Inland countries and their problems

From time immemorial, all the states of the world, no matter where in the world they were, tried by any means to master the seas and oceans. First of all, such interest was based on the fact that it is the waters of the oceans that are the path to free trade, to travel and new discoveries, which will certainly lead to wealth and glory. Years passed, settlements and states were formed in various parts of the world. During the long wars, inland countries formed, and in contrast to those that had access to open waters. Of course, this state of affairs repeatedly became the cause of major conflicts, and they often ended in wars. Similar skirmishes of a global scale still occur.

Inland Continental

In the world there are two continents on which inland countries are located in large numbers. First of all, this is Africa - the mainland has 16 such states. It is worth noting that, given the local climate, as well as the absence of any water resources, life in such places is even more complicated and problematic. The second continent, which has 14 landlocked countries, is Europe. It can be considered an excellent counterbalance to Africa in this matter, since the climatic conditions in it are much more comfortable and suitable for living, and the economy, as well as political relations are very profitable. Despite the absence of sea coasts, these inland countries of Europe thrive both socially and economically.

Inland countries of Europe

Africa is a very problematic continent, which in many areas lags behind all other inhabited territories of the world. That is why the continental countries of Africa are particularly discomfort and difficulties. According to the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, all countries of the world can have access to the sea. It is only important to find interested partners who will be profitable to make their paths - highways and railways - transit. Due to the fact that the socio-economic life of the overwhelming majority of African states is at a low level, inland countries do not always receive this right.

If we consider the inland countries of Europe, then we can understand that the development of the economy does not depend at all on the geographical location. Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland, Andora, Hungary - this is a short list of highly successful and prosperous states that do not have access to open waters. Among our closest neighbors there is also a non-sea state - Belarus, which is at a very decent level in its development.

Inland countries of Africa

The landlocked countries and their neighbors with access to the sea are all the result of historical processes. Correcting the geographical position in the world at the moment is impossible, but thanks to technological progress, life in such states has improved significantly, and is no different from life in the marine regions.


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