Mountain pine Gnome: description

It is always nice to be in a well-groomed area. It doesn’t matter if it is a restaurant courtyard, park alleys or a plot around a country house - a perfectly trimmed lawn, paths, various flowers and decorations will create a favorable atmosphere for relaxation. Today, landscape design experts, as well as just amateurs, have many opportunities to make this or that territory a work of art, correctly selecting all the components.

pine gnome
A large role is given to plants that will make up the composition. Pine Gnome fits perfectly into the most diverse styles of landscape design. However, it does not cause much trouble in the process of care, just pleasing with its beauty.


Description of the pine Gnome should begin with a description of its appearance, as this is what buyers are most interested in. The plant is a small coniferous shrub. In height, it can reach no more than 2.5 m, and the diameter is 1.5-2 m.

It should be prepared for the fact that the pine growing quite slowly. A young shrub begins to grow in width, creating the basis for a future form. Then it is pulled up.

pine gnome description

The plant is evergreen, has a dense system of branches that form a dense rounded crown. An already mature pine gnome changes its shape to a domed one.

The decorative value of the plant is represented by its short needles of a deep dark green color and miniature brown cones. They are rounded, up to 4 cm long. At any time of the year, the shrub will be a worthy decoration of the site and will give an atmosphere to a small but still coniferous forest.

The soil

Pine Gnome is one of those varieties that are ideal for lazy gardeners. This plant develops itself, without requiring constant watering, fertilizer and other procedures for caring for it.

Pine matures in the second year after planting. Prefers those places on a site where she will not lack in a sunlight. Any soil is suitable for cultivation. It can take root on well-drained soil, even on acidic and alkaline. Resistant to frost, tolerates cold winters. It develops well even in urban environments.


This type of pine, in comparison with others, is less demanding on light, although it loves it, and therefore you can find a place for it even in the smallest garden. That is why it is appreciated by those who are not indifferent to plants, but who live in the city and are not able to create large-scale compositions from them.

Pine Gnome is resistant to winds. Has a developed root system. Perfect for sandy and sandy loamy soils. Survives in places with a minimum amount of nutrients. However, if there is too much sand in the soil, then it should be diluted with a small amount of clay. Heavy soils should be drained for better growth. As a material, you can use sand or gravel.

mountain pine gnome description

It is recommended to plant pine in the soil in spring (late April - early May) or wait until autumn (late August - September). If you plan to create a whole composition of stunted plants, then between them you must leave a distance of 1.5 m.

Disease susceptibility

Pine is resistant to diseases and pests. In the process of growth, a thick litter is formed, which helps to accumulate humus and maintain the necessary amount of moisture. Pine tolerates soil compaction. Manual crown formation is possible. This type of pine is actively used to create garden bonsai.

Mountain pine Gnome, the description of which was considered in the article, is an excellent option for landscape design. It looks great as accents near garden paths and large flower arrangements. The plant will delight itself all year round.


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