Children's puzzles about the bank and the economy

Riddles in poems for children are a great way to bring to kids an understanding of certain things, and it also helps to analyze and compare familiar objects or actions. Riddles help to think, study a subject, and connect concepts with their description.

Useful Thoughts

From kindergarten, children get used to solving puzzles. This is a useful skill with which the baby, including imagination, memory, tries to guess the conceived subject.

The first puzzles are presented to the crumb by the simplest ones about the world around. Usually they are associated with flora and fauna, household items, relatives, toys. With age, puzzles acquire a more complex form and a developing theme. Riddles about the bank introduce the child to the world of adults, economics, money, financial transactions.

puzzles about the bank


With the help of puzzles from the “adult world”, the child will receive the first knowledge about turnover, wages, dividends, income and budget. For instance:

  • Everyone is in this house, immediately fill out the forms, make payments to the cashier ... What kind of house is this, tell me? (Bank).
  • Your money will be saved, as if in a tank, in this ... (bank).
  • Guess guys, what's the name of the paycheck? (Prepaid expense).
  • What is the name of the machine where crowds are on payday? (ATM).
  • People go to the bazaar, because it’s cheaper there ... (goods).
  • He began to generate income in his father’s bank ... (capital).
  • If you work year-round, it will increase ... (income).
  • Where to put money, where - no: this is how it is drawn up ... (budget).
  • He is a financial fakir, the head of the bank, he ... (banker).
  • The teacher and the acrobat, everyone is given this ... (salary).
  • Things will go well with us when we make our first ... (contribution).
  • Before the salary every time, at the factory they give ... (advance payment).
  • It always hangs on the product, the necessary ... (price).
  • Mom says they sing romances, but they are not singers, but ... (finances).
  • To pay for a bottle of kvass, get a check and go to ... (cash desk).
small banker

Riddles about the bank and the economy will come in handy for school-age children, as well as during thematic financial events.


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