Circular electric saw: price, specifications

An electric circular saw is also called a parquet, or circular, it appeared in the twenties of the XX century.

Key Features

circular saw

Today, this equipment is very common among consumers, and if you decide to choose such a tool for yourself, you should pay special attention to the main characteristics of the device. The circular acts as one of the most complicated units in technical execution, which is true, even if you do not take into account the moment that it can have a complete set of electronic add-ons. In the process, the master will have to ensure his safety, which was additionally taken care of by the manufacturer. As practice shows, hardwood floors can be very traumatic, therefore it is not worth it to carry out independent repairs of this equipment, it is best to entrust this matter to professionals.

Submersible circular characteristics

circular electric saw

If you need an electric circular saw, then you should pay attention to the fact that there is a submersible variety on sale. It is intended for insertion into a part in any of its places. Thus, you can process an element, not only starting from the edge. Such equipment does not have an automatic lower casing, while the disk is located above the base plate. It is lowered only by pressing the start button of the device. The master can adjust the depth of cut, while the range changes to the nearest millimeter. The circular electric saw , which has a submersible mechanism, is compared according to the principle of work with a chipper. Using the submersible mechanism, you can carry out local repairs of the roofing, cut an opening in the countertop, or dismantle floorboards. Without applying much effort, the master will be able to perform gutters, grooves and slots. If you are faced with the task of processing laminated materials or sandwich panels, you will need to cut the top layer by a preliminary pass to a certain depth of the workpiece, thereby eliminating the risk of chips. There is such an opportunity if you place the working part of the tool perpendicular to the plane of the part. Among other things, you can work under a certain slope.

Tool diameter characteristics

circular electric saw price

If you choose an electric circular saw, it is especially important to pay attention to this parameter. It is one of the most important features of the saw. The larger the disk, the more powerful the engine must be in order to spin it to the required speed. The more torque will be needed to maintain speed, excluding jamming. An increase in all of the above parameters will entail the need to increase a more technologically advanced stabilization system, this will exclude vibration, runout and noise. Consequently, the tool will turn out to be heavier. But for cutting large equipment, these characteristics are simply necessary, in some cases there is a need to process more massive workpieces.

Depth of cut equipment specifications

hand-held circular saw

If you need a circular electric saw, then it will not be enough to pay attention only to the diameter of the circle, you should have an idea about what depth of cut the equipment will provide. You can find these parameters in the passport, as for the beveled or perpendicular cut. In this case, you can use conditional separation. Thus, the light class, which provides a cut depth of 40 to 50 millimeters, suggests the possibility of working locally with sheet materials. The most universal and popular is the middle class, which provides a cut depth of 50 to 65 millimeters. But the heavy class is heavy massive and professional devices that can allow you to get a cut depth of 65 to 140 millimeters. If you buy a circular electric saw, then these parameters will be conditional for the reason that a number of manufacturers use their own classification. For example, Makita does not produce aggregates with a shallow depth of cut; the company has advanced a little in this direction. Ordinary users who are going to purchase a device for solving everyday problems will have to find a compromise in matters of power, versatility and maneuverability.

Power characteristics

stationary circular electric saw

A circular electric saw, the price of which can be 20,000 rubles, will have a certain power. Experts advise you to purchase a device with some margin for this parameter. When comparing two models with the same depth of cut, remember: a more powerful engine will provide high stability, as well as the possibility of smooth operation for a long time. Among other things, the owner of such a device will quickly reveal the most dense material. Power is related to the diameter of the equipment, in this regard, the units can be attributed to one of three corresponding classes. Less powerful ones have the mentioned parameter, which does not exceed 800 watts. As for the average power models, they are characterized by a limit from 800 to 1200 watts. Professional models are characterized by 1200 watts or more, they are rarely used for solving problems in everyday life.

Disk rotation speed

Makita circular electric saw

A circular electric hand saw should also be selected depending on the speed of rotation of the disk. The faster the shaft moves, the cleaner you can get a cut. In addition, high speed is the opposite of torque. This parameter also indicates the temperature, and after all, some plastics during deformation can deform and melt. If the rotation speed turned out to be a stumbling block, then it is necessary to compare tools with the same diameter of the working element. Experts advise you to select a model that provides for the possibility of adjusting the frequency of idling.

Mechanical characteristics

A circular electric stationary saw can be quite expensive, for some manufacturers such models have a price in the range of 45,000 rubles. In addition to all of the above characteristics, it is important to pay special attention also to the mechanical aspects. Thus, at the moment of a dull jamming of the snap-in, the engine can quickly fail, and there is a high probability that a back strike will occur. In order to eliminate such troubles, a slip clutch is used. The motor shaft will continue to operate even with a frozen disk. The system will not work unnecessarily, the master should not worry about this. The goods of the manufacturer "Makita" are quite popular today . Circular electric saw is no exception. The supplier company also took care of protection against accidental switching on, which is provided by the presence of a button located near the main handle.


Choose the equipment that will be most convenient during operation and the need for repairs. In order to replace the spindle disc, you should use a lever or button; in some models, the element stops in any position, without having to scroll and look for a setting point.


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