Sestroretsk city: attractions with a description

Picturesque, fabulous, cozy, colorful, amazing ... You can continue and continue to speak with epithets when it comes to such an old Russian city as Sestroretsk. Sightseeing will surprise and amaze every tourist who comes here to relax. The city arose in the south of the Karelian Isthmus and initially, in the 20s of the eighteenth century, it was considered a village at the arms factory.

City of amazing beauty

What interesting things can you see when you come to Sestroretsk? The sights of this settlement can be listed for a long time: we will dwell on them in more detail below. The city was built on the coast of the Gulf of Finland, the natural beauty of which is simply amazing. Surrounded by a forested area, Sestroretsk is rightfully considered one of the most picturesque corners of the planet. The name was given to the city by the Sestra River, since it was at its sleeves that a settlement appeared. Residential neighborhoods and buildings unique in architecture against the background of expressive water surfaces and colorful green areas - all this, devoid of clear territorial boundaries, harmoniously translates into a beautiful landscape.

Sestroretsk attractions

What is famous for Sestroretsk, whose attractions delight every traveler?

Resort City

This city is not the first year has the well-deserved name of the Northern Riviera. It is here that people from all over our country come together, not to mention the inhabitants of the “cultural” capital, to enjoy the pristine beauty, to escape from the bustle of the city and improve the shaky health. Yes, Sestroretsk, whose sights are delightful and magnificent, is, among other things, also a recreational area. There are all conditions for recreation and recreation: balneological hospitals, comfortable beaches, you can take narzan baths from local sources. In other words, the unique nature and favorable climate will help patients to normalize the work of the respiratory system, nervous system, digestion, and blood circulation.

"Nursing resort"

What are the sights of Sestroretsk (Leningrad region) should be noted in the first place?

Sights of Sestroretsk, Leningrad Region

Of course, we are talking about the famous sanatorium "Nursing resort." It is located in the eastern part of the Sestroretsk Bay of the Gulf of Finland. Today, both classical and innovative methods of treatment are used in this institution, and moreover, they are carried out by qualified specialists using high-tech equipment. Here patients treat diseases of the respiratory system, digestion, ailments of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, endocrine systems. The therapeutic procedures of occupational diseases are also carried out.

Double room per night will cost 1650 rubles per person.

Park "Oaks"

Attractions Sestroretsk (Russia) is, of course, the famous Dubki park, which appeared back in 1719 thanks to architects Udelfelt and Van Zviten.

Sestroretsk city attractions

Three years after its founding, a three-story palace complex consisting of various pavilions and galleries was built in Dubka. Later on the territory of the park, earthen fortifications were arranged to protect the Sestroretsk harbor. Today, the palace building, unfortunately, has not been preserved. Nevertheless, modern youth often spend their free time in this park.

Chaliapin's Arbor

What else can surprise Sestroretsk? Sights, the description of which cannot but be a pleasure, undoubtedly glorified this picturesque city throughout Russia. What is the famous "Chaliapin gazebo" worth! It is sad that today it looks more like ruins.

Sestroretsk Attractions Description

And earlier, on this small stage, famous artists “carried culture to the masses”. And, it is likely that Fedor Ivanovich himself. It is noteworthy that the gazebo is decorated with carved wooden patterns. Modern architects made an analogue of the famous building, so today you can see what initial form it once had.

Dvorzhetsky's dacha

The residential building was erected by the famous architect Ginger S. Currently, home ownership is not dilapidated and is available for operation. Once the mansion belonged to a notary by the name of Dvorzhetsky, and after the revolution, the singer Sabinov took over it (at the initiative of Soviet officials).

Sights of Sestroretsk Russia

The building is made in the style of "Peter's Baroque" with notes of "modern".

Museum "Sestroretsky Frontier"

Here is an exhibition of guns that were used during the Second World War during the defense of Leningrad. You can look at the artillery APK-1, as well as the firing points covering it.

Museum of O. Bender

In this place you can see the things and accessories that were mentioned in the famous works of Ilf and Petrov “The Twelve Chairs”, “Golden Calf”, including: the police cap of the “great combinator” and kettlebell Panikovsky.

Church of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God

It was inaugurated on the sixtieth anniversary of the Victory. Of course, the new building does not have huge rooms, but its pleasant and neat appearance impresses. However, this is not the main thing. The church houses one of the main relics of Orthodoxy - the Tikhvin icon.

Sestroretsk Guide

Experts are convinced that it was written by the Apostle Luke back in the fifth century, and subsequently ended up in the Byzantine capital. When the city was raided by the Turks, the icon suddenly disappeared. And after some time it was discovered, and not just anywhere, but on the water surface of Lake Ladoga. Then it was decided to erect a temple on this site, and the Sisters of the architects followed helped in this.

Church of Saints Equal to the Apostles Peter and Paul

As you can see, many of the sights in Sestroretsk are a tribute to Russian history. Once, Emperor Peter the Great began to build an arms factory in the south of the Karelian Isthmus in order to provide the ground and naval forces with everything necessary for warfare. The Church of Peter and Paul was originally built of wood (1722-1725). Subsequently, it burned down, and in its place was built a cathedral of stone.

Old cottages

The city of Sestroretsk is amazing with its unique architectural style, the sights of which fully prove this. At the beginning of the last century it was considered fashionable for representatives of the Russian intelligentsia to build country houses here. To this day, some estates have retained their original appearance. In particular, we are talking about the cottage of the notary Dvorzhetsky (read above) and the mansion of E. Vazhevskaya, which were built in strict accordance with the principles of Russian architecture.

Attractions in Sestroretsk

However, another country house owned by E. Korneeva (Fetodotovskaya path, d. 18), made in the Art Nouveau style.

Lenin hut

And, of course, almost every guide to Sestroretsk (Leningrad Oblast) contains information about the hut of Lenin, since it was this city and its environs that became a temporary refuge for the leader of the world proletariat. Here Ulyanov hid in due time. At the moment, a museum is operating, visitors of which can find out in what conditions the leader of the Bolshevik movement lived.

Chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Not far from the church of Peter and Paul there is a chapel named after the famous saint. Its construction is a merit of submariners who served in the Pacific Fleet. It is noteworthy that land was brought to the building from all construction sites on which domestic submarines were made. The church service in the chapel is held according to the days and dates that are honored by sailors of the Russian fleet. Not far from the chapel are memorial plates with information about the dead submariners.

Monument to Mosin

At the entrance to the city you can see a monument to the famous inventor of the rifle. It is located near the arms factory, which Mosin worked at. He began his career with a simple designer, and subsequently took the post of head of the workshop.

A place to eat

As you can see, the cultural program in Sestroretsk can be very, very extensive. All museums, estates, churches, parks in one day can not be bypassed. If you want to take a break from fascinating excursions, you can go to some restaurant, of which there are many in Sestroretsk, and it is delicious to eat there. Catering establishments such as the Calypso restaurant and the Wasabi restaurant are in high demand among tourists. Nice interior, varied menu, helpful staff - all this will allow you to relax comfortably and taste the spicy dishes that are offered here.


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