Teacher’s birthday present. Teacher Gift Ideas

From the moment a child goes to school, the teacher becomes one of the most significant people in his life. Many remember the first teacher all their lives and are warm with school teachers who are encountered at an older age. Any responsible parent not only pays special attention to the choice of a school mentor for his child, but also several times a year is puzzled by the question of what to give the teacher for her birthday, professional holiday, first and last call. The problem is especially acute if the child is in the first or final grade (4th, 9th or 11th) - these years gifts to teachers usually make more memorable.

an original gift to the class teacher

Class Gifts

For celebrations in honor of a birthday, a professional holiday, the end or beginning of the school year, it is customary to give gifts to teachers. As a rule, they give one general present from the entire class to a teacher, primary school teacher or class teacher, if it is a question of secondary and high school. For such general congratulations, the parent committee usually collects money.

What to give a teacher for a birthday from the whole class team? Usually they give small household appliances, gift certificates, presentations related to hobbies, interior items, a set of bedding or utensils, a collage or video. A gift for Teacher’s Day can be more professionally directed, but for the beginning or end of the school year, you can give a purely symbolic gift, for example, a bouquet of flowers, sweets and good tea.

primary school teacher birthday present

Here is a birthday present for a teacher from the whole class:

  1. Household helpers who will help save time and save strength. It’s better to choose something universal. It can be a coffee maker, slow cooker, blender, toaster, mixer or yogurt maker.
  2. If preferences are not known in advance (and this is most often the case in the first grade, when the teacher and parents still do not know each other well), then you can present a gift certificate. Which one? You can choose a cosmetics store, household appliances, dishes, a hypermarket or a chain supermarket. Another unusual, but no less suitable option is a certificate for a photo shoot.
  3. It is known what the teacher is fond of? This is a real trump card in the sleeve, because you can choose a birthday present for a teacher associated with a hobby. If the recipient loves cooking, baking kits, a beautiful set of spices or good tea will come in handy, but a lover of indoor plants can be presented with a large illustrated encyclopedia.
  4. In things that have an economic (practical) purpose, it is important not only not to make a mistake with taste, but also not to miscalculate with purely technical characteristics, for example, the size of the bed, if you decide to give a set of high-quality bedding. You can still present a spectacular vase, because teachers are much more often presented with flowers than representatives of other professions, a set of dishes (but if the service is either very high-quality or insanely beautiful - the fashion for a mandatory tea set for 6 people in the sideboard has already passed) and so on .
  5. A good gift is a newspaper or a collage of photos with touching inscriptions. Such a gift, listing all the virtues of a teacher, will definitely be remembered for a long time. A similar option is a video clip. You can shoot such a video yourself or order from professionals.

teacher's birthday present

A teacher's birthday present from the class can and should be practical, beautiful, high-quality and certainly from the heart.

Personal presentations from myself

Sometimes I want to congratulate the teacher on the holiday and personally on my own. For this case, it is better to choose more symbolic, small gifts, otherwise the situation will not look very nice. Here are some personal gift ideas for your teacher:

  1. Flowers A bouquet of flowers is traditional, simple and pleasant. Of course, recently there has been an opinion that it is much better to give something more practical, because the flowers will fade in a few days. There is some common sense in this, but nevertheless, flowers for a birthday, Teacher's Day, the first or last call are familiar.
  2. Tasty presents. Give sweets - what could be more successful? It is delicious and beautiful. You can present a bouquet of sweets, exotic fruits, caramel flowers, a cake with an inscription and decorations on the topic. If the teacher does not like sweets, you can give quality coffee beans or tea (preferably loose), a basket with expensive cheese, a jar of red caviar and fruit.
  3. A DIY birthday present for a teacher is an excellent option for a teacher who has chosen a profession by vocation. You can confine yourself to a postcard with applique, another option is author's natural soap or beautiful handmade candles. With your own hands you can make a frame for a photo.
  4. Tickets for an event can be a good gift from yourself. Present invitations to an interesting exhibition, performance or to the Philharmonic. It is better to give two tickets so that the recipient can go not alone.
  5. Stationery - such items are sure to be useful to the teacher in professional activities. As a birthday present to the teacher, you can present a beautiful notebook, a bright diary, a convenient case for pens and pencils. True, such presentations are more suitable for Teacher's Day or the beginning of the school year.
  6. Small gadgets. Does the child have a young and technically savvy teacher? A stylish bag for a laptop or tablet, a bright backlit keyboard, a fan or a lamp powered by USB, a “smart” alarm clock, a mouse pad and so on will come in handy.

