Propagation of roses (burrito method): instructions, secrets. How to plant a rose cuttings in the fall?

If you have a country house or a personal plot, then you probably thought about how to decorate it. Lilies, tulips and dahlias - they all have their own charm, but still can not be compared with the queen of the garden - a rose. Buying ready-made roots in specialized stores is quite expensive. In addition, even if your new bush has taken root, it will come to your mind to propagate it to share with friends, or to plant it in other corners of the garden. And this is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The main thing is to know well what constitutes in theory the vegetative propagation of roses. The burrito method gives excellent results and does not require special knowledge and skills from the gardener.

rose propagation burrito method

What it is

In fact, you all well know what it is, even if you first hear such a term. The burrito method - this is the vegetative propagation of the bush, that is, cuttings. True, the beginning gardener does not get much easier from this, especially if you managed to get a rare variety or hybrid. Moreover, the amount of starting material is very limited, and the samples themselves are extremely sensitive to environmental conditions and growing technology.

It is very good if at this moment an experienced florist comes to the rescue, who has already performed a similar procedure more than once and knows how roses are propagated. The burrito method originated in the United States and has proven its highest effectiveness, quickly spreading throughout the world. Russia and the CIS also did not stand aside, however, we still have very little professional literature devoted to this problem. Therefore, the sacrament of cuttings is transmitted from the gardener to the gardener, and even not everyone wants to share the received secret. Let us lift the veil of secrecy today and penetrate its essence.

The essence of the method

Everything here is also not easy, so first we will explain to you where this definition came from. And this applies to any cuttings, whether it is an apple tree or gooseberry, but today we are talking about the propagation of roses. The burrito method was named in this way by analogy with the Mexican "shawarma", that is, a traditional tortilla in which beans, cheese and vegetables are wrapped. What are the similarities between the propagation of bushes and the culinary work, you ask? But it is, and quite direct. In our case, instead of the filling, a fresh shank is taken, cut in a special way, and the moistened newspaper plays the role of the cake. It is in this way that optimal conditions are ensured under which the cuttings form a white growth, the so-called callus, quite easily, in the place of which roots then appear.

cuttings of roses in the fall at home

If you recall the school course in botany a little, it will become even clearer on what such rose propagation is based. The burrito method makes it possible to control temperature and humidity, as well as to observe how the cuttings behave. This is not possible if you traditionally put them in a pot of soil. So, the callus mentioned above is a plant tissue that is formed during cell division. It is she who is the basis for the formation of roots during vegetative propagation.

What material can be taken for planting

The propagation of roses by the burrito method in winter is justified as well as at other times of the year. The biggest problem is getting the right planting material. Most often, in the cold season, in shops you can find only rooted plants in pots intended for spring planting. In addition, in every flower shop you can find luxurious roses on a long stalk, which you want to immediately cut into cuttings and try to grow a new plant. We hasten to disappoint you. Cuttings obtained from such peduncles almost never take root. Therefore, do not rush to cut the presented flowers, let them better please you with their magnificent view. In addition, Dutch varieties practically do not survive in open ground, especially in Russian climatic conditions.

how to plant a rose cuttings in autumn

Garden work

Autumn is coming and it's time to lay your bushes at rest. Tall luxurious shoots will have to be bent to the ground, and if this is impossible, then trimmed. Then the bush will winter better, and in spring it will delight you with excellent flowering. Cuttings of roses in the fall at home are carried out, even when the street is warm, and flowering has not ended. Why is it important? Because plants take root best when the wood is still soft. That is, you must catch the transition state of the plant - from grassy to lignified. In the first case, the stalk is not yet ready to release the root system, and in the second, time is lost. Cuttings of roses in the fall at home threatens precisely with the fact that most of the shoots are vigorous, with a large core. In this case, they not only root worse, but also rot when planting.

When to wait for the result

Propagation of garden roses can be simple and enjoyable. No pots and soil, covering material and watering are needed. And also all experiences associated with the fact that the earth will be too wet or dry are canceled. In just a few weeks, your “roll” stuffed with cuttings will give quite viable shoots. This is the whole method. It would seem that everything is very simple, everyone can plant a whole rose garden on their site. Of course, in fact, we are faced with a huge number of nuances that we will try to discuss with you now.

propagation of roses by cuttings in the fall

Choose the right stalk

Well, if a neighbor shared with you the results of autumn or spring pruning. Then you have plenty to choose from. And of course, for planting you will take only the strongest, thickest and most beautiful cuttings. It is much more difficult if all the available material is one branch, from which at least two fragments suitable for planting must be selected.

