The reason for the change of surname, grounds and procedure

Surname and name are important information for each person. They are assigned to the child by the parents immediately after birth. But often an adult citizen already needs to change some personal data. The reasons for the change of surname are numerous, and they are not always associated with the marriage of a woman. Often such a need arises even for a man, since the surname is dissonant. The procedure is considered quite simple, but its consequences include the fact that in the future it will be necessary to replace numerous documents.

Basic information

All rights and obligations of a citizen can be exercised only under certain name and surname. By law, it is not allowed to enter into various transactions using other people's personal information. Therefore, if a person wants to use other data, then he needs to officially change his last name or first name. The features of this process include:

  • the reason for the change of surname can be any, but it is important to correctly carry out this process;
  • it is not required for this to apply to the passport office, since the procedure is carried out exclusively at the registry office located at the applicant's place of residence;
  • as soon as the surname is changed, which will be confirmed by an official certificate, then only then you need to contact the passport office and other organizations, which will allow you to make the necessary adjustments to numerous personal documents.

Adults can do the procedure on their own. Often, it is required to change the name of the child if he is adopted by other people or wants to take the name of the adoptive father. If the minor is not yet 14 years old, then for him the process is carried out by the parents. If he is over 14 years old, he can independently apply to the registry office, but he must have permission from official representatives with him.

Legislative regulation

Basic information on how the change of surname is carried out is contained in the order of the Ministry of Justice No. 142.

This process is additionally regulated by the provisions of Art. 59 SK. It indicates what reasons the name change can be used, as well as how the procedure for minors is implemented.

reason for changing the name in the application

Age restrictions

Important reasons for changing your last name on your own can appear in every person at any age. Even children often need this process if they have a not too attractive and harmonious surname. But it is important to consider age restrictions:

  • if the person himself wishes to change personal data, then the process is allowed only from the age of 14, and in addition the teenager must have written consent from the parents;
  • if the child, on the basis of emancipation, was recognized as fully capable, then even before the age of 18 he can engage in the process without the permission of official representatives;
  • if the parents themselves want to change the name of the baby who is not yet 14 years old, then they will first have to go to the guardianship authorities in order to obtain consent to this process.

Adult citizens may decide to change personal data. Therefore, regardless of the reason for the change of surname, it will not be necessary to obtain permission in advance from any private individuals or organizations.

When does personal data change?

There are many reasons for changing your name on your own. They may not be compelling, but when preparing a questionnaire in the registry office, it is advisable to specify the basis for the process in a specific paragraph.

There are reasons for both women and men.


The most popular reason for changing the family name among women is considered to be official marriage. Many girls decide to take the husband's last name, which is what the registry office employees must be informed of when preparing a marriage registration application.

Data change is carried out by employees of the institution after painting. Then, within a month, a woman should start replacing other documents that indicate her last name. Often, even men want to take the name of a woman after marriage. Usually this is due to the fact that their F. I. O. are dissonant.

Change of surname due to marriage is considered a common procedure.

change of surname due to marriage

Adopting a child or contesting paternity

Foster parents usually wish that they have the same surname with their children. In this case, the nuances are taken into account:

  • when applying to the registry office, it is required to transfer to the organizationā€™s employees a court decision on the basis of which the adoption was registered;
  • if the child is more than 10 years old, then he must agree to make changes;
  • if the teenager is over 14 years old, then he can independently engage in the adjustment of personal data, for which consent in advance from foster parents is drawn up.

The specific reason for the change of surname is indicated in the application, and the form of this document can be obtained directly from the registry office employees.

Also common are situations where a man disputes his paternity. To do this, a DNA test is done, and a court session is held, at which the judge admits that the baby is not a child of a particular man. In this case, the reason for the change of surname of the child will be a court decision. The mother usually independently turns to the registry office to make adjustments, so the child is given her maiden name.

reasons for the change of surname in women

Religious reasons

Marriages between people of different nationalities and religions are quite common. Their children are forced to live in difficult conditions, since two lifestyles are combined at once. Religious reasons are a common reason for men to change their last name.

