Azerbaijan Independence Day: history and modernity

Independence Day is one of the most important days in the history of any country. Every year in Azerbaijan, this day is celebrated on October 18. This article will talk about this important day.

president of the country

Adoption of the Declaration of Independence

As a result of the collapse of the USSR at the end of the 20th century, the republic gained independence. On October 8, 1991, an extraordinary meeting of the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan was held. On October 18, 1991, the Supreme Council adopted an act of historical significance - the Constitutional Declaration on the Sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

At that time, 245 out of 360 deputies voted for the rally, the rest were not present at the meeting or voted against it. The "Constitution Law" states that an independent Azerbaijan state is the successor of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, which existed in 1917-1920. The "Constitution Law" consists of six chapters.

At a national referendum of the year, this issue was discussed, and 95% of the population voted for independence, the sovereignty of the country.

After the restoration of independence of Azerbaijan, laws on the national flag, anthem and emblem were adopted. Since that time, Azerbaijan Independence Day is a state holiday.

New State - Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan, or the Republic of Azerbaijan, is a state in the South Caucasus. Azerbaijan is located west of the Caspian Sea basin. It borders in the north with the Russian Federation, in the north-west direction with the Republic of Georgia, in the west direction with Armenia, in the south with the Republic of Turkey and Iran. The Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic was occupied by the Republic of Armenia, this territory makes up 20% of the territory of Azerbaijan. It has an 825-km water line along its borders. The coastline is 713 km. Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Iran and Russia also share a common border in the Caspian Sea sector.

Azerbaijan country photo

Azerbaijan is an active player in the international arena

Azerbaijan is a unitary semi-presidential republic. The country is a member state of the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security of Europe, a partner of NATO, as well as the Partnership for Peace organization. This is one of the six independent Turkic states, an active member of the Turkic Council. Azerbaijan has diplomatic relations with 150 states and membership in 40 international communities. This Caucasian country is also one of the founders of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and the Organization for the Prohibition of the Use of Chemical Weapons.

Member of the United Nations since 1992. After gaining independence, Azerbaijan was elected a member of the Human Rights Council, which was established by the United Nations General Assembly on May 9, 2006. Azerbaijan is also a member state of the Non-Aligned Movement, has observer status in the International Trade Organization and is a member of the International Telecommunication Union.

Independence Day

Events that led to independence

Following the policy of glasnost initiated by Mikhail Gorbachev, civil unrest and interethnic strife were growing in various regions of the Soviet Union, including Nagorno-Karabakh. The turmoil in Azerbaijan (in response to Moscow’s indifference) led to calls for independence and secession, culminating in the events of Black January in Baku. Later, in 1990, the Supreme Council of the Republic deleted the word "Soviet" from its name, as well as adopted the Declaration of Sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan and approved a new state flag and other symbols. As a result of the failed coup in August in Moscow on October 18, 1991, the Supreme Council of Azerbaijan was able to adopt the Declaration of Independence, which was confirmed by a popular referendum in December 1991, and the Soviet Union officially ceased to exist on December 26, 1991. Since then, the Independence Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan has been celebrated throughout the country every year.

flag and coat of arms

As Azerbaijan Independence Day is celebrated

This day in the country is festive. Full-scale festivities are being prepared for this event. On October 18, the country's president without fail congratulates all citizens of the state on this historic event and public holiday at the same time. On this day, Azerbaijanis are consolidating as a nation. The President in his message to the people always emphasizes the historicism of this event. This event is currently over twenty-five years old. Creative people create poems for the Independence Day of Azerbaijan in order to congratulate all the people of the country. Below is one of the most popular:

Azerbaijan is a country of lights

The land of igids and friends,

The country of open doors

Country Babek, Korogly,

The country of Novruz and spring.

The whole world recognized your sons

Everybody was looking for your beauties

Who ever saw your people

Everybody yearned for your land

To extraordinary purity

Where the clink of a stream caresses a rumor

The lakes of your bottomless sound.

The importance of this holiday and the phenomenon of independence cannot be overestimated. Congratulations on the Independence Day of Azerbaijan are sent to the Presidential Administration by the majority of world heads of state. The President of the Russian Federation congratulated the people of Azerbaijan with the following words:

The achievements of your country in the economic, scientific, technical, social and cultural fields are well known. Azerbaijan enjoys well-deserved authority on the world stage, plays an active role in resolving pressing issues of the international agenda.

The political dialogue is expanding, cooperation, partnerships in the affairs of the region are strengthening. This was noted by Vladimir Putin. According to him, this fully meets the interests of the peoples of our countries, and also contributes to the activation of integration processes within the CIS.


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