How to make a playground? Playground project

If the family has children, then the most important place in the country will be a playground. It is important to solve two issues here, namely: where to begin construction, and also how to equip the site. You will face the task of choosing a slide, sandbox, as well as a swing for children of different ages.

Seat selection

playground project

The design of the playground involves the initial choice of location. If we are talking about the smallest children, then the site needs to be located as close as possible to the house. For children of school age who do not need constant care, you can equip a zone for sports and games further from the main building. When designing, it is best to take into account the need for a hedge, whose height is 1 meter. This will limit the possession of the child, and also teach him to keep the territory in order.

It is important to arrange the site so that the children are not afraid to damage the flower beds and trample the beds. To do this, it is recommended to install appropriate fences. The design of the playground should include a bike path, which is recommended to be located around the perimeter of the site. An interesting place for games will be a hut, which you can independently make from willow twigs.

As for the bike path, its width should be 60 centimeters, while the radius of curvature during turns should not be less than 2.5 meters. The design of the playground provides for the location of the territory for games, which should be at least half shade. If possible, it is recommended to start construction under a tree, as an alternative solution is the construction of a canopy from a fabric tent. The easiest solution will be a large umbrella, there may be several throughout the territory.

Place recommendations

playground improvement project

Given the direction of the prevailing winds, it is necessary to protect the site from strong drafts by installing hedges from shrubs. Do not place the playing area in a particularly cold place or in a lowland. This applies to the northern side of the slope, as well as to those places where snow melts late enough in spring. It is not recommended to place the territory for children's games in the place where the soil dries out rather slowly after rain.

Safety at the playground

playground project

The design of the playground must necessarily provide for the highest degree of child safety. Therefore, hawthorn, barberry, roses, pears, sea buckthorn and dogrose cannot be planted on its territory. Planting of poisonous plants by the type of aconite, lily of the valley, hellebore and honeysuckle should be excluded. A sufficiently severe burn may occur from exposure to ash skin - the plant is capable of releasing volatile essential oils in sunny weather. Shrubs of the type of gray spirea, as well as shrubby cinquefoil, will become an excellent setting for the territory . Installation of equipment that has sharp edges and corners should be excluded. Joints must be sanded and cleaned. The wood must be of high quality, there should be no burrs on its surface. The base must be varnished.

Site design according to standard sizes

playground projects

The project for the improvement of the playground provides for compliance with the sizes that are prescribed by generally accepted standards. Among other things, you need to take into account the dimensions of the elements intended for games, as well as the step between them. For each child whose age is not more than 7 years, it is necessary to allocate an area within 9 square meters. With an increase in age to 12 years, the area becomes equal to 15 square meters. Before the stairs, slides and ramps should leave a strip that is necessary for take-off. Around the swing, a safety zone should be provided, the width of which is 2 meters.

The design of the children's playground is compiled taking into account the fact that the installation of a swing requires a free area, which is equal to 15 square meters. If there are spring rocking chairs, 10 square meters should be left free. A freestanding slide should be installed on a free 15 square meters. When considering projects for children's playgrounds, you should take into account the moment that the finished complex will occupy much less space compared to individual structures. 15 square meters will be necessary for its installation, however it is important to consider that this figure is minimum.

Play Area Coverage

playground project drawing

Before starting the construction of a playground, the project is recommended to be carefully evaluated. It provides for a coating that should provide a soft fall. It excludes the use of tiles and bricks. Less hassle during operation will be delivered by a noise-free bulk safety floor, which is made of rubber colored crumbs. It can have a different configuration, and its installation is quite easy on the terrain of any complexity. The advantages of such a coating are a long service life, an elastic flat surface without seams, as well as excellent water permeability. You can pick up any color scheme. Most often, such a coating has a thickness of 2 centimeters, however, in risk areas it is possible to lay special airbags, their thickness reaches 10 cm. The bulk coating does not provide special care, it can be washed with water and also sweep.

Playground equipment

construction of a playground

The design of the playground, the drawing of which is presented in the article, should provide for equipment appropriate for the age of the child. If the territory is equipped for a child whose age is from 3 to 6 years, then he needs slides, swings and quite easy to use sports equipment. For older children, whose age has reached 12 years, will need huts, observation towers, fortresses, rope ladders. If we are talking about children over 12 years old, then they will need a sports ground.

When the children grow up, the territory can be easily converted into a picturesque corner of the garden, breaking a pond or flowerbed.

Sandboxing facilities

When choosing a sandbox, you should prefer wood or plastic. The area of ​​the sand box should not exceed 2 square meters, but a size of 1x1 meter will be sufficient. In depth, this design must be positioned 40 centimeters. If the sides are solid, then the sand will not crumble around. It is recommended to close the upper edges with the help of boards in such a way that small benches can be formed, which is very convenient for adults.


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