How to cut a puppy's claws: technique, necessary materials and tools

Any pet, including a dog, of course, must be provided with proper care. Four-legged pets should be well fed, bathed, combed, etc. The thoroughbred puppies usually, among other things, also cut their nails from time to time. This procedure, of course, needs to be done correctly. Every pet lover should know how to cut the claws of a puppy without damaging anything to him.

Why do I need to cut

The health of its paws directly depends on the length of the puppy’s claws. Being too long, they can hurt a small pet when walking. Long claws prevent puppies from correctly placing their paws, unbending them and bending them. At the same time, the fingers of the dogs are tucked, which makes the gait of the four-legged friend unstable.

Claw Cutting Frequency

All this may ultimately result in puppy limp and, as a result, he will have problems with the spine, joints and bones will be deformed. In addition to supporting fingers, dogs have another profitable one. It is located high on the paw. Long claws on a profitable finger in puppies often cling to any objects, which leads to injury. They also sometimes grow into pads. In this case, the dog experiences pain when moving the limb. In this case, treatment, among other things, involves surgical intervention.


So, removing the claws of puppies is certainly a necessary procedure. Without this, the dog’s health can be shaken. Knowing how to cut a puppy's claws is a must. This operation can also be carried out independently, at home. But before proceeding with its implementation, the owner of the puppy should find out what structure the dog's claws have. Otherwise, because of the ignorance of the puppy, it can be injured when cutting.

Claw on a profitable finger

The claws of dogs are triangular in shape. At the base, next to the pillow, they are thick, and sharp at the ends. Inside each puppy's claw is a pulp with blood vessels and nerves. On light claws it is clearly visible, and on dark - almost invisible. In any case, it is impossible to hurt the pulp when cutting the claws of a puppy. Dark claws of dogs are usually trimmed just a little bit, removing only the sharp tip.

The form

In this regard, claws are distinguished:

  • feline - curved with sharp ends;

  • arcuate - slightly bent down;

  • hare straight.

The easiest way, of course, is to cut straight claws in puppies. This form of them is most often found in dogs of decorative breeds. The hardest thing is to cut cat-shaped claws. In this case, when performing the operation, you need to be as careful as possible so as not to damage the puppy's pads and fingers.

It is not particularly difficult to trim the arcuate claws, like straight ones. In this case, however, one should still be more careful. This form is, for example, the claws of puppies York. How to trim their dog - the answer to this question, as in other cases, will be the technology that will be discussed below. Using this technique, claws of any shape can be removed from dogs.

How to trim a puppy's claws: a basic tool

Of course, you cannot use ordinary scissors for this procedure. Perform this operation using special tools. To trim a dog’s claws you can use:

  • claw pruning shears;

  • special guillotine shears;

  • electric claw grinder.

The tool of the latter variety is rarely used by puppy owners. Claw sharpeners make a loud noise that can frighten the animal. When rubbing against the claw, the working part of the tool is also very hot. The only advantage of this device is relative safety. It is almost impossible to damage a puppy when using it.

Haircutting tools

Pruning shears and guillotine shears are easier for dogs to cut their nails. But when using these tools, you should be careful not to injure your four-legged friend.

When choosing a tool for cutting, among other things, you need to pay attention to its size. For small dogs, of course, you should purchase small devices. For a puppy of a large breed, you will have to buy a tool that is large enough.

How to trim the puppy's claws: accessories and materials

In addition to the actual tool intended for cutting, the owner of the puppy, if he wants to remove long claws, will need to prepare:

  • ordinary scissors;

  • hemostatic powder.

Scissors will be needed to cut the hair on the fingers and between them if it interferes with the procedure. Hemostatic powder is used for damage to the pulp. If necessary, you just need to lower the puppy's claw into it. After a short period of time, the blood from the damaged vessels will stop flowing.

Technology features

Thus, you can trim the puppy's claws with your own hands. This procedure is technologically relatively simple. However, the animal for such an operation should, of course, be prepared. First, the puppy needs to be gradually accustomed to the sound of scissors. Otherwise, when cutting, he may get scared and twitch, which will lead to injury.

The nature of dogs depends primarily on their breed. Some puppies are flexible, others are stubborn. In the latter case, before the haircut for the success of the puppy procedure, most likely, you will have to pre-cajole. The best argument for the need for such an operation for a doggie may be, for example, a high-quality treat after each claw removed.

