Cute snail-tilda will not leave your heart indifferent

With the advent of autumn, we spend more and more nights at home. This is especially pleasing to the craftswomen, who now have a little more time for their creative pursuits. The article will focus on a soft toy in the style of Tilda, which can melt even the most stone heart. These naively cute, simple, homemade and, one might even say, natural toys have long conquered Europe and are now gaining popularity in Russia. Handmade dolls are sold at fairs, but they are expensive.

snail tilda

Such a doll is an original gift that will delight both an adult and a child. Learning to sew tilda toys is not difficult, especially for children.

For those who are just learning the basics of sewing toys, it is best to start with simple ones. The best option would be a tilde snail. In this example, you will see that the activity is very simple, interesting and inexpensive, which is very pleasing.

Tilda Masters Fair

What do we need for a snail?

  • tissue patches;
  • threads
  • needles;
  • scissors;
  • stuffing material (synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, etc.);
  • a pair of sheets of paper;
  • pencil.

Where to begin?

In order for the snail-tilde to be beautiful, we need a pattern-pattern. It can be found below and copied, or you can draw it yourself. It is simple, it can be dealt with without much effort. There is a little trick in carrying the pattern: enlarge the circuit on the monitor, attach a white sheet of paper to the screen and circle the outline with something soft, like a felt-tip pen, so as not to damage the technique.

tilda toys

So, the scheme is ready, it needs to be cut. You will get two details: the body of the snail and the shell-house.

Now go to the fabric. It should immediately be noted that in tildes the body of toys is always made of light materials: white, beige, pink, gray fabrics. It is often sewn from pure white, and then painted with paints or tea, this is already at will. In our case, this is not fundamental - we sew for ourselves and for pleasure.

Fold the fabric in half, face in the middle, and transfer the pattern. It is better to chop the material with pins for convenience. Do not forget about allowances for seams, let it be 5-7 mm. There should be 2 details of the body of the snail and its house.

We pass to sewing. You can flash parts on a typewriter, and if there is none, then by hand. Children are very fond of manually sewing, this process delights them. For a long time, however, they are not enough, but for this there are adults who always come to the rescue.

snail tilda

It is important not to get carried away with sewing and not to forget to leave a place for stuffing. At the body of the snail, you need to leave a place on the back where the house will be sewn, and at the house - below. Stitched parts must be carefully turned out. To do this, use improvised tools: knitting needles, chopsticks for Chinese food, a rod from a pen, etc.

tilda snail

When you turn out the details, they will need to be ironed. If the fabric is elastic, you may not need an iron. Now feel free to stuff the details of the toy.

tilda toys

Another important point with the detail of the snail house: for the product to be neat, the edge must be tucked in the middle by 5 mm and ironed or swept.

toy tilda

At this stage, it is already visible how the tilde snail looks in disassembled form. Attach the house to your back and see where it will look better, then already fix it with pins. This will help you balance the house and sew it carefully.

soft toy tilda

After connecting the parts, the seam can be masked with braid.

The tilde snail is ready! Draw eyes and blush. All other accessories are to your taste.


Your product is already worthy of such an event as a fair of masters. Tilda always comes out charming and sweet. It will be a wonderful decoration of the interior, and just a favorite toy for children.


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