How to learn OKATO by TIN: all methods, step by step instructions

Information on how to learn OKATO by TIN does not lose its relevance, since in the framework of various business relations, the need periodically arises to identify a specific object. If you have basic information about the individual entrepreneur or organization, you can get the code without any problems. Moreover, different search methods are available that do not require significant time costs.

Why do I need a code

OKATO is the All-Russian classifier of objects of administrative-territorial division. It was created in order to make the search for statistical information simple and accurate.

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In most cases, it is used to determine the location of the taxpayer. We are talking about enterprises, organizations, as well as individual entrepreneurs.

Such code may be useful:

  • in exercising control over financial institutions;
  • accumulation and processing of statistical data;
  • determining the most suitable municipal authority for the collection of funds from a particular subject of economic activity.

Understanding how to learn OKATO by TIN is important, because without this code it will be difficult to fill out certain documents. For example, VAT and income tax returns.

Differences between OKATO and OKTMO

These data systems are similar, and the differences between them are hardly significant. These codes are used to identify features of a particular object based on their belonging to a specific territorial entity.

As a key difference, you can define a search scheme:

  1. OKATO. Here, the main feature of an object is its belonging to a specific subject of the Federation.
  2. OKTMO. In this case, the definition of the subordination of the object in the hierarchy of municipal associations is used for the search. In some cases, this method allows you to access more detailed information.

Code search

To begin with, it is worth deciding how to find out the OKATO code by TIN. The most suitable in this case is the website of the Federal Tax Service.

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To find out the necessary information, you must perform the following steps:

  • Go on the website. In the upper part you need to find the tab "Electronic Services" and click on it.
  • Find the parameter called “Fill out the payment order”. There is no need to fill in anything. If at this stage you enter the IFTS code, then in the end the purpose of the search will change.
  • Find the “Next” button and click on it. It is located in the lower left part of the panel. As a result of this action, access to the list of regions among which you need to choose the appropriate one will be opened. After that, you will need to enter the required information (TIN).
  • Wait until the resource returns the requested data. Also at the bottom of the screen will be displayed information regarding the Federal Tax Service. This information includes the IP registration address.

There are other methods to find out the OKATO code by TIN.


In addition to visiting the FTS website, you can use two other common ways to obtain information. Those who need to find out how to find OKATO by TIN need to pay attention to the following search options:

  • Specialized sites. There are many resources on which information is posted regarding the code of individual entrepreneurs and organizations. The main thing - do not forget to read reviews about a particular site.
  • State Statistics Service. Rosstat can help people who do not have information on how to find OKATO IP by TIN. To do this, write the appropriate request to the statistics service. It is better to contact the office immediately.
learn okato code by tin

In addition to the specified request, you can use the services of the "KSBukh" site. This is a good way to find the necessary information on the TIN for those legal entities that are registered in Moscow.

The process of obtaining data is simple: a taxpayer number is entered in a special column and a search is requested.

If an individual is engaged in the search, the quickest way to find out the code is to get a 2-NDFL certificate. The first paragraph of this document will contain the necessary information.

Rosstat website

This resource provides access to various data. With it, you can easily find OKATO by TIN. Rosstat also provides information on such codes as OKPO, OKTMO, OKFS, OKOGU, etc.

Both individual entrepreneurs and legal entities can access this data for free.

Statistics codes are issued after the introduction of the OGRN. Those who are interested in how to learn OKATO and OKTMO by TIN, definitely need to contact Rosstat.

It may happen that after the request information was not found. This result may be the result of the fact that the data was entered into the system recently and in the current update it has not yet been displayed. Twice a month, fresh lists are uploaded, and there is a chance that later the necessary information will become available.

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You can also contact the local statistics in person. You must visit the office at the place of registration of the person who requests information. To obtain the codes you will need an extract from the register.

Thus, those who are trying to figure out how to find out the organization’s OKATO code by TIN have various ways to accomplish this task.

Organization Code

If you need to get OKATO legal entity, you can use several popular methods:

  1. Program "Taxpayer YL". You can find it on the website of FSUE GNIVTS Federal Tax Service of Russia. This is a state unitary enterprise. If there is such a program, there will be no problems with how to find out the organization’s OKAT by TIN. Downloading and installing it is free, so there will be no difficulties using it. When data on a new tax payer is entered into the program, the code is searched automatically.
  2. CLADER. This is a classifier of addresses, and you can download it from the same site on which "Taxpayer YL" is available. This program contains the OKATO directory, which provides the necessary information after entering the address.
  3. Service terminals. They are often installed in the offices of the Federal Tax Service. With their help, through moderate efforts, you can find out information about the OKATO code. The main thing is to know the address of the company / organization or TIN.
  4. Hot line. If suddenly the Internet has become unavailable, and it is very necessary to obtain data on a specific IP, then you should call the FTS line. The operator will announce the necessary data.
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To get this information, you should contact Rosstat and order a notification. The statistics service can provide all codes of interest at once. Therefore, one request will provide information on both OKTMO and OKATO.

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In addition to the TIN, you can enter OGRN, OGRIP and OKPO for search. Processing will take several seconds, after which the system will issue the requested codes.

When searching for OKTMO, it is important to correctly indicate the region and municipality.

How to learn OKTMO on OKATO

This way of obtaining information can also come in handy, so he should pay attention.

First you should use the standard method - visit the website of the Federal Tax Service. On this resource you will need to perform the following steps:

  • Find the "Electronic Services" section. Then you need to click on "All services".
  • Dial reduction OKATO. You need to do this in the line called "Search by section". After entering the abbreviation, click the "Find" button.
  • Click on “Learn OKTMO”.
  • Fill in the OKATO data. It is about specifying the name of a particular municipality or introducing a set of numbers.
  • Click on the search and wait until the data is provided by the system.
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You can go the other way, using the code matching table (OKATO and OKTMO), which is located on the website of the Ministry of Finance of Russia. The tabular format of the data provided significantly simplifies the search process and makes it possible to obtain the necessary information relatively quickly.


In the framework of business relations or other forms of interaction, it is often necessary to obtain data on an individual entrepreneur or organization. If you have a TIN or address on hand, you can find the necessary information relatively quickly. The website of the Federal Tax Service or Rosstat can help with this. It is also worth using special programs and third-party services. In the absence of the Internet, the possibility of using inquiries in writing remains.


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