Male and female ancient Greek names. The meaning and origin of ancient Greek names

The ancient world did not know the holy calendar, and the people of that time did not know anything about guardian angels and intercessors. But this does not mean at all that they did not believe in heavenly patrons. Newborn boys and girls were entrusted to the cares of the gods living on Olympus. On the other hand, like our Slavic pagan ancestors, the ancient Greeks endowed their children with nicknames that reflected real or desired qualities. For example, Aoid is “singing,” or Aniketos, which means “invincible.”

As in many cultures of antiquity, ancient Greek names glorify the forces of nature or compare a person with a flower, plant, animal. Examples include: Astreia (Star), Iolanthe (purple flower), Leonid (son of Leo). Some names smoothly “migrated” in our time, took root in the modern Greek culture and among us, those Slavs who fell under the influence of Christianity of the Eastern rite.

It should be said that the ancient Romans lent their Pantheon from the Greeks, giving their gods their names. Therefore, in Western Europe and in the Slavic lands where the Catholic religion is widespread, there are ancient Greek names derived from the same pagan gods, only with a Latin name. For example, Marsilius (god of war), Diana (goddess of the moon and hunting).

Ancient greek names

Old-new names

Do you like the culture of ancient Greece, but would not like to break ties with Christianity? Then we can advise you on the names that have become Orthodox priests. And then your child can be called sonorous and beautiful. His name will be rooted in the distant past. He can celebrate birthdays and will be protected by a heavenly patron.

And this is not surprising. After all, the first apostles, among whom were the Greeks, bore the ancient Greek male names. Recall, at least Filippos. The beautiful name of this apostle means "lover of horses." The girl named Elena will grow up, perhaps, as beautiful as the ancient Greek wife of Tsar Menelaus, abducted by Paris. What does Ἑλένη (Helene) mean? "Lightbringer", "torch". The male counterpart of this ancient Greek name is Gelen. In addition to Elena, Philip, and Leonid, already mentioned, dozens more names passed from the ancient world to the modern one: Vasily, Dmitry, Hippolytus, Zenon, Ayrena (later turned into Irina) and others.

Ancient Greek female names

To fans of the Olympic cult

And why, in fact, not to name the child a beautiful and original name, giving him as patrons not some holy saints and apostolic, but one of the gods? Moreover, there are so many of them in the Greek Pantheon. Now in the cultural elite of the world, fashion has begun for ancient Greek women's names, as well as for men. Let’s recall Eros Ramazotti or Penelope Cruz. The famous singer has the name of the god of love, the companion of Aphrodite.

The girlfriend of the young wizard Harry Potter from the book of J. Rowling also has an old name. This girl is clearly patronized by Hermes - the son of Zeus and Maya, the patron of artisans, merchants, thieves and wanderers. Hermione is also mentioned in Homer's poem "The Illiad": this is the daughter of the beautiful Elena and Menelaus.

There are still many names whose carriers are “dedicated” to any Olympic god: Apollo (“art”, “sun”), Nick (“victory”), Irida (“rainbow”). However, be careful. The names of the ancient Greek gods are beautiful, but the inhabitants of Olympus themselves were never famous for their soft and flexible disposition. In this they differ from the Christian god of love. Together with the positive qualities of his patron, the child can inherit its negative traits: revenge, treachery, jealousy.

Ancient greek male names

Ancient Greek culture lovers

Anyone who is in love with the tragedy of Aeschylus and Euripides, in the comedy of Aristophanes, who is read by Homer, will easily find beautiful and sonorous names in these works. Of these, you can choose those that will not break the language of the Russian-speaking environment. For example, Aeneas is "vaunted," "approved." A good name is Phoenix, which means "purple" - a color that was allowed to be worn only by aristocrats. The boy Odysseus will inherit from his famous namesake, sung by Homer, courage, ingenuity and a passion for travel.

In the myths and works of that civilization, one can find very beautiful ancient Greek names of women. For example, Electra - which means "bright", "shining." Or the muse of astronomy Urania - her name means "heavenly". You can call the girl just Muse or devote her to one of them, for example, Talia or Kalliope. In the myths of Ancient Greece there are many beautiful nymphs, whose beauty carried away even the gods: Maya, Adrastea, Daphne, etc.

The names of the ancient Greek gods

Love saves the world

Ancient Greek names that begin or end with the “filo” fragment fit very well on the tongue and caress the ear. This prefix means "Love." It can be applied not only to the fascination with horses, as in Philip, but also to singing - Philomena. The Greeks really appreciated such a quality - to be able to love. They also wanted everyone around them to appreciate their son or daughter. Therefore, the names of Philo, Theophilus, Philemon ("gentle") and others like them were spread the same way as with the prefix "glory" and "peace."