Actually, the haircut itself is best done with an assistant. While the owner cuts the claws, someone must hold the puppy. As assistants, of course, it is worth taking the person whom the dog knows and trusts.

Dog clipping

A puppy's haircut should only be associated with good emotions. Shouting at a dog, let alone beating it, of course, is by no means possible. Removing the puppy's claws, one should support him with affectionate words and calm him down if he is worried.

After the haircut is complete, the puppy must be praised. This will be an incentive for calm behavior in subsequent claw removal procedures.

Step-by-step instruction

So, let's see how to trim a puppy's claws correctly. This procedure looks technologically as follows:

  • The dog's feet are thoroughly washed.

  • The dog is called up, sitting in a convenient, well-lit place.

  • The puppy is seated between the legs and pick up his front paw.

  • The paw of the dog is turned into the light and carefully inspect the claw for pulp detection.

  • Press on the pillow so that the claw comes out to the full length.

  • They retreat visually from the pulp by 2-3 mm and draw an imaginary line.

  • Cut the claw on this line.

  • If necessary, file the edges of the claw with a nail file (best if the trimmed claws of the puppy will be oval).

The claws on the hind legs are sheared. But the puppy is laid on its side and kneels next to it.

Claw Technology

This technology will be an excellent answer to the question of how to cut the claws of a puppy of a Spitz, Spaniel, Shepherd or, for example, a Rottweiler or Mastiff. This technique is suitable for dogs of any breed - small or large. Shaggy doggies before performing the procedure, most likely, will additionally have to remove the hair between the fingers.

Expert Advice

So, we figured out how to cut a puppy's claws at home. Perform this procedure is, among other things, in compliance with some recommendations of specialists.

It is advisable to walk well before cutting your puppy's claws. This will reduce the motor activity of the pet, and therefore, will make the clipping process easier.

Also, the puppy needs to be fed before performing the operation. The pet should not be disturbed when cutting the hair in any case. A hungry dog ​​becomes restless, wayward and aggressive. After a hearty lunch, the puppy will come to a relaxed state.

If the pulp of the claw of the doggie is damaged, and he has to stop the blood, the haircut procedure should be suspended for at least 15 minutes. During this time, the puppy will need to try to calm. If the blood, even when using special means, does not stop for more than 30 minutes, the dog must be taken to the veterinarian urgently.

Sometimes the owners, for fear of injuring the pet or because of the too restless behavior of the pet, can not trim the claws of the puppy. In this case, it is not worth tormenting yourself and the animal. For a haircut, it is better to contact a dog hairdresser or a veterinarian. This procedure is relatively inexpensive.

Dog claws trimmed

Puppy age

Some owners of puppies still doubt the need for clipping. After all, for example, no one does this procedure for stray dogs. And the health of such dogs is absolutely not affected. However, stray dogs spend their whole lives in motion, trying to get food. And consequently, their claws are erased naturally.

Domestic doggies do not have to show too much activity. Accordingly, this procedure becomes mandatory for them. Some owners are interested in including whether the puppy can cut her claws at all. Performing this procedure, as we have found, is not only possible, but also necessary. And they begin to carry out such an operation with doggies, usually at a very young age.

For the first time, the puppy will have to cut its claws, most likely, two weeks after its acquisition. Breeders, on the other hand, remove claws from doggies on the 6-7th day after birth. Of course, such puppies cannot walk yet. However, the claws of such babies are usually very thin and sharp. Therefore, when feeding puppies can damage the udders of bitches. Also, small animals can easily injure themselves or their claws with claws, waddling through each other.

How often to cut

Thus, the reader now knows how to cut the claws of a Chihuahua puppy, Spitz, Husky, etc. But with what frequency is it best to carry out this procedure? The puppies claws grow fast enough. In summer, they are usually sheared at least once every two weeks. At this time of year, puppies, among other things, during their walks grind their claws on the asphalt. Therefore, dogs do not need more frequent haircuts. In winter, claws in puppies are usually removed more often. In the cold season, this is done at least 1 time in 10 days.

Long claw problems

In any case, the puppy should cut its claws regularly. Skipping such procedures is highly undesirable. The fact is that with regular cutting, the pulp inside the claws slows down growth. Therefore, it becomes easier to remove the puppy's claws with age. If haircuts will be carried out only from time to time, the pulp, unfortunately, will grow long.


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