Chinese Crested Dogs: breed description, grooming, prices. Owner reviews

The Chinese crested dog breed is very unusual. Its representatives are small, very cheerful and active animals that are created for adoration and love by the owner. They are incredibly loyal and affectionate, enjoy communicating with children and cannot stand loneliness. So puppies of a Chinese crested dog can be bought even by those families in which the child grows up.

Breed history

Chinese crested dogs are naturally gifted with grace, marble skin and an original haircut. This breed has been known for a long time. According to one legend, Chinese crested dogs were bred specifically for keeping the nobles of China. The presence of this animal in a man emphasized his belonging to high society. In addition, according to legend, small dogs brought happiness and luck to the owner’s house. To this day, these animals in China are equated with talismans that bring wealth and wealth.

Chinese crested dogs
There are other versions of the origin of the breed. Some researchers claim that Indians from Latin America brought these animals to China two thousand years before Columbus’s journey. Dogs hit the imperial lands. There they became the mascot of the Han Dynasty.

Another popular version of the origin of Chinese crested is African theory. It is believed that dogs living on this hot continent become bald due to a genetic mutation. Indeed, without wool it was easier for them to survive in the sun. Next, mutated animals were brought to China by sailors.

Chinese Crested Dogs periodically climbed to the peak of popularity. However, in the middle of the 20th century they were on the verge of extinction. In 1966, only one breeder from America was the only representatives of this breed. Dogs were transported to the UK, where a new era of their breeding began.

Chinese crested dogs came to Russia only in 1991. Five years later, the National Club of this breed appeared, which did a lot to popularize animals.

Types of Chinese Crested

This breed of dog is without a doubt special. Its representatives are classified into two types. The first of these is the naked Chinese crested dogs. The second type is downy.

Chinese Crested Dog Moscow
The naked dog looks not only peculiar, but even exotic. There is no hair on her body. The skin of the animal is soft, velvety, pleasant to the touch. In dogs of this breed, body temperature is higher than in humans by 2.2 degrees. In this regard, touching the skin of an animal gives its owner warmth and comfort. The hair of a hairless dog is present only on the tip of the tail, legs and head. This feature gives it a resemblance to a miniature horse.

Chinese crested dog puff is completely covered with beautiful thick coat. These animals outwardly resemble small-sized Afghans. They have a silky smooth coat, the color of which is the most diverse. It is very important that the dog is not subject to seasonal molting. Once in a lifetime, she changes her coat when she drops her puppy coat.

Breed description

A Chinese crested dog grows up to 28-33 centimeters, while having a weight of up to 2.5-6 kilograms. The head and face of this animal are somewhat elongated.

Naked types of dogs are distinguished by lush crests. But on the paws, the hair often rises above the wrist and hock. Its color can be solid or spotted. The skin of such dogs can be pale lilac or black, blue or pink, copper, and also have a shade of mahogany. Interestingly, the Chinese can sunbathe under the sun. Their skin thus acquires a bronze hue.

Chinese Crested Dog Breed
An interesting feature of the breed is that in one litter often both naked puppies and completely covered with hair are born. At the same time, puffs can have various colors and their combinations. The color of their coat varies from blue to brown-red.

Representatives of Chinese crested dogs are distinguished by the unusual structure of their paws. They have outstretched fingers resembling human ones.


Chinese crested dogs have never been used as guards or hunters. They were participants in religious rites. And today this breed is considered decorative. Hence, many qualities of such unusual dogs take their roots.

First of all, it is worth saying that they are very friendly. These dogs love all family members, especially children. Dogs, unlike many representatives of the eastern breeds, are strongly attached to people. Chinese crested dogs are affectionate and gentle, docile and cautious. Just bought a puppy, has not yet mastered the house, from shyness will not even play. And only after he shows his curious and playful disposition.

Chinese crested dog care and maintenance
This dog has a rather temperamental character. However, she will not bark in vain. He will allow himself to vote only if he misses his master, or becomes too nervous.

Chinese Crested is easy to learn, starting to jump over all kinds of obstacles, perform funny tricks, walk on his hind legs and climb the stairs. These dogs get real pleasure from communicating with their master and do not like to be alone. That is why, so that your pet does not become shy and distrustful, it is worth taking it with you more often, as well as introducing small and calm dogs.

