or special supports. The foundation pit for pouring should have a sufficient depth exceeding the level of soil freezing. The concrete mass after the completion of the arrangement of the foundation solidifies within 2-3 weeks.

Special guides are placed to move the outboard drive. It is also worth noting the existence of drawings in which there is no lower guide element, while there are additional differences in the form of a system of support rollers and location.

The next step is to purchase components suitable for the selected type of system - these are grips, plugs, guiding structures and rollers. The latter mainly have a special coating that protects from adverse atmospheric phenomena. They are made of plastic and metal, the strength level of plastic elements is similar to steel, while they produce much less noise when using the gate.

hanging gate drawing

Frame creation

The frame is made by welding steel pipes. This process requires extreme care to prevent distortions, and you must systematically use a plumb line to check the evenness of the elements. The flaps are then fixed to the resulting frame with rivets or screws. The material may be a grate, plastic or metal sheets, wood, the choice depends on the required strength and preferences of the owners. Do-it-yourself hanging gates, can be decorated with the material used on the walls, so they will not attract attention in the closed position and will become almost invisible. Artificial stone finishes are also popular. Of particular importance is the density of fastening of the plugs located on the sides of the guide structure, since when moving the sash can knock them out.

Security measures

As methods to prevent unauthorized entry into the territory, the most commonly used is the installation of barbed wire in the upper part of the structure, while it should not impede the rapid movement of the shutters, and summing up the electric shock system. Any drawing of the gate must provide for the availability of sufficient free space to move the leaves, this will ensure the correct operation and a long period of operation of the entire system. On average, the distance should be a value that is two times the input opening.

do-it-yourself hanging gates

Automatic gear

The arrangement of automation requires power supply, while the supplied power cable must have high-quality protection from negative influences. Suspended gates open in this case after pressing a special button located on the territory or dialing a code from the street. It is also possible to create a remote control that resembles an electronic key for cars. Do not forget about the remote control lighting to control the system and the space near the gate.

overhead gate design


This type of construction is characterized by easy movement and the absence of the need for additional free space on both sides of the gate, since only the sides of the wings are used, having a parallel arrangement with respect to the fence. Systems with a top suspension have gained widespread popularity due to the possibility of opening the wings using an electric drive. This innovation significantly simplifies life by the fact that you do not need to push the swing gates yourself, since in this case you just need to press a button, which is especially important after a hard working day.

Previously, the lack of building materials and related elements significantly complicated the task of self-manufacturing gates with a top suspension. But today, the search for the necessary parts does not cause any particular difficulties, while, due to the high competition of manufacturers, materials have become available for any category of population. The design of overhead gates for self-production will cost much less compared to the total amount that will be set by the construction company after completion of work. Accurate use will ensure long-term trouble-free operation of the gate for a period of at least 15 years. Support rollers work softly and quietly even in the absence of special care and the use of lubricants.


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