Corridors of child development. The early development of children, for or against

Probably, each of us has ever come across the concept of "corridors for the development of the child." Of course, all parents want their children to be fully educated. And here the question arises of how necessary and useful early development is. Is it worth it to deal with a child from a young age? There is such a thing as “child development corridors”. These are precisely the stages at which the maturation of a small person as an integral personality is divided.

child development corridors

There is no consensus that such an early development does not exist, but still, if you look at it from the other side, we can say that this is the result of parents engaged with the baby when he is ahead of his own time, that is, he begins to do something earlier than could be. Summarizing all the methods of early development of children, we can say that it covers babies aged from 6 months to three years.

Today, in many magazines for parents and websites you can find a lot of information about parenting. But still there are some features of the development of young children. You can tackle the development of your child using the following methods.

methods of early development of children

The technique of Maria Montessori

The meaning of her method is that in teaching there is completely no classroom lesson system, as well as a grading system. The child has the opportunity to choose what to do, with whom and for what period of time. It is assumed that there is a special developmental material that allows the baby to independently engage in, find and correct their mistakes. This method is used, taking into account the developmental corridors of the child, and encourages children to educate each other, help and collaborate. Between teachers and parents full and equal cooperation is established. Maria Montessori has developed games for children of different ages. Among them are:

  1. Pool for fingers. To do this, take a 5-liter bottle of water and fill it with any cereal. Place small rubber toys, cubes there and ask the child to find them. Such a game develops fine motor skills of the hands.
  2. We pick up the cap. This will require vials, jars, bottles with caps of different sizes. You need to open the lids and mix them, and then invite the baby to find lids for jars and bottles on their own.

features of the development of young children

Early Development Technique Masaru Ibuki

According to Ibuki, every baby absorbs information like a sponge, so it can be easily taught any foreign language, swimming, music and much more. He also argued that you can’t talk with a child, but you need to talk to him as an adult. After a while, he will be able to speak with his parents in a clean and understandable language. It is necessary to take the child in her arms more often, since in this way he better feels the connection with his mother. It is also impossible to ignore the child, as this is much worse than even pampering him. Between parents, you need to try to maintain peace, as even a newborn feels when parents are in a quarrel.

It can be concluded that early introduction to classes has its positive aspects, and the developmental corridors of the child play an important role in this, since at each age stage the kids are interested in a certain type of activity. Therefore, deal with children from a very young age or wait and let them do it for themselves, parents decide.


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