what to give a teacher for a birthday

Gift for primary school teacher

A birthday present for an elementary school teacher in the first or fourth grade is sometimes made special. You can, of course, take advantage of the ideas listed above, but in some classes, teachers of children receive birthday decorations or status items (for example, the Parker pen in its original packaging).

To stop your choice on a status, expensive gift or to limit yourself, for example, with a gift certificate - you need to decide separately, of course, be sure to get the support of the parent committee. Perhaps not all parents have the opportunity to donate a large amount to the general budget. In this case, it is better to choose another gift. But if there is an opportunity to present a quality item (but not very expensive, it will be indecent), then why not do it.

Presentation for biology teacher

A birthday present for a biology teacher (as well as other subjects) can be associated with professional activities. If you approach the choice of presentation correctly, you will get a very unexpected, original and interesting congratulation. You can buy an unusual flower (for example, a carnivorous plant), an ant farm, a composition of succulents, an aqua farm, an ecocub (an environmentally friendly pot with plant seeds and nutritious soil - the easiest way to grow a plant) or a long-lasting rose .

gift ideas for teacher

What can a chemist give

And here are some gift ideas for a chemistry teacher:

  1. A vase or mug in the form of chemical glassware, which can be supplemented with tea, coffee and sweets.
  2. Great set for experiences.
  3. Stylish hourglass.
  4. Acid resistant bathrobe.
  5. Notebook with periodic table on the cover.
  6. A cake in the form of some kind of chemical element.

In general, any gifts that somehow resonate with the professional field of activity of the teacher will do. But the original gift to the class teacher-chemist may not be related to the science of substances. So do not desperately rack your brains in search of a presentation that is associated with chemistry. The teacher will be pleased with another gift.

congratulations to the teacher

Gift Ideas for Physics Teacher

Congratulations to the teacher of physics can be supported by a gift:

  1. Anything in the style of steampunk (a watch or a fashionable lamp with a "naked" light bulb).
  2. Stylish engineering calculator.
  3. Collector's Edition of Stephen Hawking's Books.
  4. A popular neocub designer.
  5. Perpetual calendar with portraits of physicists.

How to congratulate a geographer

In the event that you need to come up with a congratulation to the teacher of geography, there is room for imagination, because geographical maps are used in the decor of many objects. You can present a large wall map (cork or paper), pillowcases with cards, a table lamp in the form of the Earth, or a levitating globe.

A gift for a math teacher

In the movie “There are Two Faces at the Mirror,” the heroine presented mathematics with cufflinks with engraved primes. Such a jewelry gift is not always suitable, but the idea itself can be used in other variations. You can present a modern calculator, notebook or any other item decorated with a "mathematical" theme.

do-it-yourself teacher's birthday present

Present to a teacher of Russian and literature

A gift to the teacher of the Russian language and literature is not difficult to choose. A good present would be a large leather-bound dictionary (collector's edition, for example), books by decent contemporary authors, school program anthologies and collections of poems. Do not neglect the "standard" sweets, tea and coffee sets, homemade gifts and gift certificates.

teacher's birthday present from class

What to give to a historian

A rather original present to a history teacher keen on his own business is a bust of a historical figure. Of course, marble is not the best choice, it is too expensive, but ordinary plaster will do. You can also present an interesting board game - now such a pastime is gaining popularity again.

What is undesirable to give to the teacher

There are many things that can be presented to a teacher on his birthday, professional holiday, or about the beginning or end of the next school year. But there are gifts that will be a bad choice. Do not give, for example:

  • cosmetics (except for sets of universal skin care products, but only of really high quality and in gift wrapping), perfumes or clothes;
  • money;
  • alcoholic drinks.

However, there are exceptions to any rule. Much depends on how well the parents know the teacher.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9199/

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