The Greeks were a very pious people. In the Hellenistic period, names appeared that signified the protection of God, without specifying which one. Timothy is a "worshiper of God." Theodora - "His Gift." There are names pointing to the king of the gods - Zeus. Zinovia is life from Jupiter the Thunderer, and Zeofania is its manifestation on earth. Zeno means "initiate," "belonging to Zeus."

Ancient Greek Boys Names


These ancient Greek names are the most numerous. After conducting their scientific analysis, you can understand what qualities were valued in this civilization. After all, parents called the name Atreus (“fearless”) or Aella (“fast as a whirlwind”) a baby who has not yet stood on its feet. One thing is clear: as in all cultures of the ancient world, the ancient Greeks wished their sons to grow up brave (Adrastos), strong (Menander), strong (Menelaus), defenders of the weak (Alexei, Alexander), brave (Alkina).

Oddly enough, the Greeks in women appreciated not so much beauty as the quality of the housewife who guards the hearth. Therefore, the parents called the newborn a defender (Alex), a spider (Klaso), a sedative (Amalzeya), a good (Agatha) and simply a housewife (Despoin). Maternity, the ability to give birth to children (Metrofanes) were also valued.

Warrior State

The ancient Greek names of the boys indicate that parents would wish them to become owners of large livestock. Archippos means “having horses”, and Archilaos means “slave owner”. A rich harvest of life promised Atamus and Eustachis.

Men's names give reason to believe that the Greeks often fought, and all the young men should take part in the campaigns. Wanting to protect the offspring from death, their mothers called them Amon ("hidden from danger"), Andreas ("good warrior"), Ambrozayos ("immortal") and Azarias ("having help from God"). At the same time, the boy could also be named after Apollonios, which means "destroyer."

Ancient Greek names and their meanings

Ancient Greek male names symbolizing the forces of nature

This is the most ancient group, leading the origin from the totemic society. Men were hunters, and therefore they needed accuracy, dexterity and strength in the fight against the beast. To provide their sons with these qualities necessary for life, parents called them Zopiros ("burning", "aspiring"), Gregorios ("cautious"), Achilleus ("hurting"), Andronikos ("winner of the people") and Gerazimos (" survived to old age "). And so that his son safely returned home safe and sound, he was called by the name Nestor.

Ancient people spiritualized the forces of nature. Aeolus was patronized by winds, Anatolayos - east and dawn, Alkmenu - the moon, Kyros - the sun, and Castor - the beaver. There are many names in which the word "lion" is present: Panteleon, Leonidas and so on. Another totemic symbol was the horse: so Hippocrates means "horse power." Parents gave their sons under the protection of the mountains (Origen), the ocean (Okinos) and even the night (Orpheus).


The society of ancient Greece was deeply sexist. The leadership of a man has not been questioned. Women were deprived of all political and civil rights and, having married, passed from the father’s house to the spouse’s house as the property of the latter. The whole life of the so-called "decent woman" took place in the gynec - the female half of the house. Only getters appeared freely on the city streets.

Naturally, mothers wished their daughters happiness. So, as they understood it: to marry an accommodating spouse, give birth to more children and not die from childbirth. Therefore, the ancient Greek names for girls fully reflected the aspirations of their mothers. Amarantos means “not disappearing”, Altea - “quick healing”, Ageyp and Agapayos - “impossible to stop loving.” And Zozima is simply a "survivor." Arcadia wished to live among peaceful bucolic. Glyceria is the "sweetest" (of course, implied, joy for her husband). And Aspasia meant "welcoming."

Ancient Greek names of women

Ancient Greek female names symbolizing elements, flowers and animals

At the same time, parents dedicated the forces of nature and their newborn daughters. Arethusu - the water element, Anemone - the wind in general, and Zephyrus - the West trade wind, Iris - the rainbow. The animals, in whose honor the girls were named, are very graceful and beautiful. For example, Holkion is a small bird kingfisher, Dorsia is a gazelle, and Dapna is a laurel. There are a lot of names that mean flowers (Anzeya, Antus): violet (Iolanta), gold (Chryseida), dark (Melanta). But, naturally, among women the quality was always appreciated as beauty. The name Aglaya corresponds to her.

Choose wisely

If you want to call your child an antique name, you need to think carefully and analyze the ancient Greek names and their meanings. After all, it may turn out that behind the beautiful name Apollonia lies the unseemly meaning of “destroying”. But the word "good" in the language of the ancient Hellenes does not sound quite pleasant - Akakayos. You also need to remember that now Glavk is not a name at all, but a position. The names of the ancient Greeks were sometimes very intricate - Agazangelos, for example. So don't break your tongue.


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