Ornamental shrubs: yucca garden

Yucca Garden - a tree-like plant, depending on the species, it can be both rosette and stem. Its decorative feature is hard xiphoid leaves, they can reach a length of 25 cm to 1 m. Their width rarely exceeds 8 cm. The leaves are collected in a bunch at the very top of the shoot and form a kind of root rosette. The color of the foliage also depends on the type of plant. It can range from juicy dark green to bluish. In addition, yucca leaves are hard, often erect, with smooth or serrated edges, which can also be covered with threads and sometimes have a sharp spike at the end. In some countries, such a strong fiber is extracted from the leaves of this plant that it is used in the manufacture of wickerwork and ropes.

yucca garden
Also, beautiful bell-shaped flowers will not leave anyone indifferent. Yucca forms large inflorescences - panicles, which can reach 2.5 meters in length. The flowers are numerous, they can be of various colors, most often white or yellowish tones. A garden plant blooms stably every year, but in room conditions inflorescences are extremely rare. Yucca fruit - a juicy berry or a dry box.

Yucca Gardens prefers sunny and well-ventilated places. But not bad this plant feels itself in partial shade. In winter, the flower must be brought from the garden to the room and kept at a temperature of at least +12 degrees. They put it near the windows so that there is access to sunlight. Otherwise, the yucca leaves turn yellow, the tips begin to dry. In spring, in May, the plant is again taken out into the open air. The optimum temperature for growth is 20–22 degrees.

yucca flowers
It is also necessary to be very attentive to watering, garden yucca does not tolerate the high humidity of the earth. In winter, it is watered only once a month, in the summer no more than three. It is necessary to remember the main rule - it is better not to water this plant once again than to allow excess water. At high humidity, the trunk begins to rot very quickly. The plant is sprayed regularly, especially in winter, if the flower is next to the central heating battery.

After some time, the earthen lump in the tub begins to sag, so in the summer the necessary amount of nutrient soil is added to the flowerpot. In the spring, the plant is fed with mineral fertilizer complexes. They are bred in water and applied to the soil with watering. Fertilizers are best taken for garden flowers. In winter, if the plant begins to hurt, you can feed it, but not more than once a month.

This plant does not have many pests and diseases. Especially dangerous are the scabbard and spider mite. Against these pests, for the purpose of treatment and prevention, spraying with drugs is used. The scabbard is removed with a solution of "Karbofos" or "Aktara", and the tick - with the preparation "Spark BIO".

yucca leaves

Yucca garden at home can grow up to two meters. It is shortened by simple cropping. The place of cut must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate or crushed coal. But still, this is primarily a garden plant, and the living conditions for it are not the most suitable.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9216/

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