Dishonored: System Requirements for PC

To date, there has been a revival of games in the stealth genre - before there were very few of them, and not all of them were of high quality. But now projects and even entire series are gradually appearing that attract the attention of millions of gamers. One of such masterpieces was the game Dishonored, the system requirements for which will be described in more detail in this article. Here you have to take on the role of the man who was accused of killing his own family and made an outcast. Your goal is to take revenge on the real killers and restore your name. And you can do this in the most unusual ways. This game has earned a huge number of different awards, it has extremely positive and very high ratings, so you should definitely pay attention to it. However, before this, it is very important that you make sure that your computer will be able to run this project without problems. That is why before buying you should check all the basic parameters of your PC, comparing them with those described in the system requirements. As always, there are minimum and recommended requirements. In the first case, you can simply start the game at the minimum settings - when installing a higher quality, you can experience brakes, bugs and glitches. In the second case, those configurations are indicated that you will need to make the game run at maximum settings and work without any problems.

operating system

dishonored system requirements

So, for the game Dishonored system requirements are no different from what you saw in other computer games. There are many parameters that are indicated there, however, you first need to pay attention to some of them. Check your operating system first. The game was released in 2012, so you don’t have to worry if you have Windows XP - at that time the developers have not abandoned this platform, so many advanced games still came out with support for this OS. Accordingly, in Dishonored, system requirements include support for this operating system, but note that it is noted only in the minimum requirements. This means that you may experience some problems with the launch, as well as certain difficulties during the game. Therefore, you should pay attention to which OSs are indicated in the recommended requirements.

Recommended OS Requirements

dishonored 2 system requirements

As you already understood, in the case of Dishonored, the system requirements for the operating system are also divided into the minimum and recommended. You can start the game even if you have Windows XP installed on your computer, but still you should think about enjoying this wonderful project, at least on Windows Vista. But the best option is Windoiws 7, since it was under this system that the game was developed. If you already have more advanced versions of the OS installed, then you may also have problems, but in most cases everything works quite well. The only condition that you definitely need to observe is that your operating system be of the appropriate capacity. This game does not work on 32-bit OSs, so you definitely need to have a 64-bit system to run this project. By the way, the Dishonored 2 project is already being prepared for release, the system requirements of which will be much higher, so you should immediately think about the maximum computer upgrade.


dishonored pc system requirements

There are no more questions to the software, so it’s time to move on to more important issues, namely to the components of the computer itself. And first of all, pay attention to the processor. As you already understood, in the case of Dishonored 2, the system requirements will be much higher, but if you focus on the first part, then you need to have a processor with two cores. The performance of each of them should not be lower than 3 gigahertz, it is best that it reaches at least 3.2 GHz. Only then can you run this game on your computer. As you can see, for Dishonored, the system requirements on the PC are quite clear and specific, but so far you have found out only the minimum processor requirements - now you need to pay attention to the recommended requirements.

Recommended CPU Requirements

dishonored 2 pc system requirements

Naturally, in this case you can’t get by with two cores, so you should think about purchasing a processor equipped with four cores. At the same time, you can allow a slight drop in the performance of each of them. The main thing is that the frequency is at least 2.4-2.6 GHz - in total this will still be more than two cores of three gigahertz. Of course, in the case of Dishonored 2, the system requirements on the PC will be much higher, but now we are talking about the first part. And here it will be enough for you just such a quad-core processor to make this game run on your PC and work perfectly. Well, if you just want to have fun without achieving the maximum Dishonored performance result, the minimum system requirements will be an excellent guide for you.


dishonored minimum system requirements

As you already noticed, the system requirements of the Dishonored game are not particularly overstated, as it has been in recent years, so it’s very likely that you won’t even have to upgrade if you bought a computer in the last five years. At least three gigabytes of RAM you most likely already have, so you can not worry about the fact that this game will not start on your computer. But you must understand that with such RAM you will have to play at the minimum settings, which does not always bring maximum pleasure. Accordingly, be sure to consider the possibility of increasing the amount of RAM. How much do you need to not worry about the result?

Recommended RAM Requirements

dishonored game system requirements

If you want to get maximum pleasure from the game and not experience any problems, then you should definitely consider increasing the amount of RAM up to four gigabytes. In official requirements, such an indicator is indicated in the recommendations, so you have no reason not to believe the developers. 4 gigabytes of RAM - and this game will work on your computer just perfect. However, even though the RAM memory is the most important when launching any game, you should not think that exclusively RAM determines everything.

Video card

dishonored windows 7 system requirements

Naturally, you should not forget about the video card, since it is she who is responsible for how the game is displayed on your monitor. If you have too little video memory, then the game may simply not start. Accordingly, you definitely need to check that your card has at least 512 megabytes of memory so that the Dishonored game is available to you at least at the minimum settings. But, as in previous cases, you, of course, should focus not on a minimum. After all, you will get much less pleasure if you do not see all the beauties that the designers have prepared for you.

Recommended Graphics Card Requirements

512 megabytes of video memory are very small requirements, especially for such an advanced game. But, as mentioned earlier, you can hardly enjoy all the beauties that have been prepared for you, because if you try to twist the graphics settings to the maximum, the game will start to slow down or even crash. Accordingly, you need to make sure that your video card has the optimal amount of memory - in this case, it is one gigabyte. You obviously can afford it, especially if you are aimed at using your computer to run more modern computer games. The video card is in second place in importance for launching games after RAM, so always make sure you have the latest model installed with enough video memory and support for all modern services.

Hard disk space

As for the hard disk space that you will need to install and run the game on your computer, here, of course, there is no division into the minimum and recommended requirements. The required volume is indicated immediately and very clearly - you will need to have nine gigabytes of space on your hard drive so that you can install Dishonored on it. System requirements (Windows 7 or Vista, a dual-core or quad-core processor) may vary, but the free space on your hard drive is specific, so you will have to free it anyway.


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