What to do in Milan: sights, shopping

Milan is an amazing city that many associate with shopping. However, in it you can not only make good purchases, but also see many interesting places. In our article we want to talk about what to do in Milan. After all, this is the question that tourists who visit the city for the first time ask. It is worth noting that Milan is beautiful and interesting in all aspects, so everything needs to be done. What is not in the city, and all this must be seen.

A little bit about Milan ...

It is not so easy to answer the question: "What to do in Milan?" It is so diverse and interesting that it invariably attracts the attention of tourists. If you have been to Rome, you will immediately feel the difference. The modern city is very beautiful and green. On its territory you will find many attractions that are worthy of close attention of tourists. In Milan there is the famous Duomo, the Vittorio Emanuele gallery, La Scala, magnificent temples and palaces, good shops, wonderful cafes and pastry shops.

Moscow Milan

I must say that in Italy you do not have to look for sights, they come across at every step. The same goes for Milan. In general, experienced travelers say that Italy itself is a great attraction. Milan in this sense is no exception. Even in rainy and cloudy weather it is beautiful. There is always something to do and what to see. Even the most important sights of Milan in one day it is impossible to see.


Milan has long been a popular tourist destination. Guests come here throughout the year. As a rule, they are interested in not only the sights, but also local outlets, wonderful cafes with delicious dishes and beautiful architecture. The task of every tourist is to combine literally everything in one trip, you need to have time to see the sights and make purchases.

It’s hard to say what time of year it is better to visit Milan. As we already mentioned, the tourist season lasts all year long. And not only shopaholics come here, but also lovers of opera and painting. High season occurs in the summer months. At this time, the city is getting very hot. Adds trouble to a high level of humidity. Since the city does not go to the sea, there are no refreshing breezes. But tourists are not afraid of the heat, but local residents prefer to leave the stuffy city and go to the sea during their holidays.

There are few tourists in Milan in winter. Small frosts and high humidity do not attract all people. In January, the sales season begins, but in February, all those who are not indifferent to Italian fashion come to the city.

Fashion season

Probably everyone heard about Milan Fashion Week, even those people who are not shopaholics. Such a grand event occurs four times a year. Famous designers present women's collections “spring-summer” in September and “winter-autumn” in February. Men's clothing is shown in January and June. The show period is a magical time when the city is in a fabulous, high spirits. Large screens are installed on the squares and broadcasts of shows that anyone can watch.

haute couture week

Sales season

Shopping in Milan is what people from different countries come here for. The biggest discounts on things are in the sales season. Such "holidays for shopaholics" happen twice a year - in January and late summer. Winter sales last from January 5 to March 5, and summer sales last from July 7 to August 7.

How to get there?

Many tourists who decide to visit the city for the first time are wondering: "How to get to Milan?" It is most convenient to use the services of air carriers. In this case, you will reach your destination in a matter of hours. Direct flight Moscow - Milan is very convenient for residents of the capital and the nearest regions. Similar flights are offered by several Russian carriers. If you intend to visit other cities in Italy, then there is nothing easier. By train or bus you can get to Genoa, Venice, Padua and other cities. In general, the choice of transport will depend on your route. The flight Moscow - Milan will allow you to quickly fly on a weekend if there is no time for a longer trip. Pay attention to the proposals of the domestic low-cost airline "Victory" or "Aeroflot". "Italian lines" also offer direct flights, but the cost of tickets for them is quite high.

Milan Cathedral

If you don’t know what to do in Milan, go on a sightseeing tour. One of the most grandiose buildings in the city is the Cathedral of Milan. Its construction lasted for 600 years. For this reason, different directions are traced in architecture. But in general, the cathedral is designed in the Gothic style.

On its facades you can see many sculptures, in total there are more than three thousand. Tourists have a great opportunity to climb to the observation deck on the roof of the cathedral and admire the city from a height. The Duomo Cathedral in Milan is a national pride. From the observation deck of the building you can take the best photos.

Milan how to get

Santa Maria delle Grazie

The church is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The fame of the Last Supper in the refectory by Leonardo da Vinci brought fame to the temple. During the bombing during World War II, the frescoes miraculously survived. Around everything was crushed, and the wall from the Last Supper survived.

To admire the frescoes, you must purchase an entrance ticket to the temple. There are an incredible number of people who want to visit Santa Maria delle Grazie. They start the refectory every fifteen minutes in small groups of 20-25 people. For tourists at the box office there are audio guides.