In this case, a citizen can decide that his last name is not suitable for the chosen religion, so he can take his motherā€™s surname or come up with it at all.

reasons for the change of last name in men

Other grounds

There are many reasons for changing the name or surname, but most often such a decision is made by citizens if there are the following reasons:

  • desire to return the premarital last name;
  • the child wants to carry a surname belonging to the stepfather, and not to his own father;
  • adolescents often want to take the motherā€™s data if the father does not take part in their life in any way
  • the surname corresponding to the nationality of the citizen is selected;
  • the existing surname is unpronounceable or unpleasant.

For making adjustments, you can not come up with any good reason, since the reason is not important. Each person has the right to make adjustments to personal data, so the reason for changing the name in the passport and other documents can be any.

Where to go?

To make changes to personal data, you must only contact the registry office located at the place of residence of the citizen. Some people mistakenly come immediately to the passport office, but you need to visit this organization only when replacing your passport.

In order not to spend a lot of time waiting for your turn, it is recommended to make an appointment in advance. An application can be submitted additionally through the State Services. To do this, register in advance on the portal. In the personal account, the necessary services are selected, after which scans of documents are attached and the application is electronically filled out. After receiving confirmation of the changes, you can send a printed document to other institutions to adjust the data in personal papers.

Can I contact the MFC?

It is allowed to apply to the IFC for submitting an application, but this organization acts only as an intermediary, therefore, in order to receive a certificate confirming the introduction of changes in a personā€™s personal data, you will still have to come to the registry office.

When contacting the MFC, the time that is spent on the process is additionally increased. This is due to an increase in the number of organizations whose work is aimed at changing the personal information of a citizen.

the reasons for the change of surname at will

Surname change procedure

Regardless of the reason for changing the name or surname, the same actions are performed to complete this process. Therefore, the procedure consists of the following steps:

  • initially a citizen makes a decision on the need to change personal data;
  • then you need to contact the registry office at the place of registration;
  • at this institution, a statement is drawn up, which indicates which particular new name will be assigned to the applicant;
  • other documents are attached to the application;
  • a package of documentation is accepted by the registry office employee;
  • specialists of the institution enter the necessary data into the registration journal;
  • after a few days the applicant is issued a certificate confirming the change in personal data.

There are no difficulties with filling out the questionnaire, although you can study examples of the reasons for changing the name in the questionnaires that are provided by the registry office for study. The institutionā€™s specialists cannot refuse to accept the documentation if the application does not have a basis for the process.

What documents are needed?

Depending on the reason for the change of surname, at the request of the citizen, documents are determined that are required to be attached to the application submitted to the registry office. Most often, documentation is required for the implementation of the process:

  • photographs of a citizen;
  • applicantā€™s passport or birth certificate, if the procedure is for a child who is not yet 14 years old;
  • if the surname changes after the marriage is registered, then a copy of the certificate of marriage is attached;
  • if the procedure is implemented after the divorce, a copy of the relevant certificate is prepared;
  • if the parents decide to assign their surname to the foster children, then they must have a certificate of adoption or paternity.

Usually the registry office employees do not require additional documentation, even if the application indicates another reason. If specialists refuse to carry out the procedure due to the fact that there is no information in the ā€œgroundsā€ column, this allows the applicant to go to court to challenge such a decision.

reason for change of surname

Application Rules

The process of changing F. I. O. is carried out only on the basis of a statement and other documentation submitted to the registry office. Most often there are difficulties with the correct preparation of the application. When it is formed, the following nuances are taken into account:

  • the reason for the change of surname in the application may not be spelled out, although usually the registry office employees require filling in all the columns;
  • issued by employees of the institution form in the form No. 15;
  • without fail the document indicates the applicantā€™s full name, date of birth, current citizenship, place of residence and marital status;
  • data on all children of a citizen are provided;
  • indicates which new surname should be assigned to the person;
  • all documents attached to the application are listed;
  • at the end is the date of compilation.

The document is signed by the applicant, after which it is transmitted to the registry office employees together with other papers. Many citizens think about how to write the reason for the change of surname. It is advisable for this to indicate the valid grounds for this process. The law allows the column with the reason to remain empty, so you can simply skip it.

