Sketch for the theme: pareo for the beach

Pareo for the beach: a fun glimpse into history

Strictly speaking, the time of the appearance of this item of women's wardrobe by historians has not been determined, but it is reliably known that already in the 19th century, Tahitians were wrapped with might and main in scarves-pareos. But, if you look at the question more fun and do not get attached to the textile component, then the cavemen all went to them without exception. And what, the clothing of Pithecanthropus is a pareo in a prehistoric fashion. The comparison is comic, but it clearly demonstrates the versatility of this garment.

pareo for the beach

Thanks to the work of all generations before us, the accumulated knowledge and skills, modern technologies, we no longer need to walk in the shoes, but completely abandon the ancestral ideas at all. History has proved that there is no simpler, more universal and more practical for summer clothes than a scarf around the body. Some options for tying it are quite suitable for the city, but basically the most popular is still pareo for the beach.

What is pareo?

The modern pareo is a piece of fabric that is tied in various ways around the body. Its sizes are very different: from a small scarf tied to a thigh or chest wrap, to a very decent one, which can be wrapped, as they say, "from head to toe."

Pareos for the beach are completely unlimited in color. You can choose for it a fabric of any shade, plain or with a pattern, correlating only with your own desires, taste and sense of style. It’s not even necessary to match it with a swimsuit. A classic example of this combination is the finest black or ashy lace over a white swimsuit. Such a scarf is the most affordable clothing for the beach. Here only you make a decision: everything is decided by your courage and your taste.

How to wear a pareo?

what is pareo

The easiest and most common way to wear pareos for the beach is to make a skirt out of it. To do this, just wrap the scarf around the hips and tie the ends in a knot, leave the remaining ponytails freely falling down, or you can tuck them inside the resulting skirt.

The next option pareo for the beach is similar to the previous one. It is convenient when you need to get the previous version from a large scarf. It is wrapped around the hips, the long ends overlap on the side or in the center and are tied in a knot on the back. Only chiffon or finest silk fabrics are suitable for him .

Pareo for the beach, imitating a sundress

This option is often called “Samoa” and is tied up using a rather large elongated rectangle of fabric, remembering that the narrower it is, the shorter the sundress. We wrap the scarf from the back, overlap on the chest and tie it in a knot at the back of the neck.

scarves pareo

If the fabric allows (how thin it is and how easy it is to drape), then it is possible to make several overlaps above the chest, resulting in the original tourniquet. And here the completion can be different: you can let both ends individually around the neck and tie a knot in the back; and you can throw the resulting tourniquet over the neck and fasten on the chest.

These are just the three most popular options. But, having shown imagination, you will surely come up with your own original and unique way to wear this wonderful scarf.


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