It should be borne in mind that the Chinese crested dog is very attached to its owner, and in adulthood it can hardly adapt to the new owner. These doggies perfectly feel the mood of a person. As a rule, friendly and playful, they will not bother their master if he is busy. The animal will curl up and peacefully fall asleep in a secluded corner. The most important thing for him is that the person is nearby.

A playful pet often seeks entertainment for himself. He can roll a rustling bag on the floor, a plastic bottle cap or a ball of thread. This character will allow the Chinese crested to get along with other animals available in the house. True, a little jealousy may occur.

What is the difference between a Chinese crested dog? Responses of owners say that there is a lot of cat in it. This, for example, concerns a slightly elevated body temperature compared to other breeds. This trait allows the Chinese crested "work" just like a cat, a heating pad. Some owners claim that it helps them with osteochondrosis, inflammation of the veins and rheumatism.

Those who decide to have a Chinese crested dog should keep in mind that they should not be purchased if there are small children in the house. The animal is distinguished by its fragility, and therefore any child can accidentally harm him. In addition, these dogs are afraid of sudden movements and screams. The constant noise made by the children will cause shyness and chronic nervousness of the miniature doggie.

Pet purchase

It is best to take not a grown-up, but a small puppy to the house. These babies are sold by the Chinese crested dog kennel after their activation in 45 days. But at the same time, it is important that the puppies have already erupted teeth, which will allow them to check their bite. First of all, dogs are examined by a dog handler. Its task is to determine the breed and absence of defects. Provided that everything with the puppy is normal, a tattoo is placed on his ear or groin and a special card is issued, which is later exchanged for a pedigree.

However, at the age of 45 days, this is still a very small Chinese crested dog, the care and maintenance of which is very time-consuming. It is recommended to take the baby from 2.5 to 3 months of age in the baby's house. It is more robust and independent, and also already vaccinated, which will reduce the risk of viral diseases. In addition, the puppy, which has grown up, may have lived a bit, but has already lived in a dog family, and has already had enough communication with his brothers. Such an experience will be very important for him in the future.

Puppy handling

First of all, a person needs to learn how to take his new pet. Raise the baby should be with both hands, clasping their ass and chest. In no case should you take the puppy under the stomach or front legs. You need to hold the dog tight so that it does not twist.

Chinese crested dog down care
The owner should also be aware that keeping Chinese crested dogs also involves training. If you get only a toy, then be prepared for the fact that in due time this doggie will claim rights to its owner and to his life. With the manifestation of lack of will on the part of a person, a spoiled pet can become a big problem for him in the future.

Puppy placement

Where should a Chinese crested dog sleep? Responses of owners say that this place should not be located near batteries, doors, on the aisle and in drafts. Many doggies love to live in their own house, which is a plastic carrier with the doors removed and with a soft mattress laid on the bottom. Such a shelter will provide your pet peace and comfort, which is especially important if there are children or other animals in the house. Such a house must be equipped with those owners who have a Chinese crested dog in their house. Care and maintenance of these animals at any age require the creation of such conditions when the dog can be alone and relax.

But remember that kids spoil soft houses and wicker baskets. The fact is that during the change of teeth they gnaw a lot. At such a time, they are able to spoil everything in the apartment - from shoes to furniture. In order to avoid this, puppies need to be given toys. Even if left alone at home, the baby will not be bored with such items. But keep in mind that neither puppies nor adult Chinese crested dogs should be given a “sugar” bone.


For the first time, the breeder deworms the puppy. He does this when the dog reaches the age of 3-4 weeks. The next time, eight to twelve-week-old babies are vaccinated. This procedure is done by the breeder or veterinarian. At the same time, the use of imported multivalent vaccines is recommended . Such drugs are easily tolerated by puppies and develop stable immunity in them.

Usually a dog gets into his new home after vaccination. And if, after vaccination, the puppy got sick, for example, with plague, then this indicates that he was already infected with the virus. Vaccination for him was the catalyst that accelerated the process.
The owner of a Chinese crested dog should remember that vaccination will need to be carried out throughout the life of the pet. After all, adult animals can also get sick.