Sforza Castle

What to see in Milan on your own? You should definitely see the Sforza Castle, built in the fifteenth century. I must say that Milan has a long history. One of the best periods of the city is the reign of the Sforza dynasty. In those ancient times, each influential clan had to have its own castle. There was such a Sforza.

The castle contains the rarest paintings, busts of famous Italians, various sculptures. There is even a separate room dedicated to the work of the famous Leonardo da Vinci. By the way, it was he who was engaged in interior decoration. In the castle you can see household utensils, bedding, clocks, furniture and other things from the beginning of the fifteenth century. All these items were once in the houses of famous nobles. In one of the halls of the building is the last sculpture of Michelangelo, paintings by Mantegna, Correggio, Giovanni Bellini, Phillipino Lippi. In the castle you can see an unusual collection of musical instruments.

Milan how to get

Gallery Ambrosiana

The art gallery is the first museum in Milan; it was founded at the beginning of the seventeenth century within the walls of the archbishop's palace. And to this day, the canvases of famous artists - Caravaggio, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci, Titian, are stored in the ancient building. The gallery has a separate exhibition dedicated to the works of da Vinci. It contains the work of not only the artist himself, but also his followers. Here you can see the manuscripts of the famous master. The courtyard of the building is decorated with sculptures. The museum stores Napoleon’s gloves, Lucretius Borgia's jewels and other interesting things.

Basilica of St. Ambrose

The exact date of the construction of the basilica is unknown. Experts say that it was built around the fourth century. The founder of the temple was Ambrose Mediolansky, who is highly revered not only Orthodox, but also Catholics. Tourists will be interested to see the gilded bas-reliefs of the temple with images of scenes from the life of Ambrose, as well as the mosaic "golden sky", which is made of gems and precious metals. The interior of the basilica impresses even the most avid travelers.

Leonardo da Vinci Museum

No less interesting in Milan is the Leonardo da Vinci Museum of Science and Technology. It can be safely called one of the most interesting places. But there are many of them in Milan. The museum is located within the walls of an ancient monastery.

It has a large number of exhibition pavilions, as well as all kinds of outdoor exhibits. The exhibition of inventions by Leonardo da Vinci is very popular. In the open air exhibition you can see submarines, sailing ships, trams, train planes and much more.

Where to go in Milan

Gallery Vittorio Emanuele II

Gallery Vittorio Emanuele II is one of the oldest passages. Locals call it the "drawing room of Milan." Making a sightseeing tour of Milan, you should definitely visit the passage.

The gallery connects the two most beautiful squares of the city - located in front of the La Scala Theater and the square near the Duomo Cathedral.

Milan sights in one day

Brera Gallery

Where to go in Milan? If you like painting, you can visit the Brera Gallery. In Milan, an amazing collection of paintings. The Brera Gallery presents paintings by prominent artists. It was founded by Napoleon at the beginning of the nineteenth century, having selected the most famous paintings from monasteries. Now in the gallery you can see paintings by Picasso, Bellini, Rubens, Raphael and other famous artists. Fans of painting will be interested in not only paintings, but also the opportunity to see with their own eyes the process of restoration of ancient paintings.

Fondazione prada

No less attractive to art lovers Fondazione Prada. The art quarter was created on the territory of a factory in the southern part of Milan. Experts say that this is where the center of modern art is currently located. The museum was organized in 1993 by the younger granddaughter of the famous fashion designer Mario Prada and her husband. At first glance, the avant-garde direction may not like it, but usually after watching the opinion of people changes dramatically. It can be seen that people from the world of high fashion worked on the creation of the collection.

Theater of opera

What to do in Milan? If you have a free evening, be sure to visit the La Scala Theater. For 200 years of its existence, the most famous artists from different countries performed on stage. It is worth saying that the theater in Milan is the leading world, it has its own orchestra, ballet group and choir. There is also the Academy of Arts, where students study music, directing, dancing and stage skills.

In the interiors of the theater, everyone screams about luxury: armchairs are upholstered in velvet, walls are decorated with stucco molding, and mirrors sparkle. To visit the theater, you need to purchase tickets, the cost of which varies from 20 to 200 euros. An interesting fact is that the rich interior is hiding behind a very modest facade. This decision was made by the architect: since the building is still surrounded by other houses, there is no reason to spend money on the surroundings.

Shopping in Milan

San lorenzo maggiore

The Basilica of San Lorenzo Maggiore is the second largest temple in Milan. The building was erected at the turn of the fourth and fifth centuries. Unfortunately, no information has reached our days about who was the customer and architect of this amazing building. The temple was consecrated in honor of St. Lawrence in 590.

