How to wrap a child in a blanket: tips for young parents

Despite a wide selection of newfangled overalls and envelopes, many parents prefer to swaddle their babies in the old fashioned way. This is very practical, because newborns quickly grow out of outerwear, which also costs a lot of money. However, most newly mummified mothers have no idea how to wrap a baby in a blanket.

how to wrap a child in a blanket

Do I need to swaddle a newborn

Previously, our grandmothers were confident in the benefits of tight swaddling babies, but today opinions are divided. Most modern pediatricians recommend replacing traditional diapers with diapers and vests, arguing that any restrictions on the child’s movements can adversely affect his physical development and physical activity. In addition, tight swaddling, which interferes with cognition of the surrounding world, can become a cause of inhibition of the mental development of the baby.

how to wrap a child in a rectangular blanket
But on the other hand, our grandmothers are not so wrong, telling how to properly wrap a child in a blanket, and confident in the usefulness of such manipulations. Indeed, many babies often tremble during sleep. Thus, swaddling is able to provide the newborn with a calm sleep. Each parent must weigh the pros and cons and decide for himself whether to wrap his child in a blanket. After all, the most important thing is that the baby feels as comfortable and comfortable as possible.

What to look for when choosing a blanket

So that the baby does not experience any slightest inconvenience, the product must pass air well and warm at the same time. It is necessary that it not only be able to retain heat, but also not prevent the evaporation of moisture. Due to the fact that the newborn needs special hygiene, his blanket should dry quickly and maintain its original shape after numerous washes. Experts recommend giving preference to easily cleanable products that do not require the use of specific care products.

how to wrap a child in a blanket
In addition, before wrapping a child in a blanket, you need to make sure that it is made of hypoallergenic materials, because newborns are very sensitive, and many of them are prone to allergic reactions.

Types of blankets

To date, there are several varieties of products suitable for different situations. Therefore, before wrapping a child in a blanket, you must decide which one is right for your baby.

how to wrap a child in a blanket for a walk
The warmest are light and hygroscopic down products made from goose or swan fluff. These blankets not only pass air well, but also retain heat perfectly, so they are ideal for the cold season. However, you need to be very careful with them, because they often become the cause of allergies.

Woolen products, for the production of which camel, sheep or goat hair, are no worse. These light and warm blankets absorb moisture perfectly and quickly disappear. A child wrapped in such a product will be warm and comfortable.

Recently, most parents have opted for synthetic blankets filled with various fibers. The main advantages of such products can be considered their relative cheapness and hypoallergenicity. They are very washable and retain heat very well. But before wrapping the child in a blanket for a walk, you need to make sure that he will not be hot, because the baby, wrapped in such a product, quickly sweats and remains wet for a long time. And this is very harmful for the newborn, because he can catch a cold.

How to wrap a child in a blanket for discharge

During the first trip home, the baby should be safe and comfortable in the arms of the parents. In order to keep the newborn in a semi-vertical position for a long time, without fear that he will bury his face in an envelope and not be able to turn around, you need to understand how to wrap the baby in a blanket so that you can look at the baby’s face at any time and evaluate his well-being. In addition, care must be taken to prevent the envelope from disintegrating during transport.

how to wrap a child in a blanket for discharge
First of all, you should put a wide three-meter ribbon on the surface of the changing table , making sure that its ends remaining on both sides of the table are the same in length. You need to put a blanket on top, unfolding it in the form of a rhombus. A diaper-corner lies on top of it so that its lace end coincides with the edge of the blanket. Now you can stack the baby. This should be done so that his face can be covered with the end of a lace diaper. After that, wrap the bottom edge of the blanket, and then the right and left corners. A bundled child is bandaged with a ribbon. So that the baby does not feel the slightest discomfort, do not swaddle it too tightly.

Useful tips for young parents

Many inexperienced mothers prefer to wrap their newborn baby in a traditional downy product that reliably protects it from the cold. But most of them still do not suspect that even a month and a half baby can easily pull out arms or legs from under it. Therefore, in the warm season, before wrapping the child in a rectangular blanket, it is advisable to wear a diaper and a flannel vest on the baby. When gathering a baby for a walk, you need to follow one golden rule, according to which a child must be worn in the same way as an adult, plus one additional layer of clothing.


Today, there are several different options for wrapping a baby in a blanket. Whichever of them you use, it is important to remember that the child should be warm and comfortable in this position.


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