How to sew a tulle petticoat? Recommendations

How to sew a tulle petticoat? In our article we will tell you how to do it correctly. We also give some useful recommendations.


The fabric, which is called tulle, is an interweaving of threads into an intricate mesh. There are a lot of varieties of this material. If 50 years ago the industry produced only white tulle, it went on sewing ballet tutus, now you can find fabric not only dyed, but also with sequins, rhinestones, embroidery. Although in the Middle Ages, craftswomen made material that looked like modern tulle. The lower skirts for dresses were sewn from this fabric, the veil was made on hats, and the denser ones were used in the manufacture of canopies and protective nets. In the Middle Ages, tulle was made from natural fibers - cotton, linen. Now, craftswomen like to use it for making decor items, decorating clothes, and also for wrapping gifts. Modern production produces tulle of different density and degree of extensibility. Therefore, from soft, delicate, easily obtained items of clothing or jewelry on the head. Dense tulle is very useful in sewing tourist equipment, for example, tents or protective hats. What can be made of tulle with your own hands?

how to sew a tulle petticoat

In the 80s of the last century, a new form was introduced in ballet schools in America. It consisted of a gymnastic leotard and a skirt sewn from tulle. The skirt for its airiness was called Tutti. And for many years, such clothes do not go out of fashion, not only in ballet, but also among ordinary girls. Now at any evening you can meet girls dressed in tulle skirts.


However, a petticoat can also be sewn from this material. He will add splendor and originality to the evening dress. How to sew a tulle petticoat with your own hands? In principle, there is nothing complicated in this matter. Even someone who has never been engaged in the manufacture of things from fabric can sew a tulle from tulle.

Step-by-step instruction

How to sew a petticoat from tulle step by step? To do this, you need: tulle to match the dress (or you can play in contrast), linen elastic, thread, needle, scissors. This fabric is easily sewn, when cut with scissors there is no scattering along the cut. In order to sew a tulle's petticoat, it is necessary to take the amount of tissue 2 times the waist circumference. Then, the edge corresponding to the length of the product is stitched. The next step is to insert the elastic bands in the girdle belt. How to do it?

how to sew a magnificent tulle petticoat

To do this, the part of the product that will be on the belt should be bent 2 centimeters and stitched. As a result, you should get a compartment for sticking in gum. Use a safety pin to thread an elastic band. Then distribute the tulle on the belt with uniform folds. The product is ready. So in a couple of hours you can do everything.

Lush version

How to sew a magnificent tulle petticoat? After the first experience with this material, you can make a more complex thing. Now we will tell you how to sew a magnificent tulle from Tulle step by step.

ak sew a tulle petticoat for a girl

It is necessary to take a piece of tissue 5 times the waist. So, for example, if the waist in the girth of 60 centimeters, then the fabric will need 3 meters. From this amount of fabric you get three identical skirts. We divide all the fatin into identical pieces. Then we sew each cut along the line of the product length. After that, we make a belt for the petticoat from white fabric. To do this, you need to make a part whose dimensions are equal to a width of 10 centimeters, and a length of 1.5 times greater than the waist circumference. All parts of the petticoat are carefully sewn to the belt, superimposed on each other, carefully distributing evenly the folds. An elastic band is inserted into the belt. The magnificent petticoat is ready. However, for such a product, it is best to take a denser tulle, which will hold its shape well and give a special splendor to the product.

For girl

From the rest of the fabric, you can easily make a petticoat for the little princess. How to sew a tulle petticoat for a girl?

how to sew a tulle petticoat with your own hands

For such a thing, you just need a rubber band on your belt. It will also require identical pieces of tulle, 10-15 centimeters wide and twice as long as the finished product. Parts of the material are folded in half in length, thrown over the waistband, pulled into a knot. The more pieces of tulle will be imposed on the elastic, the more magnificent the petticoat will be. And if you use different colors, you get a fairly bright and original skirt for a young princess. Fatin should be taken less dense, well-permeable to air in the finished product was comfortable and convenient.


That's all the good tips. Now you know how to sew a tulle petticoat. We hope that our recommendations will help you. In general, tulle is actually very easy to sew, cut and cut. This fabric makes beautiful flowers. They can be used to decorate clothes. After all, it is not for nothing that a veil for the bride is sewn from white material. Tulle decorated with embroidery and sequins is suitable for the manufacture of evening dresses. Using this fabric, you can sew the original outfit with transparent inserts.

how to sew a magnificent tulle of a tulle step by step

Products made of tulle do not need to be ironed, because the material does not crease. In addition, the fabric does not stretch from gravity and is easily washed in warm water with the addition of ordinary soap. White tulle can be painted in any color with acrylic paints. Another positive advantage of the fabric is its rather low price per meter. Each craftswoman should at least once work with a fabric such as tulle.


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