How fast does the process go?

The law precisely establishes how long the registry office specialists can consider applications received from citizens. The maximum procedure is implemented within one month. At the end of this period, the applicant is issued a certificate confirming the change of his last name.

It is allowed that employees of a state institution extend this period if there are good reasons for up to two months. If such a decision is made, then the registry office employees are required to issue a written explanation to the applicant, which indicates the reason for the delay. Such a document may be appealed by the applicant in court if the grounds for extending the time limit are non-material and unconfirmed.

Process cost

Regardless of what the reason for the change of surname is indicated in the application, it is not required to pay money for this procedure in the form of a state duty.

Therefore, the service is provided completely free to adult citizens or children. Additional costs will have to be incurred only when replacing other documents that contain personal data of a person. The cost of such a replacement is regulated by law.

reasons for changing the name and surname

What other documents will have to be replaced?

Since the surname is important information about a person, it is available in numerous documents. Therefore, after it is changed, it is required to take up the replacement of many papers held by a citizen. These include:

  • Passport. It should be replaced first. The procedure is performed within a month after receiving a certificate from the registry office, since otherwise you will have to pay a fine. To do this, you must contact the FMS department at the place of registration of the citizen. It is required to have a correctly prepared statement, a certificate of change in personal data and a receipt for payment of a fee equal to 300 rubles.
  • INN It is required for every officially working citizen, since it transfers taxes to the budget in the form of personal income tax. To replace a document, it is required to contact the Federal Tax Service at the citizen's place of residence. A statement is compiled correctly, to which a certificate from the registry office and a new passport are attached.
  • Medical policy. It must be replaced, and if the procedure is performed by an officially employed person, then he can contact the employer to implement the process. If the person does not work, then you need to contact the insurance company that issued the last policy. A competent application is prepared on a form received from the employees of this organization. A certificate of change of data and a copy of a new passport are attached to it.
  • Pension certificate. A laminated card will certainly be replaced, since all adjustments in a personā€™s personal data should be reflected on his personal account in the pension insurance system. Replacement of SNILS can be performed at the place of work of a citizen, for which it is necessary to apply to the personnel department. If a person does not work officially, then he will have to visit the PF department on his own to submit an application and other documents.
  • Employment history. It is considered a significant document for any person who prefers to work officially. It is not necessary to replace it, but at the same time, an employee of the personnel department must put a note that the ownerā€™s personal data has been changed. For this, a citizen must submit an application to the personnel department of the company.
  • Driver's license. The document is replaced immediately after receiving a new passport, since without changes the certificate will be invalid from the moment the citizen changes his name.
  • International passport. The legislative acts lack information on how quickly this document needs to be replaced, so many people use it before the expiration date, and when issuing a new passport, a new surname is already indicated. But if you have different data in your Russian passport and passport, you canā€™t get a visa to visit foreign countries.
  • Diplomas or certificates. They need to be replaced, for which you will have to contact the organization where they were issued. The applicant must have a certificate from the registry office with him.
  • Credit cards, debit cards or savings books. They must be replaced immediately after receiving a new passport. Operations are carried out directly in bank branches where cards and accounts are open. To do this, you need to make statements and bring copies of a new passport.

Often when changing a surname, it becomes necessary to replace a military ID or completely different contracts drawn up for the purchase of securities or for cooperation with counterparties if the citizen is an individual entrepreneur or company owner. To avoid various unpleasant and negative consequences, it is recommended to replace documents within a month after receiving a certificate from the registry office.

Reasons for refusal

When drawing up an application to the registry office, various reasons for changing the name may be indicated. The causes of failure are presented in several forms:

  • false information is revealed in the application;
  • an obscene or excessively long new surname is chosen by a person;
  • there are no necessary documents confirming marriage or other grounds for changing data;
  • permission from guardianship authorities to change the name of the minor has not been received.

If there are no justified reasons for the refusal, then it can be challenged, for which the applicant will have to go to court with a statement of claim. , .


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