East European Shepherd Dog: breed description, color, character

Back in the Soviet Union, the first representatives of this fearless and loyal breed were bred. The East European Shepherd is in high demand today, because such dogs have an extraordinary mind, exceptional devotion and rare reliability.

Origin history

Parents and grandparents of the breed representatives were brought into our country back in 1904 from Germany. These were the best German shepherds. At the very beginning, dogs were not used for breeding, exploiting their working qualities - excellent guard and shepherd's capabilities. In World War I, animals were used as medical dogs. After this, the representatives of the breed, it was decided to engage in the work of the police. During the years of the revolution, almost all livestock was destroyed, but after the civil war in Germany, the necessary number of animals was purchased. In the first years, the new government simply used dogs, not trying to breed on the spot.

East European Shepherd

However, already in the years 24-36 the situation changed: the task was set to breed a new breed that would be more adapted to climatic conditions. For this purpose, German shepherd dogs were mixed with females of other breeds or even a mongrel, taking into account the phenotype. The result of this selection was a dog, which was called "East European Shepherd."

The first breed standards were developed and approved in 1955. RKF adopted the standard of this variety of shepherd only in 2002.

Breed characteristics

Representatives of this breed have powerful muscles, a well-developed skeleton. Hind legs are located almost at right angles to a flat back. The average height at the withers is 70 cm. Males are noticeably larger than bitches and taller, in addition, their chest is more developed, and their heads are larger. Weight - about 50 kg. The coat is coarse, the undercoat is thick. East European Shepherd Dog, the color of which does not have strict frames, can be black, red-headed, red-headed, zoned-gray or black and tan.

Dogs of this breed are distinguished by endurance, activity and tirelessness. The standard states that at any time this animal must be ready to carry out the owner’s commands. Protecting the property entrusted to them or their own owner, these dogs can act independently, showing incredible courage. At the same time, aggression, which has no foundation, is the reason to consider the animal defective.

By the nature of the East European Shepherd, it will be black or any other color, incredulous. But this applies only to strangers. Moreover, she is merciless to her enemies and enemies of the owner. At the same time, she is very tender with children, being an excellent nanny for them. The dog will be happy to play any games with the children, but he especially likes moving ones like catch-ups. He loves to bring objects thrown to her. A dog full of dignity and tranquility will become a full member of the family. A well-bred VEO (East European Shepherd Dog) does not experience negative emotions for other pets.

east european shepherd puppies

These shepherd dogs are very balanced, have strong nerves, sharp hearing and instinct, do not have the habit of casting a voice during work. These qualities are greatly appreciated in carrying out the guard service, for which today the breed is used.

Differences with German

Despite the fact that the breed came from the "Germans", today the difference between the German and East European shepherd is quite significant. Of course, fans of both breeds exist, however, in order to determine your preferences, you need to know exactly what the differences are.

So, first of all, the East European shepherd is noticeably larger. Even the VEO bitches, according to standards, are larger than the male Germans. And this despite the fact that females are always smaller than males of the same breed. In addition, the "East" is wider in the chest, it is deeper, with a more pronounced reversal.

The circumference of the metacarpus is also important - the "Eastern European" paw is much thicker than the "German" of the same age and gender. It is very important to pay attention to the back of the dog - the VEO has a difference between the withers and croup of about 3 cm, while the back of the German shepherd resembles an arc, which forms a large difference in the height of the withers and croup. The Germans have longer legs, making their movements somewhat crouch.

These dogs are very different in temperament “Germans” - athletes: noisy and quite funny, while VEOs are active, but serious.


Like any other breed, the East European Shepherd has characteristics that all breed representatives must comply with. These standards were adopted by the RKF on 01.11.2002.

east european shepherd characteristics

The dog is moderately stretched, large growth, with a strong skeleton and well-developed muscles. Sexual type is pronounced. Males are massive and larger.

Temperament and behavior: from this breed you can not expect a patient attitude towards outsiders. According to the standard, the dog should be self-confident, balanced, have a vivid active-defensive reaction. To strangers should be mistrusted.

Males reach 66-76 cm at the withers, females - 62-72 cm.

The head of the dog is proportional to the whole body, its length is about 40 percent of growth at the withers. Massive, slightly pointed, wide and deep. The cheekbones are rounded, the muscles are developed. The forehead is rounded.

The limbs are straight, set almost parallel. Metacarpus long, springy. Hind limbs of drawn set, parallel to each other. The hips are muscular, set obliquely.


To date, German shepherd dogs are used in breeding, which can add "fresh blood" to the branch of VEO. But in spite of all the efforts of the breeders, puppies of the East European Shepherd Dog with vices may appear, for which they can be rejected or simply not allowed for further breeding.

east european shepherd color

Disadvantages that can affect the health of the dog:

- strong deviations from the sexual type;
- uncertain behavior;
- a stretched or flattened shape of the body;
- uncharacteristic expression of the muzzle;
- bright, convex or round gas;
- lack of premolars;
- badly standing ears;
- tail ring;
- curvature of the extremities or a loose gait;
- depigmentation of the nose.

