Black Russian Terrier: characteristics, photos and reviews of dog breeders

Do you know what a black Russian terrier is? If you have never heard of such a dog, we suggest that you learn more about this breed in more detail. In our article we will describe the appearance of the representatives, the nature, and also give advice on the content and care. So, who is this black Russian terrier?

Characteristics and appearance of the breed

black russian terrier

The black terrier is a large dog with an athletic, muscular physique. The backbone is strong, the back and chest are wide. The breed is characterized by powerful jaws, a long head and a pronounced transition from the muzzle to the forehead. The tail of these dogs is quite short, high set. As a rule, it is stopped, leaving a few vertebrae (three to five). The height at the withers of the adult representative of the breed is about seventy centimeters for males. Bitches are slightly lower (66 cm on average).

The nature of the breed

Despite the impressive dimensions, this dog is calm and not annoying. The black Russian terrier will not constantly spin underfoot. The dog’s character is strict, but he communicates well with the children and takes care of it. A black terrier can afford a child almost everything.

black russian terrier characteristic

With other representatives of the fauna gets along quite peacefully. But in the process of growing up, he can begin to dictate his own rules.

It should be noted devotion to the black terrier. The best thing for him is the company of the owner. He will prefer the most fun games with his fellow tribesmen. The Black Russian Terrier is always on the alert, regardless of whether he is at home or on a walk. He knows that his main task is to protect the owner, his housing and the "flock." Of course, for no reason the dog will not rush at the passerby, but if an extreme situation arises, he will do everything possible to protect the owner.

Be sure that you can even rely on a young representative of the breed. If the owner is in danger, then the Russian terrier will not spare his life. "Chernysh" can knock down a person without much effort. The strength of the jaw of this dog is such that it can easily bite the cuttings of the shovels, so for the attacker it will end badly.

black russian terrier grooming

The black terrier is not very whimsical, hardy. She will be happy to accompany her owner on long walks. “Black” swims perfectly, hunts very well, and also brings aport from the water with great pleasure.

The character of this dog can be described briefly: evil, but for no reason not aggressive; independent but not stubborn like a donkey; friend, but not a slave. Therefore, this dog needs to be fair.

Care and maintenance of such dogs

Black Russian Terrier is a universal dog. Such dogs are suitable for keeping both in apartment conditions and in country houses. You should not just put this dog on a chain, for her it is a real insult.

black russian terrier training

Representatives of the breed do not cause any particular trouble in the apartment. Due to the fact that black terriers do not fade, their owners are spared the wool on carpets and clothes. Another indisputable advantage is that the coat of this dog has no smell, even after rain or bathing. Here he is - a black Russian terrier.

Caring for his coat is not particularly difficult. It is only necessary to comb it with the help of a cutter, a trimming or a single-row comb. On average, the procedure should be carried out three to four times a month. Although especially loving owners comb out their pets daily. Thanks to this thorough care, the coat becomes more resilient and grows faster. It is also necessary to check whether the dog has tangles. If found, be sure to remove it using a slitter cutter.


You need to bathe the dog as it gets dirty. After walking on the street, you need to wash your feet, tummy and other contaminated parts of the body. For bathing, use special shampoos. See that during this hygienic procedure no compounds get into the dog’s eyes and nose, cover them with your palms. After bathing, wipe your pet with a towel, and after about twenty minutes you can already dry it with a hairdryer.

Additional hygiene procedures

Ears need to be checked weekly. If they get dirty, then with a cotton swab gently clean them. Teeth also need care. It is advisable to teach the dog to brush your teeth since childhood. For this procedure, you need to use a special dog paste and brush (you can use a regular one).

Education and training of the black Russian terrier

It is necessary from the first days of life to train this dog. The training process should be everyday in order to properly shape the puppy's behavior in society.

From childhood, you need to show the dog who is the boss in the house. Therefore, do not be afraid to infringe on his freedom. Remember that any dog ​​is hierarchical.

Bans should be. For example, do not let the dog sleep on the bed, or pick up slippers, or something else. But there should not be many prohibitions. From early childhood, the puppy must remember a few dozen of what is "impossible."

Russian black terrier breed description

When raising a pet, be sure to adjust for age. While the black Russian terrier is small , training should be softer, with fewer requests. Do not demand from a two-month-old puppy that he does not do his “business” in the apartment. At an early age, the baby still does not understand what “endure” is.

Since childhood, you need to play calm games, since terriers are characterized by excessive excitability. The violent manifestation of emotions is also not worth encouraging. Talk to your pet more often so that he can understand more words so that in the future it will be easier to communicate with him. If you start doing this from a small point, then in the future, in addition to commands, the dog will understand at least a little of your speech. Train specifically you need to start months with three and a half or four. At this age, you can learn the basics. First train your dog with commands such as Sit and Lie, and Nearby.

The latter must be worked out very well. When the dog grows up, he will be strong, and not everyone can keep him. Therefore, the dog must understand you so that you can control it at any time. During training, especially at first, do not use negative incentives, only encouragement and affection. You can also mechanically force the dog to make one or another team, but all training should take place calmly, without aggression.

Black Russian Terrier: owner reviews

The owners of these dogs claim to have found true loyal friends in their faces who faithfully serve, guarding at home. These dogs are always complaisant with their own. What else owners say is a reverent attitude towards children.

The owners also declare that for the proper development and health (physical and mental) of the animal, such a dog needs daily long walks, as well as constant training. A dog of this size without the basics of obedience, as you know, is simply dangerous for society. Therefore, proper training is, first of all, the owners declare.

Russian black terrier owner reviews

The dog needs a fair attitude, since the black Russian terrier is a person who requires self-respect and persistent education. The owner’s love and kindness towards this shaggy friend do real miracles with the “black man”.

Owners believe that the black terrier is not a dog, it is much more. He becomes a full member of the family.

Little conclusion

Now you know who the Russian black terrier is, we provided a description of the breed in our article. We hope that now you understand what positive and negative qualities this dog has.


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