"Athlete" - a preparation for tomato seedlings (photo)

Most vegetable crops are grown in seedlings. However, certain conditions are necessary to obtain healthy, full-fledged seedlings. If agricultural technology is not respected, seedlings will be rather weak. Such planting material is unsuitable for a good harvest.

Plant growth regulators

How to grow high-grade planting material? In this matter, biostimulants that can eliminate many unpleasant moments will be excellent helpers. A variety of drugs are aimed at solving a particular problem. Growth regulators increase the resistance of seedlings to low and high temperatures, increase seed germination, help to cope with a lack of light, thickening, contribute to an increase in the root system, good flowering and ripening of fruits.

Biostimulator Description

Athlete seedling preparation

"Athlete" is a preparation for seedlings, which prevents the extension of the stem of the plant and stimulates the formation of a powerful root system. Planting material will be strong, with good survival after transplantation. In addition, using the drug "Athlete" for seedlings, it is possible to reduce the time of appearance of the first peduncles. This contributes to an earlier harvest.

This growth stimulator is produced in ampoules with a capacity of one and a half milliliters. The drug "Athlete" for seedlings is an environmentally non-aggressive substance. It is not harmful to insects and does not lead to the death of bees pollinating plants. For the human body, the drug is safe. However, precautions should not be forgotten. During the processing of plants, observe the generally accepted rules for working with pesticides. Store the drug in places inaccessible to children and animals, at a temperature of from zero to plus thirty degrees Celsius.

Growing tomato seedlings

A good harvest is, first of all, high-quality planting material. When growing tomato seedlings, a fairly common problem is the stretching of plants. It arises due to the early seeding of tomato seeds and fairly thickened crops. In a closed environment, plants lack light. Compliance with the optimal temperature regime is required. In specially equipped greenhouses, such problems are solved by using special equipment. But quite often seedlings are grown at home in convenient containers.

The drug is an athlete for seedlings

At the same time, the plants are very elongated due to the above problems. This leads to a decrease in the quality of planting material. After planting in a permanent place, the plants are sick for a long time. This slows down the appearance of peduncles and ovaries. Yields and quality of vegetables are reduced.

How to avoid this? With such problems, “Athlete” will be indispensable - a preparation for tomato seedlings, which will reduce the stretching of plants and strengthen the root system. However, the effectiveness of this growth regulator is achieved only with appropriate agricultural technology, as well as strict adherence to the instructions. Its effect on tomato seedlings is as follows:

  • the stem of the plant thickens;
  • leaf sizes increase;
  • The development of the root system is intensified.
  • the ability to develop normally in thickened plantings appears;
  • dependence on illumination decreases.

By the time of planting in open ground, seedlings are well formed. It is not stretched and rather quickly takes root in the open ground, forms peduncles.

Good survival and rapid development of planting material, for which “Athlete” (a preparation for seedlings) was used, significantly reduces the time for harvesting. Active formation of powerful peduncles increases plant productivity. It is impossible not to notice the difference between seedlings grown at home in the usual way and plants for which "Athlete" (a preparation for seedlings) was used. The appearance of plants grown without growth stimulants is unattractive.

athlete seedling preparation photo

After applying the biostimulator, the plants have not only a great appearance, but also excellent quality. They are healthier and stronger. In addition, it effectively prevents stretching "Athlete" - a drug for seedlings.

athlete drug for tomato seedlings

Photos perfectly demonstrate the difference in the quality of planting material.

Basic rules of application

How to use "Athlete" - a drug for tomato seedlings? Before applying the growth regulator, you should carefully study the attached instructions. The contents of the ampoules are used to prepare an aqueous solution, which is sprayed with seedlings or watered under the root. Thus, the biostimulant penetrates the plant, enhances root growth and slows down the extension of the stem (the latter thickens after the use of "Athlete" - a drug for seedlings). Instructions for use indicate strict dates and doses of the introduction of a growth stimulant for each vegetable crop. It should be remembered that the tool is used as a prophylactic, and if the seedlings have already outgrown, its use will be useless.

Instruction manual

For each vegetable crop, the norms and terms for the use of a growth stimulant are determined. "Athlete" - a preparation for seedlings of tomatoes - is used for spraying or watering planting material. Preparation of the working solution is carried out according to strict standards. Overdoses can lead to undesirable effects. The solution should be freshly prepared.

Spraying Tomato Seedlings

Drug athlete for seedlings reviews

The first treatment of plants is carried out in the phase of three to four true leaves. In this case, the contents of the ampoule are dissolved in one liter of water and the plants are sprayed.

The following two treatments are carried out at weekly intervals. "Athlete" (a preparation for seedlings) for subsequent applications is prepared at the rate of one ampoule for five hundred or seven hundred milliliters of water. Sometimes, after spraying, white spots may appear on the leaves. This should not be scary. After a few days, they disappear. If after triple treatment of seedlings it is not possible to place it in open ground, it is recommended that a fourth treatment be carried out in a week. The concentration of the solution used for the second and third treatment is used. It should be noted that after spraying, seedlings should not be watered for a day. The last use of the drug should be five days before planting the plants in open ground.

Watering plants with a growth stimulator

In addition to spraying, you can carry out a one-time watering of seedlings in the phase of three or four leaves. For this treatment, a solution of the drug is prepared at the rate of one ampoule per liter of water. Growth stimulator consumption ranges from thirty to fifty milliliters per plant.

athlete seedling preparation instruction

When watering under the root, repeated treatments are not carried out. Also, do not water the seedlings for three days.

What mistakes are made when using a biostimulator

When growing tomatoes, vegetable growers use the drug "Athlete" for seedlings. Reviews confirm the positive effect of the growth stimulator used. However, you can find information about the negative effects of this tool. With a detailed description of the undesirable effects, inexperienced vegetable growers state the fact of improper use of the drug. Desiring to achieve an enhancement of the effect, in violation of the instructions, they change the dosage. Naturally, in this case undesirable consequences occur. It must be remembered that the "Athlete" is a preparation for seedlings, which is used strictly according to the instructions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9253/

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