What smells can dogs not tolerate and why do they have a strong sense of smell

Our faithful four-legged friends - dogs - perceive the world around them with the help of smell. They distinguish and remember various smells (certain even for a long time). Of course, dogs, like humans, prefer one aroma to another. Let's look at what smells the dogs cannot tolerate.

Why do dogs have a strong sense of smell?

Perhaps the main useful property that characterizes dogs is their very sensitive nose. He is able to perceive odors 400 times better than human. In the nose of the dog is more than 200 million cells that provide sniff function. For this reason, the nose in animals is so thin.

Some odors that seem simply unpleasant to a person can be uncomfortable and unbearable for a dog. And they are forced to put up with it. Although sometimes the dog is so annoyed that it can become nervous and even aggressive. Therefore, it is very important for the owners to know what smells the dogs cannot tolerate.

However, four-legged friends do not immediately use their instincts. Around the age of five months, they begin to take a trace. However, these abilities need to be developed. A dog living outside the city acquires orientation skills faster than in the city. It often happens that a dog is lost, runs away and does not find a way home, because it does not use the scent among the stone jungle.

what smells are unpleasant to dogs

What smells can not be tolerated by dogs

The main natural odors that dogs don't like are citrus fruits. This property served as the foundation for a technique that will allow you to wean the dog from unwanted actions, for example, from the bark. There are collars that emit harsh citrus aromas when they notice a strong sound swing. In order not to encounter an unpleasant odor, the dog will not bark once again.

A powder or crushed pod of red pepper, spread out in a place that the dog began to spoil, can wean him from bad actions. By the way, if your pet is still a puppy, then pepper should be wrapped in a piece of gauze or bandage to avoid a possible burn. Want to eliminate a petโ€™s habit of chewing shoes? Then rub it with hot pepper. Usually, after the first such procedure, the dog no longer shows an increased interest in boots.

What smell do dogs dislike? Another educational tool for a pet can be shag. To wean the dog from a bad habit, you need to pour cigarette tobacco in the area where the animal likes to bully. You can also use infusion of shag. To do this, in half a glass of boiling water, steam the tobacco for 45 minutes. Then, with filtered liquid, wet the problem area in the house.

fine scent in dogs

Artificial dog repellent scents

To the question: โ€œWhat smell can dogs not tolerate?โ€ the answer will be simple - almost all synthetic odors. Even freshly-whitened trees, which exude a specific smell, cause disgust. The most hated home remedy that dogs try to get as far away as possible is bleach. With a similar pungent and fetid smell of welding carbide, the dog also does not want to come across. This substance is the cause of the spread of the "fragrant wave" for tens of meters around, and when it comes into contact with water, the train becomes just creepy.

Pets do not like citrus and anti-tobacco fresheners so much that they leave the room.

With the help of volatile organic compounds, which can not do without alcohol, gasoline, toluene, ethers, solvents and paints and varnishes, you can rid the dog of the desire to do bad things. The method is simple - moisten a cotton pad in such a tool and put it in the right place.

dogs can't stand the smell of pepper

How to preserve the sense of smell and not harm the nervous system

It is not recommended to use repellent odors in places of dog training. Animals should be in a calm, balanced mood. So they can be fully focused on training for the implementation of teams. Smells that are unpleasant for dogs are more irritating to them than any sounds or visual moments. In addition, it should not smell like a cat.

Dogs negatively perceive a metallic smell, so there should be few metal structures in the aviary. In particular, the iron roof should be avoided. In an improper house, the dog will look calm outwardly, but will remain in a depressed state.

the scent of a dog is sharper than human

On a note

It is worth paying attention to what kind of smell the dogs cannot stand, as this can injure their psyche. For a dog, any smells can become negative if negative associations have developed with it. For example, if a dog kicked a horse, then due to the developed reflex, the pet will go away from the stables or horse manure.

When going to the house in which the pet lives, it is better not to use a sharp perfume, as this can provoke a bad attitude to yourself from the dog.

Now you know what smells dogs cannot tolerate. Remember this, and you can make contact with the pet. Thanks to which, you can not meet with the problems of upbringing, and even train the dog to keep track.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9129/

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