Panicled Hydrangeas: New Varieties. Tree-like and panicled hydrangeas: reproduction and care

Refined and solemn majestic hydrangeas, occupying a leading position in the family of the same name, are common in the wild in Asia, southern Europe and North America. On the Russian territory in the Far Eastern region, two species of this ornamental plant are found.

panicle hydrangeas new varieties
Tree and panicle hydrangeas are cultivated. New varieties are especially popular with domestic gardeners. These magnificent plants are successfully grown in almost all, even the most climatically difficult areas of the country. In the article, we present an overview of hydrangea varieties.

Type panicled hydrangea

This plant is very attractive and has excellent regenerative ability for partial damage caused by freezing. New varieties of panicled hydrangea have high frost resistance, which allows the plant to winter under minimal shelter from spruce paws and spandbod or without it (in places protected from northerly winds and with a sufficiently high layer of snow cover).

new varieties of panicle hydrangea

The name of the species that speaks for itself determines the shape of the inflorescence, which is a large, long-blooming panicle. A distinctive feature of some varieties of this species is a rare ability to gradually change the color of flowers. Cut inflorescences are often used in winter flower arrangements. Panicled hydrangea is represented by numerous varieties that differ in the size and structure of the bush, the color of inflorescences, and the duration of flowering. Popular varieties of panicled hydrangea, which we will discuss below, have long been recognized by gardeners.


A photophilous decorative variety with classic large white cone-shaped inflorescences and a predominance of sterile flowers that turn pink during flowering - this is what Grandiflora looks like (panicled hydrangea). The description of popular varieties will begin with it. The bush, reaching two meters in height, with the correct round shape of the crown, differs not only in the beauty of the flowers, but also in the decorative leaves, oblong and velvety with a pointed tip, blooming quite late. The duration of flowering is from July to September. The degree of winter hardiness increases with age, young plants should be covered with the onset of winter.

Grade Features

Resistance to gas contamination of the space allows you to grow Grandiflora in the city. It is often used in park interiors, in group and single landings.

hydrangeas tree-like and panicled new varieties
It grows excellently in well-lit places with loose fertile acidic soils. Hydrangea Grandiflora is very demanding on watering and top dressing. Magnificent decorative bush is supported by annual spring trimmings. It can be grown by forming a stem.

Hydrangea Limelight

Late-flowering variety with large dense broad-conical inflorescences, which have a distinct light green hue at the beginning of flowering, turning into autumn in soft pink tones. Limelight enchants with the beauty of dense inflorescences from sterile flowers. The shrub is quite compact, reaches one and a half meters in height and has a neat rounded crown. Not only inflorescences are decorative, velvety dark green oblong leaves with a sharp top emphasize the sophistication of the plant. Hydrangea blooming from mid-summer to September is photophilous, develops well on light acidic soils and absolutely does not tolerate liming. A variety is planted in lighted areas.

garden hydrangeas review of the best varieties

Young plants are especially vulnerable in severe snowless winters, so you will have to cover them in the first years. Like other new varieties of panicled hydrangea, Limelight increases the level of winter hardiness with age. The plant needs rational care: watering and top dressing during the growing season, as well as sanitary and forming clippings, which must be carried out either before the start of sap flow, or during the period of leaf opening, are required. High decorative bush is used for planting it in single or group ensembles, decorating the park and garden interior. Limelight and other panicled hydrangea varieties most popular in Russia are appreciated by gardeners and as the basis for floral arrangements and winter bouquets.

Hydrangea Vanilla Frize

A variety loved by many gardeners with exquisite and beautiful pink-and-white pyramidal inflorescences. A shrub of a sprawling shape with a diameter of one and a half meters and a height of two meters belongs to the late flowering.

popular varieties of panicle hydrangea

Inflorescences, consisting of sterile snow-white flowers that bloom at first, quickly turn pink and acquire a saturated pink color. Such a change in shade is characterized by many panicle hydrangeas. New varieties have a more pronounced change in shade and a surprisingly long flowering. These include Vanilla Freise, used as a spectacular tapeworm surrounded by vibrant perennials in lawn compositions. The shrub is frost-resistant, photophilous, prefers well-moistened fertile soils with an acid reaction. Planted it in brightly lit areas protected from the winds. Periodic generous watering and top dressing are needed. Pruning of weak, frozen or faded shoots is done in early spring before the buds swell.

