Staircase to the second floor: views, tips for choosing

Stairs to the second floor can become a real decoration of the room. At the same time, you can make the structure yourself or purchase it in a form ready for assembly. You can choose the option that is most suitable for the existing interior, harmoniously blending into the free space of the room. What are the stairs to the second floor and their features - all this information will be presented below.

General requirements for stairs

Stairs to the second floor (a photo of one of the successful examples of planning is presented below) can have a very different appearance. You can build a solid, solid structure that will look massive, while taking up enough space in space. There are stairs that look airy and light.

Wooden staircase to the second floor

Regardless of the design, all designs that are allowed to operate, are durable and reliable. If improperly planned, it will be a traumatic object. A fall from a ladder can end in failure. Therefore, when designing and assembling stairs, they adhere to established building codes and rules.

It is unacceptable that the structure was assembled from fragile materials. It is also not permissible for her to stagger. Fixation of each element must be performed firmly, reliably. When choosing a finished or developing your own design, it is important to consider the features of the operation of the interior. You need to pay attention to what age people will move on it, how many residents will be in the house.

Choosing the type of construction, the dimensions of the stairs to the second floor, necessarily correlate this object with the total area and arrangement of objects in the room. Its configuration depends on it. For each type of interior, there is an optimal option. Also, the staircase should harmoniously fit into the existing design of the room. Therefore, the choice of the type and design design put forward increased requirements.


For the manufacture of stairs in a private house, different materials are used. They must be strong, reliable and durable. At the same time, the design should look aesthetically pleasing. Most often create wooden, concrete and metal stairs to the second floor. The choice depends on the features of the interior, the skills of the master, as well as the taste preferences of the owners of the house. Different combinations of materials are also used to create such a design.

Calculation of the stairs

The most popular option is to build a staircase made of wood. This material is easy to process. Even a novice master will cope with such work. In this case, the wooden staircase will be practical, beautiful. Wood is a natural material. It creates a cozy atmosphere in the room.

Wooden stairs for the second floor suit different styles of interior. However, such an object will look best when designing a country style, Provence, ethno. In a house made of timber, logs, it is not advisable to build another option.

Metal and concrete

A staircase to the second floor made of metal is most often sold as a ready-to-assemble structure. It consists of many parts that are interconnected by welding or bolts. Forged varieties look especially impressive. Such stairs will decorate almost any interior. Most often, such interior objects are used when decorating a room in a classic style, as well as modern, high-tech, minimalism.

Concrete stairs look solid and practical. However, most often it is this option that is combined with other materials. Railings and balusters can be made of metal or wood. Pouring a concrete staircase to the second floor will require certain knowledge and skills from the master.

March type design

Most often, wooden stairs to the second floor are made in the form of marching spans. This is the simplest design option that is used to create the interior quite often. The marching staircase is an inclined plane with steps. If it is large enough, small spans that have a horizontal position can be used in the design.

Staircase in the house on the second floor

The mid-flight ladder is a sound and strong design. It is comfortable to use. With proper design, moving up such a staircase will be comfortable for both children and adults or the elderly.

Marching structures need sufficient free space in the room. Therefore, they are not installed in small rooms. In such a room, the design looks inappropriate. Marching stairs can be bulky. With proper design, you can optimize its slope and dimensions.

Calculation needs to be done based on existing building requirements. This design can be between two walls, adjacent to one wall or be at a distance from them. Under the stairs, you can make a small room for storing household items, a pantry.

Buckle construction

A staircase to the second floor in a private house, which adjoins one or two walls, can be mounted with bolts. This design looks light, as if hanging in the air. However, this impression is misleading. The steps are fixed using special bolts. They cut into the thickness of the wall and the side surfaces of the steps. This is one of the most reliable options for fixing the structure.


Bolts have threads at the ends. This allows you to firmly fix them in the material. This design does not need lower supports for the steps. However, to create such a structure, you need a solid wall nearby. It should not be made of drywall. Otherwise, the material will need to be further strengthened.

The staircase on the stairs looks stylish. It can have a different configuration and dimensions. Even in a small room, such a staircase looks harmonious. Such structures are made of metal or wood. In most cases, these materials are combined. The tread (upper part of the steps) can be made of wood. At the same time, forged railings or straight metal supports will harmoniously fit into the general ensemble. Almost always, such designs are delivered as a ready-to-assemble constructor. This allows you to quickly and easily assemble all the elements together.

Screw constructions

At dachas and in country houses, spiral staircases to the second floor are very popular. They are made of different materials. Most often, metal is used for these purposes. The tread can be made of wood. This design has a support in the center. This is a solid rod on which steps are mounted. They rise in a spiral.

