At what age do children begin to sit? Find out!

Keeping track of the timely development of the child is the primary task of each responsible parent. A lot of scientific works have been written on this subject - because the first year of a personโ€™s life is a real miracle from the point of view of an ordinary person and is very responsible for neonatologists and pediatricians.

At what age do children begin to sit?

As you know, at birth, the child can neither walk, nor speak, nor even sit. The first months of his life, he only masters the world around him, learns to be an observer, and also slowly communicate through screaming, laughing, smiling and crying. And only then the baby moves on to more complex activities. Let's talk today at what age children begin to sit. This is the first major achievement in the way of growing up a little man.

at what age do children start to sit
Many parents are worried about when a child should start to sit. They panic if neighbors, acquaintances, friends, children have already achieved significant results, and begin to suspect a completely healthy baby many problems. But the development of the child is an individual matter. As there are no absolutely identical people, the development process of all children cannot be combed under a single comb. Nevertheless, the question of at what age children begin to sit is one of the most popular at a neurologist's appointment.

Of course, there is a certain tendency when certain changes should be expected from the baby. When observing your child, you can be guided by it, but first you need to make adjustments for your own heredity. Therefore, if you are worried why the child is not sitting, ask your parents how many months you personally began to sit, and also ask a similar question to your other half - maybe the baby will just learn the science of sitting right away, and will not learn gradually.

why baby is not sitting
When does the preparation of infants begin to take upright position in space? The first thing a child needs to sit down is a sufficiently strong spine and muscle corset. At birth, no baby can hold its head - the back and neck are still very weak, they require development. To achieve this, during the first months of the baby's life, it is necessary to do light gymnastics with him - to lower and raise the arms, bend and unbend the legs, stroke the neck and back. Such simple exercises increase muscle tone, improve blood circulation, and hence the saturation of tissues with oxygen. For the same purpose, all absolutely doctors tell young parents about the benefits of walking - children who spend a lot of time in the fresh air grow more resilient, healthy and developed. As the old-school pediatricians say, only dampness and strong winds can be obstacles to a walk. A frost will only benefit.

how to teach a child to sit
In order not to worry about the development of the baby, try to walk with him more. Well, what kind of sport helps strengthen your back? Of course, swimming. It used to be that it was necessary to bathe a child only in the bath, but the modern approach in pediatrics offers the baby to immediately master the bath or even the pool. Thanks to such a technique as infant swimming, children earlier begin to develop the musculoskeletal system. There are special sections for babies from the first month of life. But even without them, you can help the child - holding him by the head, when bathing in a large bath, you need to let him wallow in the water.

Another important stage in the development - the baby learned to keep the head level. This is his first major breakthrough. He begins his first attempts in this direction for two months. At first, he can hold his head for no more than a couple of seconds, but gradually the neck muscles grow stronger, and every day the child does it all with more confidence. In order to help him train, you need to often lay out the baby on the tummy. In this position, he rises, resting on his forearms, and holds his head straight. We can say that after this mastered movement the day is not far off when the child begins to sit on his own.

when the child begins to sit on his own
By the age of three months the baby already knows a lot - he actively moves his arms and legs, makes grasping movements, holds his head and rests on his forearms. At this time, another step is being taken - he begins to roll over. At first it will be a roll from the back to one of the sides. Then, as the attempts are successful, the child begins to roll on his stomach. The muscles are becoming stronger, and when standing on the tummy, he can already lift not only the head, but also part of the body.

Four months

And at four months the incredible thing happens - the baby is already so strong that it can take a sitting position. This is still a very uncertain movement. To sit at this age, the baby is only able to support, and then he can topple it with enviable regularity in a lying position. Therefore, by this time you should not leave it alone on a solid surface. He is already trying to sit down himself - this is the next step after the coups. But he needs an adult's hand to lean on it.

Six months

And only by the age of 5-6 months, most of the children can confidently accept this position of the body. And so far this process is not easy for a little man. To sit down, he has to roll over on his side, then rest on his hand and raise his body up. At this time, progress begins in maintaining balance - it becomes easier for him to be in one position exactly, and more often this position is vertical.

Next stage

Already at 7-8 months, the sitting position becomes familiar to the child. It is already so strong that it can rise without support from a position on the stomach or on its back. For this, the baby actively uses the emphasis on hands. And after this, there are cases when he immediately gets up and holds on to the support. But you should not expect that at this time he will begin to do so. If the neurologist does not believe that the child has problems with the health of the nervous system, muscles or spine, do not worry - maybe he will sit by 9 months.

when the baby should start to sit
Many mothers who seek to ensure their child a full early development, ask how to teach a child to sit. Clear guidance on this simply does not exist. Most doctors and experienced parents advise simply to relax and wait: they say the baby knows when to sit down and when to go. But to help him, in addition to the above methods of strengthening the spine as the main way to improve musculoskeletal functions, you can also expand the daily gymnastics training program by 4-5 months. In particular, you can try to bring him into a sitting position with a simple exercise. It is necessary to raise the child and put him out of position on his back, holding the palms with which he squeezes the fingers of an adult. Several such approaches a day will accustom the baby to this state, and therefore will facilitate his independent transition to a sitting position.


Thus, the question of at what age children begin to sit cannot be clearly answered. This is a time-honored lesson for every baby. It begins with four months and the first insecure attempts, and can end in 8-9 months with already full sitting.


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