Defects that lead to disqualification of a dog:

- cowardice or unmotivated aggression;
- non-compliance with standards;
- deviation of the dental formula (except in the cases indicated in the defects);
- not a scissor bite;
- hanging ears;
- eyes of different colors;
- albinism;
- short or short tail;
- deviations in color;
- cryptorchidism full or partial;
- curly, too long or excessively short hair;
- Unsteady or non-standard gait.

An East European shepherd dog that has at least one of these defects cannot be allowed in exhibitions, pedigree competitions or put into breeding.


Today, there are two types of breeding: with the participation of fresh blood of German Shepherd dogs or crossbreeding only within the breed. The East European type includes puppies bred in both ways. In the rings, both options can be equally successful, since judges prefer well-trained dogs that are competently shown. After the end of the exhibition, analyzing the descriptions of experts, breeders and clubs select pairs and draw up breeding plans.


Like any other breed, the price of a good dog with cool ancestors cannot be low. Of course, you can buy a puppy from a "shepherd" without documents for a thousand or two. But if you need a good, promising puppy from working parents, you need to go to the club of official dog breeding. And here you should not expect low prices. A correct East European shepherd, the price of which is quite adequate, with an excellent pedigree and good data, will cost from 30 thousand rubles.

difference between german and east european shepherd

Raising a puppy

More often than not, no problems arise with the rearing of pups of this breed. Puppies of the East European Shepherd Dog receive their first “education” from the age of four months. However, one cannot be in a hurry, because the upbringing of any living creature is a lengthy process that requires maximum patience.

In addition, the correct and balanced feeding of the East European Shepherd puppy is very important. In the diet must be meat, cottage cheese, eggs, vegetables.


This dog - East European Shepherd - is distinguished by intelligence, so its training and education are quite a simple matter. The animal is able to quickly absorb new elements. Jumping and overcoming obstacles is a favorite part of any dog ​​of this breed. Training with a variety of tasks is the best way to spend your pet's energy.

east european shepherd black

This breed needs firm control, therefore it is important to interest the dog - it will not perform empty tasks. It is necessary to ensure that the animal itself wants to obey, and not just because it was so trained - then it will take pleasure from classes. It is impossible to obtain obedience and devotion from VEO by punishment.

Since childhood, it is very important to establish a relationship with the dog - this is the only way to get a truly understanding friend. In addition to the owners, puppies must communicate with other animals, especially dogs, in order to avoid further hostility to them. It is important that the puppy is in crowded places, so as not to grow an evil, closed dog.

By raising the East European Shepherd correctly, you can get a great bodyguard, an excellent guard, who adores and cares for the owner and his family.


If you ask the owner what are the difficulties in maintaining this breed, he will most often think about it. And this is not pretense at all, the East European Shepherd has extremely good health. The reviews of the owners indicate that she does not need special conditions of detention: she is able to easily get used to living both in the apartment and in the courtyard of the house. Wool is very easy to care for - it is enough to wash as it gets dirty, scratch during molting. In addition to being prone to stomach upset, the breed does not have serious transmissible diseases. To avoid this trouble, it is enough to follow the rules of feeding: never feed immediately before or after a walk - at least an hour must pass. It is best to give small portions of a meal that is high in calories, as the larger the volume of food, the higher the chance of getting inversion.

Like other large dogs, VEOs are prone to arthritis and other joint diseases. Therefore, it is necessary in 5-6 years, without waiting for the first signs, to carry out the prevention of such problems.


The nature of this shepherd is plastic, which allows the animal to easily adapt to various types of lifestyle. Depending on the situation, it can be either a sofa favorite or a loyal guard. But still, do not forget that these dogs were bred for service, so they need training, training, long walks. It is very important for the mental health of the animal to participate in various rings and competitions. It can be not just OKD or ZKS, but also competitions of sled dogs, towing, agility.

East European Shepherd puppy feeding

Among other things, this dog is extremely owner-oriented - it does not tolerate not only lengthy business trips, but even short-term parting. Even in a small space, the Easterner will follow the owner, strive to lie nearby, constantly see him. Some people may be annoyed by such strong devotion - this must be considered when choosing a pet.

Breed today

Today, the East European Shepherd is not the most popular breed. However, every year more and more people choose her as their pet. Despite the fact that recently VEO almost disappeared forever from the lists of breeds, lovers and connoisseurs did not allow this to happen. That is why we have the opportunity to see the best representatives of this breed in the region at almost any exhibition.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9262/

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