Various statuses about the army: motivating, with humor and for waiting girls

Recently, statuses about the army have been very popular. And it’s clear why. Nowadays, almost everyone is sitting on social networks. And almost all the guys leave to serve. Most of them have girls, many of whom are waiting for their beloved from the army. And in order to convey their emotions, share feelings with others, they post various thematic photos in their profiles and reinforce their statuses. But the guys also often operate on various aphorisms on this subject - they certainly know what they went through and what awaits them.

army status

Quotes of famous people

Many thoughtful statuses about the army are actually the statements of some figures. Among young people (who serve or have already gone through this), the following phrase is widely used: "Military education introduces courage with the help of fear." This was said by Tadeusz Kotarbinsky, a well-known Polish logician and philosopher of the 20th century. And Antonio Miro, a Spanish writer, once said: “The army was created to destroy” - and, in fact, was right.

Still popular is this expression, which is endowed with a rather vivid expressive color: “Your soul probably belongs to the Almighty, but your fifth point belongs to the army.” This is an appeal to a recruit in the US forces. Perhaps rude, but true.

Subtle humor

Many statuses about the army, which are the sayings of great people, are not without irony. For example, the 20th century German scientist Wilhelm Schwebel said an interesting thing: “It’s better to defend yourself ineptly than to know for sure why and how they will kill you.”

But these are still relatively new quotes. After all, all sorts of sayings about the service exist since ancient times. Clearchus, a student of Plato himself, said: "The soldier must fear his commander more than the worst enemy."

And finally, another sharp expression. It belongs to George Bernard Shaw, a famous English playwright. He said that "the army is a bad school, because war does not happen every day, but the military pretend that their work is constant."

army status for girls

For girls

Today there are a variety of statuses about the army for girls. It is easy to guess that there are no aphorisms on this subject belonging to famous ladies. Basically, their authors are girls who are just waiting for the demobilization. Perhaps the most popular phrase is: “The army is a school for a guy and an exam for a girl.” Still very often there is such an expression: "I saw you off - and I meet you." In principle, the meaning of each such quote is the same. It lies in the fact that the girl loves her young man and will surely wait for him. These statements convey this to the rest and support their own spirit. Actually, this requires status about the army.

“Is the girl waiting for the guy from the service?” This is a museum rarity. ”- Similar quotes can also be found on the Internet. The reason for their appearance is simple - some people really promise to withstand the year of separation, but do not hold it back. And of course, decent girls have an answer to such sayings, which also translates into rhyme and another status: “Those who do not believe, let them be silent! I’ll wait for you, soldier! ” However, it is not necessary to report this to all social networks. The main thing is to keep your promise, it is much more valuable.

army status girl waiting

Life statuses

There are many jokes and witty aphorisms about the army. And many of them are vital for soldiers. Or motivating. They often say: “I have not died in swaddling clothes and I will not die in footcloths!” Or this: “Dismissal is like the sound of wind in a field.”

In general, many different expressions can now be found. But the main thing is not to immediately take every word to them, especially army jokes. Indeed, here, as they say, it all depends on who gets into which part. And then it’s already possible to invent your own statuses, based on personally gained experience.


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