Who is Bludsicker's counter? Detailed descriptions of the hero and how to deal with him

Dota 2 players will sooner or later encounter a hero named Bludsicker. Often, after such a meeting, they begin to wonder: “Who is the counter Bluesiker in DotA 2?” The answer to this question largely depends on the player himself and his opponent's skill.

Ford: description

The Bloodsicker, or Strigwyr, is a melee and carry dodger in DotA.

Who counter Bludsicker
He can farm well, quickly kill, catch up with enemy heroes. Let's start with an analysis of his skills.

The first skill is Bludrage. It does not require mana, and you can use it on CD. Throws himself, allies, enemies. BCB does not break. After using the target, the damage done increases, but the damage taken also increases. If a hero near Bludridge kills a creep, his health is restored. For a finished hero, health increases 10 times. Very useful skill. You can use it on yourself to farm more easily, or in a fight with a weak opponent. Vampirism is very useful for low CP. You can throw an enemy hero in a batch, but only if he is under the camp or cannot do serious damage (since an increase in damage, for example, in Ursa, will play a cruel joke with you). Anyone who counters the Bludsicker must take care of the camp.

Who counter Bludsicker in DotA 2

The second skill is Blood Wright, active. It costs 100 mana. Siker chooses a fairly large area for application. The skill is cast for three seconds, after which everyone who has not left the circle takes damage and silence. Good ability against magicians. It can be used in the early stages of the game to drive away opponents online, it is also suitable for farming.

The third passive skill is Searst. He shows Bludsiker enemy heroes who have little HP. With pumping, the range and threshold of HP increase. When Sicker senses a wounded enemy, his speed and attack speed increase. Very useful skill at all stages of the game. In the beginning, you can easily find a forester who farm with vampirism, as he always has low HP. For example, such a hero Gulya. Therefore, those who counteract Bludsicker should always monitor their health. Otherwise, you should not count on victory.

How to counter ultra Bludsicker?

Ult Sicker's - Raptor, its zest and a very useful thing. At the beginning of the game without him, Strugvir is rather weak and cannot gank. After being used on an enemy hero, damage is inflicted. But the main damage the target will receive while moving. The more he goes, the more HP will be taken from him. Ult helps Bludsiker attack the fleeing heroes or those lagging behind the rest of the team.

Hero Bloodsicker

It is locked very easily - just stand still. However, this does not always help. If you play as a magician or just a hero who does not kill Siker in solo, standing will not help you. Strugvir will simply kill you until you move, and the duration of the skill is quite long. Therefore, someone who counters Bludsiker online should always carry TP. This is another way to counter Ult Sicker's. After that, just teleport to another place (preferably under the well). Fornication cannot bring down TP (if he does not have a force-staff, for example).

Who counter Bludsicker

Another way is to assemble a linken sphere. Thus, Bludsiker just uses the ult, but you will not cause damage. You can also just go under the BKB, but you won’t be able to do this all the time.

Dota: how to play for the bludsicker

Fordsicker is a fairly straightforward carry that is very good at late. In the early stages of the game, you need to farm a lot. A hatchet must be present in the standard purchase. Somewhere up to the 4th level (or the 6th sixth, if free-farm) you need to stand on line and finish off the creeps under the first skill. Enemy heroes drive away the Fornication Wright. After that, go to the forest and farm. Sometimes you can do ganks for one hero, throwing an ult on him. Or wait until the 3rd skill shows you a low-HP Persian.

Dota how to play for the bludsicker
The farm should continue until the purchase of Sasha Yasha or Radiance.

Mass Brawl

Then you can go out and participate in the batch. It is best to stand on the line until you see one hero. Because the fight with the crowd at Strugvir turns out badly. And he has no abilities for leaving. In the general batch, do not forget to throw the Fornication Wright in order to pose for the heroes. Under the 1st skill, beat the "thick" enemies, but try to stay away from the epicenter. In the end, finish the heroes with low HP.
For a late game, you can collect Tarastka, ICD, Desolator. Be sure to combine things to attack with power, because after a few kills you will probably be counterattacked.

Heroes That Counter Bluesicker

Hero Bludsiker is quite dangerous, but with the right peak he does not pose a serious threat. One of Strugvir's antikes is Antimag. Its a plus in attack speed. By collecting something for vampirism, you can resist Sicker in a solo battle. He does not cause any special damage with skills, and you just kill him with ordinary attacks. The Blink ability will help you to easily get away from the ult. But burning mana doesn’t really help, as Seeker is not a pro-caste hero.

The strong

Anyone who counters Bludsicker must have a camp, a serious attack, a lot of HP. For example, Tide Hunter will easily kill Dish in solo. After the hero runs up, just start to beat. Tide has good armor, and it’s hard to kill with his pokes. When Sicker realizes that it’s time to leave, let's ult.

how to counter ultra blodsicker
Furion also competes with Strugvir. After he threw you, stand still. After waiting for the enemy to run up, enclose him in a circle of trees. The teleport ability will easily save you. If you have serious items for damage, you can try to destroy Siker.

And of course, Ursa can easily deal with the hated Bludsicker. With a simple trick - bestowal - you can turn the ult against its owner. After Rapur, just turn on the recoil and start moving, Siker will take damage. In a solo battle, he has little chance, but only if Ursa has gathered vampirism. Under a passive skill, your attack will increase, and Siker will not kill you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9186/

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