Tennessee Williams, Desire Tram: Chapter Summary

One of the most famous plays in the history of world theater was the work of Tennessee Williams "Tram" Desire ". Its summary is known to many, but the source of inspiration of the great playwright of our time was hidden from the general public. Perhaps a clue should be sought in the life of the writer.

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The birth of a genius

In 1911, a son was born by a salesman-salesman who traded in shoes, named Williams. Cornelius, the father of the child, happened to abuse alcohol, but he did not consider it a sin, since he had his own ideas about what a man should be. All friends called him "CC", on the initials, the first letter of both of his names (Cornelius and Coffin). The father of the future writer was from Tennessee. He named his son in a southern manner, magnificently by Thomas Lanier Williams the Third. About who the first two Thomas Lanir were, the story is silent.

summary of the tram desire

Young years

The son did not justify the expectations and hopes of CC - he grew up completely opposite to the image that he wanted to see. Having suffered diphtheria and barely survived, Tom was a weak and fragile boy, and not at all a pugnacious fortress, as his father would have liked. As for the mother, she also had flaws. Nervousness, hysteria, and a tendency to snobbery were character traits that depressed the child, and one could only regret it if they had not become the source material for creating artistic images, which were to populate many plays of the playwright, including the “Tram“ Desire ". The summary of each of the works is full of people suffering and at the same time ruthlessly tormenting their loved ones. Unfortunately, this is often the case in life, although Williams created stories in which these situations were presented as if in a concentrated form.

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Way to success

As a young man, Thomas became interested in literature, and nothing - neither personal failures, nor the monotonous work in the shoe industry, where his father arranged him, nor many other unpleasant circumstances and troubles - could affect his life. He wrote several plays while studying at universities (first in Missouri, then in Iowa), and was even noticed - his story was published by a little-known magazine. In 1939, the pseudonym Tennessee appeared in honor of the father’s homeland, which, despite being rude to himself, his son still loved. This happened after the award of a thousand-dollar Rockefeller grant (huge money then, almost a kilogram of gold) for the play “Battle of the Angels”. The work, however, did not have success. Then there was New Orleans - the future location of the play "Tram" Desire ". A summary of the first theatrical scenario, which was seriously discussed, namely, the Glass Menagerie (1945), fits into two words: a play-memory. A peculiar style was formed that describes the characters opposing each other, personifying the life-loving rudeness and the naive simplicity defenseless before it, which, according to Shakespeare, is “stupid”.

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The beginning of the spectacle

In 1947, Tennessee Williams created his most famous work, the play Tramway Desire. It is difficult to break down the summary into chapters: after watching a play or a movie, as well as after reading a text, it is perceived monolithically. One should especially dwell on a description of the situation, which, unlike most dramatic scenarios, is not limited to a dry statement of what is on the right, left, and behind, but is psychological. Yes, the landscape is dull, but there is some kind of beauty in it, albeit a peculiar one, which manifests itself even in depravity and "lack of success." Black musicians play the blues - this is clear from the expression “blue (sad) piano”.

Stanley appears, he looks like a brutal caveman, and even his first act is to throw his wife a piece of meat wrapped in blood-stained paper. As if the hunter brought the prey and joyfully laughs at his luck. These characters permeated the entire play "Tram" Desire. " A brief summary of the first paintings introduces the viewer to the course of events taking place on the stage.

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Faces and characters

Unlike the situation, the actors are listed almost without comment. The director or reader is given the right to decide for himself how the characters look, and possibly to choose the look of one of his friends for them. By the manner of behavior, it is clear that Stanley Kowalski is rude, strong and energetic. Stella likes him the way he is, therefore, and it is difficult to imagine her as a “muslin girl”. This woman is an ordinary inhabitant of the slum quarter of the southern city, who knows how to stand up for herself in a street brawl, have plenty of fun, and get warm, if there are circumstances that can not be done without it. And then Blanche Dubois appears - a woman, without whom it is impossible to describe either a complete or a brief summary. Tram "Desire" brings her to her sister. Yes, this vehicle does not have a number; its route is indicated by this poetic word. Stella is her little sister, the difference is five years. From their conversation it’s clear that Blanche has problems with alcohol, but she tries to hide it. I feel that my sister understands everything, but is ready to accept ... At least for now. She is pregnant. Actually, in addition to the listed actors, there is Mitch, about him later. The remaining characters (a doctor, a black woman, a young agent of some publication, a warder, and others) appear on the scene for a short while, and it is not worth focusing on them, for this is a brief summary. The Desire Tram is a play by four main characters, of which Blanche is the central figure.

tram desire chapter summary

Main conflict

There is a basic law of drama, according to which there is no plot without conflict. Usually it has the character of a pronounced opposition between good and evil, and just as the current flows from one pole to another in an electric circuit, so events develop during the continuous struggle of black and white or vice versa. The picture that Tennessee Williams wrote about “Desire Tram” is a bit more complicated. A summary of the plot of this play is practically impossible due to the long and controversial monologues. The play does not fit into the format of modern scenario literature. Sympathy of the viewer sometimes fluctuates from Blanche to Kowalski, depending on the moment. It is clear that the main character is hiding something, but is there only her weakness for whiskey? But it is obvious that the main conflict will unfold between them.

tram desire chapter summary

Minor circumstances

The first clash of characters is already observed in the second picture, when Stanley begins to calculate the cost of Blanche's outfits and recalls Napoleon’s code, according to which all the wife’s property belongs to her husband. On this basis, he believes that half of the joint inheritance of the sisters is his property, and reproaches his relative for motivation. Then Mitch, a simple plumber, appears in the storyline, and he likes the new acquaintance, the sister of his friend ’s wife , who has come from far away. He is a simple man and does not hide his intentions, but they are the most serious. Such an outcome would perfectly suit everyone, but not Stanley, furious. He feels hostility towards Blanche, mixed with lust, and, in the end, this strange bunch of emotions enters a phase of disgusting denouement.

tram desire chapter summary

The final

So what did Williams write about Desire Tram? A summary of the last picture leads to a depressed state. Stanley had already opened his eyes to the naive Mitch on Blanche's past, committed violence against her, and now it is clear even to the most unguarded audience that the main character is going crazy. She sincerely believes that she has some kind of fan who is about to come for her. He is a millionaire, lives in Miami (or Dallas), his name is Shep Huntley, and he loves her since college. This abundance of details cannot be deceived - on the contrary, it is the more convincing that the heroine is mentally ill, the more they become. And the sister, meanwhile, is packing her suitcase.

And finally, a car comes for her. A doctor and a warden come out of it, and the nature of the medical institution from which they arrived is beyond doubt. Blanche clings to the doctor, saying that she always depended on the kindness of randomly meeting people.

Sorrow and regret for human cruelty, callousness and indifference overwhelms the heart ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9195/

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