Hydrangea Kiusu

Decorative early flowering shrub with white, gradually turning subsequently into pinkish inflorescences from sterile and predominant fertile flowers. A spreading bush reaching three meters in height is distinguished by dark green glossy foliage and medium-sized inflorescences with a small number of sterile flowers. Despite the height, the bushes give the impression of transparent lightness, and this quality of the plant is often used to decorate the landscape and is effectively beaten by garden interior designers. White flowers, collected in long conical with a wide base of inflorescences, have a pleasant aroma.

panicle hydrangea description of popular varieties

Photophilous plants - panicle hydrangeas. New varieties, however, tolerate partial shade and can develop well in areas with light and acidic soils. This is also true for Kiusu. The shrub has moderate winter hardiness, increasing with age. The variety is moisture-loving, demanding on top dressing, excellently tolerates air pollution, which is invaluable in the conditions of the city. Therefore, Kyusha is often planted in city parks, shrubby mixborders, as well as Japanese kindergartens. Pruning is carried out in early spring, shortening the shoots with faded inflorescences to a developed node with existing buds and cutting weak and broken branches.

Hydrangea Pinky Winky

A beautiful bush with pink-red inflorescences, in which sterile flowers predominate, has a lush, rounded crown, reaching a two-meter diameter. The decorative perennial has been productive for nearly fifty years. The annual growth of shoots is 25-30 centimeters. The flowers are collected in long, up to 18-20 centimeters of inflorescence with a change in shade from purple at the base of the conical panicle to the snow-white top.

the most popular varieties of panicled hydrangea in Russia

Light green oblong leaves with pointed tips and serrated edges also add decorativeness to the bush. Pinky Winky hydrangea is used to decorate estates, gardens and park areas, often planted as a hedge or in single and group plantings in ensembles and contrast compositions. This variety does not tolerate drought, soil compaction and the presence of lime in it, prefers protected areas lit by the sun with fertile acidic soils. With abundant flowering, it is recommended to tie the bush. In winter, young plants are sheltered.

Tree and panicle hydrangeas: new varieties

More recently, one garden form of panicled hydrangea, Grandiflora, was grown in Russian gardens. Today in the domestic market you can find various types and varieties created earlier, as well as new products bred by foreign breeders.

The hydrangeas listed above (new and better varieties) differ in few characteristics from the well-known Grandiflora gardeners, since to determine the main qualities of a plant, it is preferable to test it by growing it for several years. Nevertheless, choosing a variety, you can pay attention to such features as the shape and structure of inflorescences, their color and the height of the bush.

Inflorescence shape

Panicled hydrangeas, the new varieties of which are described above, have cone-shaped inflorescences of different lengths - from 10 to 35 centimeters. Some inflorescences are more elongated, others are almost rounded, with a slightly noticeable apex. The structure is also different: large sterile flowers condense and make it heavier, while heterogeneous flowers (small bisexual and large sterile) make it easy and openwork. They are elegant, do not lean to the sides and do not break from the wind.

hydrangeas new and better varieties
When choosing varieties, summer residents are guided by their own preferences. Varieties with large dense flowers include Grandiflora, Limelight, Vanilla Frize. Graceful openwork panicles are inherent in the varieties Kiush, Pinki Winky, Great Star and others.

Shades of inflorescences

White color is basic in the color of inflorescences, but the color changes during flowering. Varieties with the most pronounced snow-white flowers are Vanilla Frize, Great Star, creamy - Grandiflora, Kiusu, greenish - Limelight. Pinky Winky has a rich pink tint. In the vast majority of varieties, by the fall, flowers turn pink with varying degrees of color intensity.

Shrub height

Panicled hydrangeas (new varieties, such as Pink Diamond, Kiushu and Phantom) have a more pronounced vertical growth of stems, strong, but less branching shoots. These bushes are quite tall (two to four meters).

overview of hydrangea varieties species panicled hydrangea
There are also low-growing, not exceeding one meter varieties, excellent for rock gardens and container growing - Pinky Winky, Darts Little Dot, Last Post and others.

Experienced gardeners appreciate the presented decorative garden hydrangeas. A review of the best varieties will help beginners to select the most liked variety.


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