Cherry Turgenevskaya: features of the variety

Berries and leaves of cherry are widely used not only for cooking, but also in folk medicine. In addition, the fruits belong to dietary products that can cause appetite and normalize the digestive process. That is why many gardeners want to grow cherries on their site, and Turgenevskaya cherry is the best suited for this.

Origin history

During the existence of the USSR, various varieties of fruit trees were actively bred. This also applies to cherries. Many of the varieties bred in Soviet times are still grown, and this is done very successfully.

Turgenevskaya Cherry grade description

Cherry Turgenevskaya began its existence in 1979. The progenitor of the variety is Zhukovka cherry. Turgenevka quickly became popular, especially in central Russia. This happened due to the ability of the tree to tolerate low temperatures, resist coccomycosis and give a large crop as a result.

Cherry Turgenevskaya: variety description

This variety of cherries has a number of advantages, for which they love it. First of all, this is a fairly high quality of the fruit of the tree, resistance to low temperatures and a number of diseases. In addition, Turgenevskaya cherries are very unpretentious in care and will provide a caring gardener with a large harvest. A five-year-old plant can produce about 200 g from one bush.

The tree, as a rule, reaches a height of about 3 m, while the crown is formed directly raised. Branching is medium density, branches are medium and straight. The color of a healthy tree is usually brownish brown. Old trees may be covered with a slight white coating.

Turgenevskaya cherry (the description of the variety can be found in this article) has oval leaves that are narrow compared to other varieties, and their color is usually dark green. The top of the leaves of Turgenevka is sharp, and the surface may glisten.

The tree blooms profusely. Inflorescences usually consist of four flowers, while the petals are pale white. During this period, Turgenevskaya cherries are rather weak and cannot resist frosts.

cherry turgenevskaya description

Sweet cherry flavor

Not only for their unpretentiousness, this particular type of sour berry is valued, but also for the quality of the fruits that they receive as a result of cultivation. They are quite large. The weight of one berry is about 5 g, and the size is 2 cm in diameter. The shape is vaguely reminiscent of the heart, and the color is also associated with it (the ripe fruit is usually dark red in color, both outside and inside). The stone is small, makes up only a tenth of the whole berry and is very easily separated from the pulp. This fact allows this particular variety to satisfy the needs of the country's food industry. With one tree with properly organized care, you can collect up to 10 kg of tasty and juicy fruits. They appear already in the third year after planting a tree on the site.

variety of cherry turgenevskaya

The taste of berries is not quite typical for cherries, as the sour taste goes well with sweet, forming at the same time an unforgettable taste inherent only to this variety. The fruits are quite juicy. Harvest can begin in May, since the variety is medium-late.

Features of planting and care

Cherry Turgenevskaya although unpretentious in care, but quite demanding on the quality of the soil. It will spoil the crop only if it grows on rich, loose and non-acidic soils. It is also worth paying attention to the level of occurrence of groundwater, which should be located at a distance of at least 1.5 m from the surface.

Planting cherries of this variety should be done in spring, and seedlings should be placed at a distance of at least two meters from each other. For each seedling, a separate pit should be prepared with a diameter of about 60 cm and a depth of not more than 50 cm. The soil that remains after the preparation of the recesses must be mixed with humus, ash, 35 g of superphosphate and 25 g of potassium chloride. If planted in clay soils, it is advisable to add sand.

For abundant fruiting, you must carefully monitor the watering of cherries. This must be done through the hole that is made around the tree. Some gardeners prefer to mulch. This will help keep the earth at a proper level, as well as protect the plant from weed growth.

Turgenevskaya cherries are very fond of water, especially the first year after planting. In no case should the soil be allowed to dry out.

Proper care is the key to a high yield

We continue to consider this wonderful variety of cherries. Turgenevskaya is famous for its high harvest, but subject to all the rules of care.

turgenevskaya cherry

In particular, mineral fertilizers should be applied on time and in the right amount . This should be done no more than once a year. It is better to use natural nitrogen-containing fertilizers for these purposes. In particular, Turgenevskaya cherry loves mullein and bird droppings. The annual rate should be divided into three parts and introduced in early spring, immediately after flowering, and in July. Do not neglect the loosening of the soil.

Turgenevskaya Cherry (description is presented above) - a variety that is resistant to certain diseases, but kleasterosporiosis is possible. If this happens, the affected leaves must be removed, after which the tree is treated with an antiseptic.


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