Social-political figure and playwright Fedor Pavlov: biography, features of activity and interesting facts

Pavlov Fedor Pavlovich - Chuvash poet and founder of musical art of the Chuvash people. For a short 38 years he tried himself in many sectors of culture, especially in music and drama.

Fedor Pavlov


Fedor Pavlov is a truly famous figure in his native Chuvash region. The current culture of this people owes much to Pavlov for his contribution to the development of the heritage of his native country. In particular, he paid attention to songs. Pavlov not only held an honorary position as a public figure, but was also a simple teacher at a local school, teaching children everything he knew. Until his death, this person combined several opposite types of activities: scientific, teacher, social, creative - and everything worked out with him freely and without unnecessary difficulties.


The future Russian playwright Fedor Pavlov was born on September 25, 1892 in the village of Bogatyrevo of the Tsivilsky district. His family was never very wealthy - Fyodor’s father was a peasant, which means that his son’s education at school was in doubt. At that time, middle peasants were already given the opportunity to send their children to schools, and the only obstacle could be family circumstances. Since Fyodor’s father was a man of advanced years, his son had to help a lot with the housework, and studies should not interfere with this. The boy was obedient and obeyed his parents, however, from early childhood it was noticeable that he really wanted to go to study. Having a meager amount of literature at home, Fedya was still interested in books, and therefore learned to read at an early age.

So early, Fedor fell in love with Chuvash folk songs and music. He dreamed of connecting his life with one of these types of arts, and, as you can see, in the future he really did it. The child adopted the love for creativity from his parents, most likely from his father. Pavel Stepanovich Pavlov was a wonderful folk dancer, besides he knew how to play the harp. From childhood, seeing the creative environment around, Fedor himself grew up an extraordinary person.

Fedor Pavlovich Pavlov biography

early years

In 1901, parents still send their son to school - the secondary department of the Bogatyrevsky Zemsky School. There Pavlov shows extraordinary abilities and diligence in almost all subjects. Of course, best of all he succeeds in singing and music lessons. After primary school, the boy is studying at the Ikkov two-year school of the Cheboksary district. And again, teachers note the child's ability to music and literature.

After graduating, finally, from the main training, the future playwright Fedor Pavlov enters Simbirsk Chuvash teacher’s school. He studied there from 1907 to 1911, and again his abilities in the field of music and literature are highly appreciated not only by teachers, but also by his comrades. At the Simbirsk school, he acquires a worthy literary and musical education. It was at that school that Pavlov got acquainted with literary and musical works of not only Chuvash, but also Russian classics. After graduation, he remains in it in order to teach by profession in elementary grades.

Pavlov Fedor Pavlovich

Love of folk music

Fyodor Pavlov taught music in the lower grades of his own school, moreover, he did it with unlimited love for the subject. His work, both in the first and in the last years of his life, gave Pavlov great pleasure. He liked to listen and play for a long time familiar compositions, and with the same enthusiasm he learned something new with his children. At one point, Pavlov came up with an idea - the creation of the foundation of the Chuvash musical culture, so that future generations of people in Chuvashia could know their native songs and their history sung in them.

Focusing on the musical works and songs of the Russian people, Pavlov gradually carried out his idea: thus, the long-forgotten Chuvash folk songs began to appear in the new revision, parts were created for the choir to perform these songs, musical plays and symphonies were created that reflected the character of the Chuvash people . From 1911 to 1913, Fedor was completely and completely absorbed in this work, and for good reason - these days his works are offered for study in Chuvash schools.

Literary activity

With the advent of Pavlov as a young teacher, the school again began to live a creative life. One of the most striking events is the production of a fragment from "Ivan Susanin" on the school stage performed by all teachers. And, of course, the script for the production was written by Fyodor Pavlov, who also played the main role in the play.

Gradually, Pavlov increasingly writes small plays for staging on the stage, but so far only “on the table”. Among his friends there are poets who share experience with him. A close friend to him at that time was the poet K. Ivanov, with whom they dream to create an opera. He draws inspiration from the classics and playwrights of Russian literature, and the Russian playwright Pavel Stepanovich, the author of many vaudeville from the time of Nicholas I, makes a special impression on the man.

In 1917, the Chuvash poet Fyodor Pavlov, with the help of his friends and teachers of the school in Akulev, organized a traveling troupe. For her performance, Pavlov again writes plays, and this time they are put on stage and very positively evaluated.

Chuvash poet Fedor Pavlov

As a director

Pavlov gained his first experience of staging the play on stage, staging a fragment from Ivan Susanin in his first school. Then, by the will of fate in 1913, not having the opportunity to get a real musical education, Fedor enters the Simbirsk Theological Seminary, which he ends in 1916. From there he leaves with the profession of a psalmist, after which he works as a teacher in several other musical institutions.

On August 4, 1917, the entire Chuvash district elected Pavlov as justice of the peace for his contribution to the development of the Chuvash culture. After such an event, he and his family move from his village closer to the center of Chuvashia to the village of Akulevo. Just in the same year, Fedor came up with the idea of ​​creating an art troupe that would give performances throughout Chuvashia in order to develop patriotic feelings and moral aspects of the soul in the hearts of the inhabitants.

Russian playwright Fedor Pavlov

Musical creativity

All his life Pavlov tried how he could embody the traditions of the peoples of Chuvashia in musical works. In the 1920s, he tried for a very long time to achieve the opening of the Chuvash College of Music, which was so necessary to him at the time. And finally, on November 14 of the same year, the first music school opens, in which Fedor Pavlov, despite his work as a justice of the peace, teaches with his close friends and teachers.

Thanks to Pavlov, the folk songs of the Chuvash region received considerable development - large choirs, duets were created, parts were painted and old folk songs were processed for performance on stage. Another victory was won by Fyodor Pavlovich Pavlov, whose biography was full of activities that were beneficial for the development of the country when the first orchestra opened. And in 1929, in the city of Cheboksary, a man contributed to the opening of a more serious institution - a music college.

Pavlov evaluated his work very modestly - he just loved to write music and create something new, and it so happened that the work of his whole life completely changed the spiritual side of life in Chuvashia.

playwright Fedor Pavlov

Last years

Always full of energy and new ideas , the political figure Pavlov Fyodor Pavlovich, at last, achieved his goal - he realized his old dream, having entered the Leningrad Conservatory in 1930 to become a professional musician. Inspiration always accompanies him now, and he sits down to write his own symphoniet. Everything began so fruitfully for this talented person, but, unfortunately, it ended too quickly. Some time after entering the conservatory, Pavlov is found to have a fatal ailment that takes away all his strength in the last years of his life. Fedor Pavlovich has to leave his beloved studies in order to go to Sochi for treatment, but this does not help. In 1931, at the age of 38, a brilliant aspiring composer, playwright, inspired musician died in the city where he hoped to improve his health. He was buried in the city cemetery in Sochi.

Public figure Pavlov Fedor

The peoples of Chuvashia, without a doubt, now remember this talented man who worked all his life for the good of his homeland.


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