In the 6th, 8th and 17th centuries, restoration work and rebuilding were carried out, but they did not spoil the classic Byzantine style of the building. Some parts of the temple over the long history had to be redone due to destruction. So, in 1573 a new dome was erected after the collapse of the old one.

Santo Stefano Maggiore

The Basilica of Santo Stefano Maggiore is no less attractive. The building is the oldest temple in Milan. It was founded by Bishop Martinian. True, the original structure, built in 417, burned out 600 years later. In its place was built a new one - in the Romanesque style. Tourists will be interested to see the interior of the temple with its rare paintings by Fede Galicia, Cesare Procaccina, Francesco Kpiro. The oldest canvases are so damaged by dampness that it is impossible to determine who was their author.

What to see in one day?

If you have only one day at your disposal, you can start a walk in Milan from the Duomo Square, located next to the Cathedral of Milan. Usually a temple is a long line, so you should hurry up. Be sure to go up to the observation deck on the roof - it offers stunning views of Milan, and the photos are incredibly beautiful.

Then you can go to the gallery of Victor Emanuel II, located nearby. Here are the most expensive stores of famous brands. But for ordinary tourists, they are not of interest, but the passage itself is of stunning beauty. After a walk through the gallery, you can walk along the streets of Milan and relax in one of the local cafes. The food in the city is incredibly delicious. Therefore, you can not chase trendy restaurants, but visit any street cafe.

If you still have the strength for a further walk, you can visit several museums or look into the bohemian region of Brera. Then you can relax in one of the beautiful parks. It is worth visiting the Sempione Park, located near the Sforza Castle. There is also an oceanarium.

Sempione Park

In general, in one day it is difficult to cover all the most interesting places in Milan. If you have several days left, devote one of them to the sights of the city, and the second to shopping. It is impossible to visit Milan and not make purchases. This is an unforgivable oversight, even if you are not a shopaholic.

What to visit with children?

If you relax with your whole family, then the question will certainly arise: "Where to go with children in Milan?" The city is not the most childish place, there is no Disneyland or anything else like that. But still in Milan there are places that you can visit. In the warmer months, you can go on a picnic to the Villa Real Park. Here you can walk on the lawns, and in the reservoirs live turtles and fish, which you can feed.

It is also worth a visit to the Leonardo da Vinci Museum of Science and Technology. Within its walls you can see a real train, a submarine and many other interesting objects. Children will certainly be interested in the museum's exposition.

In the Sempione park there is a city aquarium, which contains a variety of representatives from different parts of the world. Of course, in Genoa there is a larger institution of such a plan. But the Milan aquarium is also quite interesting.

Local guides offer an exciting farm trip. On its territory, the owner conducts an excursion, and children are allowed to play with all domestic animals. After the guests are invited to a restaurant to enjoy organic food, while the children are entertained by animators.


Milan is currently a trendsetter. People from different countries come here for High Fashion Week. The rest come to Milan for shopping. It is difficult to resist the temptation to go shopping when you are in the fashion capital. Milan is known for its outlets, the prices of which hit even the most sophisticated shopaholics.

Museum in Milan

If you decide to take a shopping tour, go to the area of ​​the Gallery Vittorio Emanuele II. Under its roof, an entire alley of boutiques is collected, in which the most chic outfits of famous brands are sold. This place can be safely called the calling card of Milan.

No less popular shops "fashion square." The amazing area is known all over the world, because on its territory there are villas, each of which can be called a landmark. The mansions belong to world-class stars. Boutiques of famous brands are located in the area.

Less expensive items are sold at The Rinascente. It is located on Corso Vittorio Emanuele. Within the walls of the shopping center there are many shops in which more affordable brands are presented.

Corso Buenos Aires is another Milan street with boutiques with low-cost brands. Here you can buy not only clothes, but also shoes, jewelry, perfumes and much more.

Via Torino, which begins at the famous Duomo Cathedral, offers products in a different category. It sells casual and sports items. In addition, in some stores you can buy unusual clothes from shocking young designers. Experienced travelers recommend shopping at Via Marghera.

Theater in Milan

Milan is known not only for expensive shops, but also for democratic outlets. It is in them that all the guests of the city rush. These are shopping centers of huge sizes, in which branded items are presented with very large discounts. One of the biggest outlets - Serravalle Scrivia - is located between Genoa and Milan. At the mall you can buy things at a 70% discount.

It is worth knowing that in Milan there are clothing stores for overweight ladies. Experienced tourists recommend visiting flea markets, they can buy not only antiques, but also designer clothes. Judging by the reviews of travelers, shopping in Milan is one of the components of travel.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9203/

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