How not to pay child support if you donā€™t work: features, rules and recommendations

More and more often people are thinking how not to pay child support if you are not working. This question arises mainly among divorced citizens. After all, no one has canceled maintenance obligations for the maintenance of minor children. This is a legal requirement that must be met. What can be done to make payments canceled? How to reduce them? And what to expect if a citizen has arrears in child support? About all the features of these payments - below.


To begin with, it is worth understanding what kind of monetary penalties are involved. The thing is that not everyone understands the definition of alimony. What it is?

how not to pay child support if you do not work

Alimony refers to material goods, usually money, which is transferred for the maintenance of needy spouses, parents or minor children. Usually the last option is most common.

Not everyone wants to pay money for the maintenance of the baby until the child comes of age. Therefore, many are considering how to evade this case. Some people prefer not to work. But this does not exempt them from maintenance obligations. What features can be considered to reduce payments? And how not to pay in principle? The situation is very mixed.

At a minimum

"How to pay child support if I do not work?" - a question that interests mainly men. As practice shows, with a divorce, children most often remain with their mothers. And then the father must pay child support. The presence of his work does not play a role, obligations still exist.

How will a person pay? Cash payable is set at a minimum amount. This means that, depending on the situation, child support will be assigned, which are considered the smallest. For example, as a percentage of the minimum wage in a particular region.

how to pay child support if I do not work

In this regard, the exact amount cannot be called. But on average, about 2,000 rubles are prescribed for a child. This is provided that the citizen has not been working for a long time. Therefore, at least something, but will have to be translated according to the law.

Don't want to pay

How not to pay if you do not work? This question, as already mentioned, is of interest to many. But to answer unequivocally will not work. Under the law, maintenance obligations will still have to be fulfilled.

Nevertheless, some do not act in good faith. They just don't pay. That is, no money is transferred at all on time. This is a common practice in Russia.

Such a decision is a way out for those who are considering how not to pay child support if you are not working. True, with its consequences. But about them a little later. To begin with, it is worth considering all the options for the development of events.

how much to pay child support if you do not work

Recently worked

How much to pay child support if you do not work? One option has already been proposed. But it is relevant if a person has not had a job for a long time. Otherwise, the child support calculation system changes.

How exactly? Alimony will be assigned minimal, but taking into account the average citizen's earnings over the past 3 months. Or the average income for a given position in the region is taken into account. As practice shows, approximate amounts are about 5-7 thousand. That is how much they can appoint in the form of alimony, which a citizen must transfer monthly.

Less than a minimum

How not to pay child support if you do not work? This payment is assigned taking into account all revenues to the budget of the citizen. Therefore, issues related to maintenance obligations are a serious problem for many.

Sometimes you can reduce the amount assigned by the court of payments. When is this possible? If after payment of alimony a person has less than the subsistence minimum established in the region for life. In this case, it is proposed to apply to the court to appeal the decision. Alimony will not be completely canceled. But here the amount due for payment will be reviewed.

how much the husband pays child support if it does not work

From the number of children

How much to pay child support if you do not work? Here a lot depends on the situation. There are 2 payout systems. Either in a fixed amount, or as a percentage of human income (minimum wage).

What percentages are there in Russia? At the moment, from the average earnings of the father for the maintenance of the child appoint:

  • 25% if there is one minor;
  • 33% when two children;
  • 50% - in the presence of 3 or more minors.

Therefore, if you want to reduce the amount of child support paid for one child, you can have a second. But not with his ex-wife. Then for 2 children will have to list 33%. At the same time, everyone will receive 16.5% of the monthly income. Slight but smaller.

Life with baby

How not to pay child support if you do not work? The following option is possible theoretically. But in practice, in the absence of work, it is unrealistic. The thing is that the parent who does not live with the child must pay child support.

This means that it is enough to settle a minor with a dodger. Then he will not pay child support. This obligation will lie on the mother of the child (if the baby lived previously with her).

how to pay child support do not work anywhere

A similar practice takes place only when the second parent, with whom the minor was left, abruptly began to lead an unhealthy lifestyle. Or is it now a danger to the child. Therefore, the council takes place mainly for employed citizens.


How much does the husband pay child support if it does not work? The answer to this question cannot be unambiguous. After all, each situation is considered individually. Therefore, only the court is able to accurately name the amount.

Often men do not have an official job. And they act so intentionally so as not to pay child support. It has already been said that a lack of work is not a basis for exemption from maintenance obligations.

The non-payer is recommended to register at the employment center. A citizen will receive unemployment benefits. Alimony will be paid from him. Moreover, the minimum. This prospect pleases many. In fact, there is work (albeit unofficial), and you do not need to pay money from your budget. True, such a system does not always work. It is designed for a short period of time. After all, sooner or later, the allowance will cease to accrue. And again you have to have problems with payments for the maintenance of the child.

Peace treaty

"How to pay child support if I do not work?" - a topic that interests most men. In some cases, you can get rid of maintenance obligations. But some losses will still have to be incurred.

how much do they pay child support if the father does not work

Alimony is not necessarily monthly payments. This can be a large amount of money, which is issued 1 time. Or a father can transfer a property to a child.

In fact, in order not to pay child support, you need to agree with your spouse. For example, as already suggested, rewrite to a minor's apartment. This arrangement is certified by a notary and presented in court. After the transfer of the agreed property to the child, the alimony obligations are removed from the second parent. And it doesnā€™t matter if it works or not. The main thing is that the agreement has been fully implemented.


Now itā€™s clear how much child support is paid. Man doesnā€™t work? This is not a basis for exemption from the obligation to maintain minor children. Many simply do not pay the prescribed alimony. As already mentioned, this is a common practice.

But what consequences does it entail? Deviators-defaulters in Russia begin to punish in every possible way. At the moment, people who have debts on alimony cannot go outside Russia. More precisely, to travel.

Also, recently, "alimony" has been actively taking away a driverā€™s license. Return only after repayment of the debt. In some cases, criminal liability may result, including imprisonment.

Now itā€™s clear how much child support is paid if the father does not work. This issue is resolved individually. But the main guidelines are already known. To relieve themselves of all responsibility for the maintenance of the minor, some are offered a radical method.

Not mine

"How to pay child support? I donā€™t work anywhere!" - This topic often pops up in different forums. To relieve yourself of responsibility for the maintenance of a minor, you can implement a non-standard method.

how much do they pay child support does not work

Which one? Refute paternity. If a person is not the biological dad of the baby, then he can abandon paternity, referring to the deception of the spouse. And alimony is not necessary to pay. In practice, the method has almost no place.

Perhaps these are all the tips that you can give. Now itā€™s clear how to pay child support if you donā€™t work. It is almost impossible to evade legally. This should be remembered.


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