Quotes about holidays owned by famous personalities

Rest is holy. It can be stated with confidence that everyone thinks so. Except maybe workaholics. But otherwise, all people like to relax and devote their time to what they like. Leisure takes a certain place in oral culture. This refers to quotes about the rest belonging to great people. Here I would like to list them.

The importance of leisure

Many quotes about the rest, owned by great people, successfully convey how important it really is. Immanuel Kant, an 18th-century German philosopher, agreed with the importance of leisure. He said that rest after work is the undoubted and purest joy of all that exists.

quotes about the rest

And this is not his only good phrase. Kant also said: "The greatest pleasure in which there is no impurity is rest after work." In principle, the meaning is the same. However, it is not surprising why Kant often expressed himself, because everyone knows how much he had to work. All my life, to be precise.

Ioannina Ipochorska, a Polish artist, writer and translator, once said: β€œThe shortest distance between two points is the interval between the beginning of the vacation and its end.” And one cannot disagree with this.

A good phrase was said by the American politician Benjamin Franklin. She sounded like this: "The best of all medicines is abstinence and rest."

Deep meaning

Many quotes about the rest are philosophical in nature. For example, the American publicist William Channing said that rest and peace owed their sweetness only to work. This is true, because we all know how much pleasure we spend on vacation, remembering how much important work has been done over the past months.

sayings about rest

But the French aphorist and theater critic Georges Elgozi said one interesting, truthful, but somewhat pessimistic thing. The phrase reads: "Pension is a vacation that is imposed on a person when all he can do is work."

The American philosopher and artist Elbert Hubbard has a more positive expression. It sounds like this: "No one needs a vacation so much as a person who has just returned from him." This phrase, by the way, many put in their statuses about the rest. Despite the fact that the activity of Elbert was in the first half of the XIX century, the expression remains vital to this day. And it's true. Sometimes people spend their vacations so violently that after it, returning to the working order becomes an impossible task.

Other quotes

There are many more sayings about the rest. It is difficult to list all of them, but the fact that the meaning of each aphorism is familiar to us is a fact. An interesting phrase belongs to a Canadian musician named Andre Prevost. This man said: β€œA bed is a place where you can relax alone and get tired together.” There is no need to even explain the meaning.

holiday statuses

And also, listing quotes about the rest, it is worth noting the following phrase by the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso: β€œI relax when I work. And I get tired during the reception of guests and idleness. " This expression characterizes many workaholics - those to whom labor activity only gives joy.

Well, I would like to finish with a phrase that belongs to Rabindranath Tagore: β€œRest and work are inseparable. Like an eye and an eyelid. ”

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9156/

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