Why do violets have leaves rising and twisting?

Gentle and miniature beauties of violets are suitable for any interior. They delight in the variety of colors and the shape of the flowers. To a beginner in floriculture, it may seem that these plants are unpretentious. But this is far from the case. There are many rules for growing violets that must be followed.

A beautiful flower can easily ruin an ugly, wrong rosette. She violet is a frame of a bouquet of flowers. And no matter how beautiful the flowers may be, in a bad frame they will look losing. Even experienced flower growers encounter a problem when the leaves of a violet rise, twist, turn yellow. What does the plant lack in these cases? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

why do violets leaves rise up

Why do violets have leaves rising up? Find out the reasons

For these colors, proper lighting is very important. It should not be excessive, as well as insufficient. In most cases, it is lighting that can answer the question of why the leaves of a violet rise up.

The second reason may be the varietal feature. Experienced flower growers know that some varieties are predisposed to raising leaves. These varieties include King's Ransom, Neptune's Jewels, Happy Feet and some others, less common in our country. Louisiana Lullaby is distinguished by a rather large, but somewhat messy rosette, although the leaves of the flower are not raised up.

why do violets leaves rise up photo


If you want to understand why the leaves of violets rise up (see the photo below), pay special attention to watering the plant. It should be superficial and plentiful, not on the edge of the pot. The flower should be โ€œwateredโ€ in the pan with the settled water. Her temperature should be room temperature.

Moderation must be observed so that the soil is not waterlogged. Water the plant in such a way that the water does not fall into the funnel of the outlet and onto the leaves. If you use hard water (which is not recommended), feed your beauty once a month with acidic water. To do this, dilute a teaspoon of 3% vinegar in a liter of water. This solution can be replaced with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

why at violets leaves rise up and twist

Thick socket

Sometimes, thinking about why the leaves of violets rise up, the owners do not notice the obvious reason. It may consist in thickening the flower beyond measure. In this case, there is not enough lighting for many leaves. In this situation, helping the plant is simple enough - remove the extra leaves.

Cut violets from excess leaves must be regularly, as well as transplant them. Otherwise, a whole violet garden may appear in one pot, and the plants will suffer from crowding. Many owners are interested in why the leaves of violets rise and twist. The reason lies in the too dry air in the room.


We want to return to the first reason. It is lighting that most often gives an answer to the question of why the leaves of violets rise up. For these beautiful flowers, the best option is to place them on the east or west windows. At the same time, one should not forget that these sissies do not like direct sunlight.

A typical picture of a lack of lighting looks like this: elongated cuttings, most often raised up, the socket resembles a large spider. The leaves are small, painted in a pale green color, the internodes are quite long, like a trailer violet. Disproportionately high peduncles, often they become very thin.

In order to normalize such an outlet, it is first necessary to improve lighting. If the leaves have too long cuttings, then you will not be able to shorten them. But you can extend the daylight hours, thereby ensuring that the new cuttings will be of normal size, and the socket will become compact. For beginners, letโ€™s explain: when talking about prolonging daylight hours, we mean additional lighting with special lamps.

why the violet leaves rise up and turn yellow

By increasing the light intensity, you will quickly notice that the leaves will lower to their normal position. The next row will grow more evenly, pressing older leaves. Over time, the old whitish leaves need to be removed and the formation of a beautiful and even outlet.


Owners need to know that the lack of light not only loses the attractive appearance of the outlet. In poor lighting, violets develop chlorosis for a long time (iron deficiency). Young leaves turn yellow-white, and old leaves become light green. In addition, the leaves die prematurely. The plant lags significantly in growth, does not drive flower stalks, and if they appear, they grow thin and weak.

The flowers form pale and small. The plant loses its immunity to diseases, is affected by fungi. In this state, it is no longer enough to rearrange the flower in a more illuminated place, it must be treated. For this, iron chelate is used.

Why do violet leaves rise and turn yellow?

Lack of lighting and the scarcity of soil may be to blame for this. We must not forget that in the process of growth and active flowering, the plant consumes nutrients from the soil. That is why timely top-dressing is important (especially with nitrogen). After flowering, it is advisable to transplant the violet into fresh ground.

why do violets have leaves

Why do yellow spots appear on the leaves?

This comes from inaccurate watering when water gets on the leaves. In addition, such burns can cause direct sunlight. Rearrange the violet in partial shade. If the lesion is very severe, remove the buds. So the plant is easier to recover.

Ring spots can be caused by cold air (in winter). Protect a plant even from weak cold drafts. It is very important for violets to maintain balance. In no case can you drastically change the conditions of their detention. If a plant has been tormented for a long time without light, then it cannot be placed under powerful lamps for fourteen hours. Treatment should be portioned. Otherwise, you will get the opposite problem.

Over lighting

Today we are talking about why the leaves of violets rise up. Excess light will not cause such a process. Nevertheless, we want to talk about why excessive illumination is fraught. It is no secret that the owners, trying to bring the outlet back to normal, are too zealous.

So, what might your violet look like with an excess of light? Her leaves are darkening, bending down, as if hugging a pot. The reverse side of the plate becomes burgundy. In the center of the outlet, the leaves grow on each other, their shape is deformed, they become stiff and brittle. Peduncles appear very short often can not get out from under the leaves, twist and break off when touched. The leaves are folded into a straw.

at the violet leaves rise up

If you leave the lighting as intense, the leaves will completely discolor, and the plant itself will die. Unfortunately, in this state it is very difficult to restore the flower. Old leaves will not change not only the color, but also their position. You will have to be patient and build up a young outlet, removing gradually spoiled old leaves.

We have found out why the leaves of violets rise up. At the end of this article, I would like to give advice to all owners of luxurious plants. Watch them carefully. The plant very early signals about the problems that have arisen, when it is not difficult to eliminate them. Lighting, watering, agricultural technology, some adverse factors instantly affect the appearance of this amazingly beautiful flower.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9142/

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