Spiral staircase

Screw construction takes up a minimum amount of space in the room. This is a universal option that is suitable for both large and small rooms. At the same time, you can position the structure anywhere in the room. This opens up many new possibilities for interior design. The style of such a staircase can be different. There are both modern and vintage design options.

Disadvantages of this design are also available. The dimensions of the stairs in the house to the second floor, which has a spiral configuration, are minimal. And the steps are pretty steep. Therefore, it will not be possible to bring dimensional furniture along such a staircase to the second floor. During operation, this is one of the most inconvenient types of construction. Moving on it will be difficult for the elderly or children.

There are quite creative designs of spiral staircases. They, for example, may have a slide next to such a construction. If there are children or teenagers in the house, this decision will delight them. And adults do not mind a ride on such a descent. Most often, such designs are made to order.

Any staircase, regardless of its appearance, must have a railing. For a spiral staircase, this is very important. At the same time, the step of the baluster (supports under the railing) should be minimal. If there are children in the house, the distance between such structural elements should not exceed 15 cm.

Calculation of the screw structure

The staircase in the house to the second floor of the screw type requires the correct calculation. Often these designs are delivered ready to install. However, if you wish, you can make and assemble all the elements together with your own hands. This is a difficult task. The safety of people who will move along the steps depends on the correct implementation of all actions.

Calculation of a spiral staircase

First, a plan is created. It indicates the place in the room where the owners of the house want to make a staircase. Next, it is determined which opening in the ceiling is permissible in a particular case. It is applied to the plan with the exact dimensions indicated. Next, the geometric center of the opening is determined. The projection of this point is performed on the ceiling of the second floor of the first floor. A rod will be installed here, to which the steps will be fixed.

Next, draw the steps. They will have a narrow part closer to the center and a wide edge on the outside. In the center, the tread should have a width of 25 cm. Toward the outer edge, this figure increases. It should be at least 43 cm. Balusters will be installed at each step. Their step should be 10-20 cm. In this case, the railing will have a twisted shape.

Materials must be very durable. Loosening of the structure is unacceptable.

March design calculation

A special calculation of the stairs to the second floor is required for the marching structure. Compliance with all the rules and requirements of the standards guarantees operational safety. By the same analogy, calculation and constructions on bolets are performed.

The slope of the stairs can be different. It is 30-55ยบ. The steeper the design, the less materials are required to create it. However, it is easier to move along the steps if the plane tilt is 30-45ยบ. This is especially important if there are children or elderly people in the house.

March Staircase

The treads in the marching stairs have a width of about 25 cm. At the same time, they are guided by the maximum size of the human feet. The number of steps must be odd. Itโ€™s easier to go up the stairs. In this case, the dimensions of each stage should be identical. If their height or width is not the same, a person can stumble and fall. The number of steps in one span should not exceed 13 pieces. If the march is longer, you need to make horizontal spans.

The railing is located at a height of about 85 cm. Under them must be balusters. For these purposes, both vertical and horizontal crossbars can be used. You can also make partitions of plexiglass or other suitable sheet material.

The standard marching flight width is 1 m. If there are a lot of people in the house, this figure can be increased to 1.5 m.


The staircase in the house to the second floor can be designed independently. To do this, you need to properly develop a design plan. Itโ€™s easier to assemble a flight of stairs. It can be mounted on a stringer or string. In the first case, the steps are fixed on the support, which passes under them. A bow is called a side support. This is the end to which the steps are fixed.

To create a project, you need to take measurements of the room. First you need to determine the distance from the floor to the ceiling in the room. Next, you need to determine the slope of the span. At the same time, take into account that the level of inclination should fit into the established standards. This indicator is largely determined by the dimensions of the room. If there is free space, you can make the stairs more gentle.

In some cases, the free space in the room does not allow you to create the correct angle. In this case, you will need to create a more complex design. She will have several spans connected by sites. It is unacceptable to build too steep stairs in the room.

In the plan, a rectangular triangle, which forms a staircase, will be drawn on paper. After that, steps must be created on the inclined surface of the hypotenuse of this figure. The height of each riser (lower step support) should be 10-15 cm. The height from floor to ceiling should be divided by this value. Get the number of steps. Further on the plan indicate their width.

You need to pay attention to the development of every detail. These include railings, balusters, scythe or bowstring. You can refine the standard project by installing cabinets for storing things under the steps.

Expert Advice

The stairs to the second floor must be very solid. Materials that are used for its construction should not have defects. The design must withstand a load of at least 320 kg / mยฒ.

For the manufacture of steps choose non-slip materials. Treads can be covered with carpet with special sills. It can also be used for decoration tiles, laminate, natural wood. Finishing options are many. The steps should have a ribbed or textured surface.

The railing should be perfectly smooth. It should be comfortable to lay your hand on them, to draw along the surface with your hand.

Having considered the features, varieties of stairs to the second floor, you can choose the best option for your home.


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