How to make a hairstyle for a doll?

The easiest way to teach a little girl how to weave braids, to tie bundles and ponytails is to make a doll hairstyle. If a child makes mistakes in working with a toy, they can be corrected, in a last resort, buy a new thing. Now we will consider what hairstyles can be made to dolls and how complicated they will be in execution. Using a toy as a mannequin, a girl can learn to cut, make voluminous and high styling, braid braids of varying complexity. So, let's begin.

doll hairstyle

Hairstyle for doll No. 1 - tail

There are two types of tails: low and high. We will start with the first one, as it is easier to make. The child will only need to collect all the doll's hair in a bundle on the back of his head and stab it out with a hairpin. The high ponytail is a little trickier. To start, carefully comb the chrysalis, then lift all the hair to the crown. Combing them into a strong bunch, make sure that "cocks" do not appear. Now tie the hair with an elastic band, preferably a thin one, and then take out a small strand. Wrap the base of the tail with it to hide the elastic, and secure with invisible bottom.

what hairstyles can dolls do

Hairstyle for doll No. 2 - "Malvina" of curls

To reproduce such a styling, it is desirable that the doll has soft and delicate hair. Therefore, choose to work "Barbie", "Bratz" and similar copies. So, for starters, using a small curling iron, curl curls. Keep in mind that the head of the pupa is many times smaller than a human head, therefore, such curls will look large on her hair. Now you need to determine what the parting will be: it can be made lateral or straight. Also, all curls can be combed back and fastened with a hairpin. Let your daughter do each of these hairstyles at different times.

Hairstyle for doll No. 3 - pigtail and variations with its use

In order to make at least one styling based on a braid, you must first learn how to braid it. Start teaching your child weaving with a simple. The braid starts from the back of the head and is braided on loose hair. After the baby has mastered this technique, connect the “tail-to-crown” hairstyle and the pigtail. Then you can experiment with little pigtails. Separate the strand near one ear of the doll and start braiding it. On the opposite side, secure it with a hairpin. The front part of the hair can be completely combed up, or you can leave a parting. It is also easy to make various patterns from such small braids - hearts, spirals, circles. But this will work out for a child already in about five years old, and then if he will have a penchant for creativity and a talent for a hairdresser.

hairstyles for dolls brother

Choosing the right toys

Original look hairstyles for dolls "Bratz". Basically, these are voluminous styling, soft wavy curls, collected in the "Malvinka" or loose. Also, two low tails are often tied to such dolls or a loose braid is braided. It is easy to experiment with these toys, as their head is much larger than that of Barbie, and their hair is soft and obedient.

Any hairstyle for a doll is a styling borrowed from a fashion magazine, which can be found on models, actresses and other outstanding personalities. Of course, it is difficult to create hairdressing masterpieces on a small toy head, but to teach a child to make the most simple styling is as simple as that.


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