The length of the cuttings is usually up to 20 cm, with 3-4 kidneys. No less important is the thickness and appearance. A diameter thinner than 0.5 cm is not suitable, the branch simply does not have enough strength and supply of nutrients for the formation of roots. A thin stalk can germinate, but this happens much less often, and not the fact that the plant has the strength to survive the first planting in the ground.

propagation of garden roses

Preliminary inspection

Carefully inspect the material to be germinated. All stems should be green, smooth and shiny. There should be no black spots, damage or rot on the bark. In this case, everyone else who is in close proximity will suffer. After you discard all unsuitable cuttings, you can proceed directly to the preparation. For this:

  • Directly under the kidney, stepping back from it 1.5 mm, make a cut of the future handle. It is performed a little diagonally.
  • Remove all lower leaves and shorten the upper ones by a third. This is important to prevent decay and drying of the cuttings.
  • All spikes need to be cut, they often cause decay.
  • Cuttings cut and bundled into bundles must be placed in a previously prepared newspaper and carefully packaged. It remains only to put on top of the bag and regularly moisten them.

Isn't it better to put in water?

There are different ways of propagating roses. Some gardeners propose using a different scheme, which allows, without deploying, to monitor the condition of the cuttings. Cuttings are placed in cold boiled water and changed every two days. After 15 days, the root embryo should form in the form of a white ball. In this state, it is already possible to plant in a pot of earth. Some people prefer to wait another week until the real roots appear. The disadvantage of this method of rooting is that the roots lack oxygen, and they can begin to rot. Therefore, they come up with an alternative. On the one hand, it can be an aeration system, and on the other, the placement of planting material in suitable soil. Cuttings of roses in water willingly give roots, but excessive or insufficient temperature, plenty or lack of light can affect this process. The stalk may begin to produce leaves. In this case, he will lose strength and will not be able to build up the root system.

methods of propagation of roses


Since it is not difficult to plant a rose with a cut in the fall, many summer residents take edged material from each other. Unfortunately, most landings disappear. Cuttings rot because of an excess of moisture, dry without proper moisture. In addition, the future rose sometimes lacks an additional incentive in order to give roots. Today, in specialized departments and stores there is a large selection of growth regulators. By dipping the bottom of the planting stalk into this powder, you increase its chances of germination.

If such drugs are not available today, then you can prepare a similar growth stimulator yourself. To do this, you will need to take the annual shoots of willow (yellow or green). They can be prepared in advance. As necessary, the raw materials are removed and finely chopped and poured with boiling water. In just a few hours, a solution that activates the development and growth of cuttings will be ready.

breeding roses in the fall in the ground

Packing of planting material

Let's now move on to practice and consider how to plant a rose with a cuttings in the fall. Carefully inspected processed samples must be properly packaged and left to germinate. For this you need a regular newspaper or paper towel. Do not forget that this material dries quickly, so you need to fold the paper in 2-3 layers. Wrapping one at a time does not make much sense, because there will be too many bags to follow. The best option is to pack 3-4 pieces together. Propagation of roses by cuttings in autumn has a huge advantage. During the winter, a fairly strong plant will grow on your windowsill, which will calmly survive a transplant into the ground.

Germination conditions

This is a very important point to keep in mind. Wrapped in a newspaper, well-moistened and placed in polyethylene, the cuttings must be removed in a dark place. The optimum temperature is 14-18 degrees. Lower threatens to slow down the processes of root formation, and at high roots dry up. At the same time, plentiful wetting does not help, because it provokes the appearance of mold. Therefore, in an apartment it’s quite difficult to establish a favorable temperature regime. The propagation of roses by cuttings in the fall is justified from the position that the heating season has not yet begun, and the cuttings have a chance to give roots in optimal conditions.

Regular inspection

The propagation of roses by the burrito method in winter is very suitable for busy people. It will not take you a lot of time to look after your harvesting, but you can immediately lay dozens of future bushes for germination. After about 2.5 weeks, you can get the packages and carefully deploy them. Evaluate how the root formation process is going, if necessary, you can give a few more weeks to complete it. Check the humidity, you may need to moisten additionally.

Planting in the ground

As you can see, the method of propagating burrito roses is not at all complicated. The secrets we discovered today can help many summer residents grow their magnificent rose garden. The final step is to plant the cuttings in a jar or pots one at a time. Make sure the top kidney rises above the surface. The pot is covered with a jar and a film, the air temperature at this stage should be at least 23-25 ​​degrees. You need to spray often, gradually opening the film as the handle grows.

For the busiest

If you do not have time to complete this procedure, but there are several cuttings that need to be stored until spring, then you can leave them for wintering right on the site. The propagation of roses in the fall in the ground allows you to completely save yourself from caring for future plants until spring. To do this, a hole is dug, a cotton fabric is lined at the bottom. Cuttings are laid out on it at a distance from each other. After that, fabric is laid on top and the earth is filled up. When the soil thaws in the spring, you will need to remove the cuttings. Each of them will have a thick white growth, with which they can be planted. So far - in the pots, and closer to the fall it will be possible to transfer to the open ground.


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