How to feed a Chinese crested dog? If the puppy was purchased in a kennel, then he is most likely accustomed to dry nutrition. What, then, should a Chinese crested dog eat? Responses of the owners indicate that until the animal is comfortable in the new conditions for it, it is better not to change its diet. It will be necessary to transfer the puppy to another feed or to natural products gradually.

A Chinese crested dog can eat canned or dry food. She likes fresh or home-cooked foods. But any diet chosen by the owner is designed to ensure the development of active and healthy animals. In it in balanced amounts should be all the necessary nutrients.

It should be borne in mind that dogs who are given tasty slices from the owner's table, as a rule, become too picky in food. Such a fastidious person, most likely, will have to be constantly hand-fed.

Owners of naked Chinese crested dogs should take into account the fact that this breed of dog consumes large amounts of energy for its own warming. This is especially true during cold periods. That is why Chinese crested food requires more than dogs of other breeds having the same size.


You can go out with a puppy at the age of three months, when 14 days have passed since the last vaccination. Such a quarantine is necessary for the dog to develop immunity and strengthen the body. Later walks with Chinese crest are required.

kennel of chinese crested dogs

These dogs love movement and the sun. In addition, puppies learn the world, become tempered and learn to communicate with other dogs. Friends for your pet need to be selected from non-aggressive and calm relatives. Walking must be on a leash. An animal can run on its own only in a deserted place. It is important that your home has clothing for Chinese crested dogs. The pet will need it in cool weather to stay on the street longer. In winter, the dog must not be allowed on roads that are covered with anti-icing composition.

Skin care

After bathing or being exposed to the sun, naked dogs should be lubricated with a baby or moisturizer. This procedure will not overdry the skin. Such dogs are bathed twice a month or when contaminated. The shampoo used in this case should not cause allergies in the dog and dry its skin. When pimples appear in 5-7-month-old puppies (this happens during puberty), the use of special cosmetic lotions for problem skin is recommended. To eliminate black dots, you can use a scrub.

Already at an early age, the baby needs to be accustomed to cutting the cheekbones and muzzle. Also, for a more accurate look, it is necessary to remove unwanted hair from the body of a naked dog. In small puppies this is done with a typewriter. With age, the hairs will become easier to pull out, which will allow you to pinch them off with your hands or with an electroepilator.

It should be borne in mind that naked dogs love to sunbathe. However, in unpigmented places, the white skin of the animal easily burns in the sun. Dog owners should monitor this, protecting their bodies with special creams.

Puff coat care

It will take more time to keep this type of dog . However, the work of the owner is not in vain. What does a Chinese crested dog require down care? The coat of this animal needs constant attention and care. And, above all, this is in her daily combing. Beautiful and clean coat with a healthy sheen will be the pride of the owner of the dog. You should teach your puppy to this daily procedure from the very first days of arrival at your home. Only in this case will the dog quickly get used to the established order. Combing running hair is very difficult. This procedure is very lengthy and painful for the dog.

You need to wash the puff at least once every three to four weeks, using an individually selected shampoo. But the dog’s paws and stomach become dirty after each walk. Therefore, they must be washed every time they return from the street. After bathing, the wool is wrung out, the dog is allowed to shake off, and then the animal is wrapped in a terry towel.

Dry the downy dog ​​naturally or with a hairdryer. In this case, the coat should not remain wet. This will save her from the curls and straighten all the waves. During the procedure, the hair dryer should not enter the auricle.

A downy dog ​​should be gradually accustomed to wearing gum. They will allow you to collect in ponytails strands falling on the eyes.

Breeders Offers

Interested in Chinese Crested Dog? Moscow offers lovers of these animals a diverse selection. In total, there are forty-four clubs in the capital where you can buy this exotic pet.

chinese crested dog reviews
The bird market in the capital is not worth the attention of those who are interested in a naked Chinese crested dog. Moscow is a big city, and it is unlikely that you will later find a person who sold you a shaved puff.

How much is a Chinese crested dog? The price of an animal depends on many parameters. Their list includes the color and pedigree of the puppy, its characteristics and other aspects. Puppies are sold at different prices, starting from 5000 rubles. and ending with 15,000 rubles. But at the same time, the cost of dogs can be even higher. It all depends on the cheats of the intermediary or the imagination of the breeder.


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