Frequent breathing in a newborn: normal, causes of deviations

The breathing of any person is the main indicator of his health, which is why, first of all, when examined by a doctor, a specialist checks whether the patient has wheezing. The same goes for newborn babies. It is very important that young parents are able to correctly assess the state of their child.

The child is sleeping

However, before considering the causes and consequences of frequent breathing in a newborn, it is worth noting that the children's body is different from the adult and functions a little differently. In order to notice a developing ailment in time, you need to understand that the baby is just starting to form and adapt to the world around him.

The breath of a child is different from that of an adult. Often it is more superficial and shallow. Because of this, the baby makes more frequent breathing movements. This is due primarily to more miniature nasal passages. Therefore, frequent breathing in a newborn and jerking of hands and feet are most often not a cause for concern. However, in order not to miss the development of the disease, it is important to know the norms of proper respiratory function in children.

How babies breathe in early childhood

Mostly for the implementation of breathing, babies use the diaphragm. The press and intercostal muscles, as in adults, do not participate in the respiratory process. In addition, the respiratory system of the child is directly associated with the digestive system. Therefore, if colic or gas formation occurs, the newborn may begin to inhale air more often than usual.

It is important to ensure that during swaddling babies the chest is not squeezed. If frequent breathing in the newborn is noted, then first of all it is worth making sure that he can freely capture air.

If we talk about the features of the respiratory process in very tiny children, then it is worth noting that during this period the lung tissue begins to actively develop. The formation of this system completely ends by nine years of life, and the alveoli grow much longer, up to 25 years of age.

Noticing the frequent shallow breathing of the newborn, many parents begin to suspect sinusitis. However, this ailment, as well as frontal sinusitis, is not threatened by children under the age of 3 years. This is due to the fact that they have not yet developed enough sinuses. Nevertheless, do not rule out laryngitis. Very young children are just prone to this ailment, especially if they are fed with artificial mixtures, rather than breast milk.

Some believe that frequent breathing in a newborn is considered normal if the baby is slightly larger than their peers. However, you must understand that overweight can cause swelling of the larynx. In this situation, you may need emergency medical attention.

frequent shallow breathing in the newborn

Breathing rate in babies at night

If we talk about why a newborn baby has rapid breathing in a dream, then it is worth considering that in one night the baby can capture the air very deeply, noisily or actively. However, this should not greatly scare parents. But it’s better to still monitor the baby’s sleep and note the changes in order to clarify with the pediatrician that the development of the child is proceeding normally.

Newborn babies often begin to breathe with a delay, which makes breathing quick, deep and shallow. In medical practice, such breathing is called periodic. If we talk about the norm, then the baby may stop taking breaths for up to 5 seconds, after which he will begin to actively draw in air. Such a phenomenon should not cause panic. As they grow older, the child will begin to breathe more stably. However, frequent breathing in a newborn in a dream cannot but disturb parents. To make sure that everything is in order with the baby, it is worthwhile to conduct a small check.

First of all, it is worth listening to the baby's breathing. To do this, just bring the ear to his mouth and nose. It is also worth looking at his chest. It is necessary to take a position so that the parent's eyes are on the same level with the sternum of the child. In this position, it is very easy to determine if the diaphragm expands or not. If frequent breathing is observed in a newborn child, do not wake him every five minutes to make sure that everything is in order with him. If you wake the baby every five minutes, then this will only negatively affect his nervous system. Therefore, it is enough to carry out simple checks to make sure that everything is fine with the child.

Normal pace and respiratory rate

If we are talking about tiny babies, then the first thing to do is to determine if the nose is stuffed with a toddler. When the child is completely healthy, he takes 2-3 short breaths, after which one is deep. The exhalation always remains the same - superficial. This is a completely normal specificity of newborns. Their breathing is different from that of an adult.

crying baby

Frequent breathing in a newborn is due to the fact that in order to ensure normal oxygenation of the body, the baby must produce about 40-60 breaths. Upon reaching the age of nine months, babies take air more rhythmically and measuredly. However, if the child makes wheezing and noises, and the wings of his nose are greatly inflated, then in this case it is worth consulting with a specialist.

If we talk about how to determine the number of inspirations and expirations, then for this it is enough to calculate the number of movements of the chest of the newborn. If we talk about normal breathing, up to three weeks of age, the baby should make about 40-60 breaths per minute:

  • From 3 weeks to three months of age - about 40-45 breaths in one minute.
  • From 4 months to six months - from 35 to 40.
  • From six months to one year - about 30-35.

Thus, gradually the baby begins to breathe more measuredly. If we talk about adults, they take about 20 breaths and exhalations per minute. During sleep, this figure decreases to 15. That is why many young parents think that frequent breathing in the newborn is not the norm, since it is very different from their own. However, one can speak about pathologies of the respiratory system only when a real deviation from the norm occurs.

Baby breathes

It is not necessary to go to the doctor every time. You can identify health problems yourself. To do this, you need to learn the basic ways of breathing a baby:

  • Thoracic. In this case, characteristic movements of the chest are carried out. With chest breathing, insufficient ventilation of the lower lung occurs.
  • Abdominal. The diaphragm and the abdominal wall area are most involved. In the process of such breathing, the worst ventilation of the upper zones of the lungs is carried out.
  • Mixed. This type of breathing is considered the most complete. In this case, not only the chest is lifted, but also the baby’s stomach. This allows you to deliver the necessary amount of air to all departments of the lungs.

How to detect a problem

To understand that the baby is developing with some abnormalities or has health problems, it is worth paying attention to several signs that may mean that you need to see a doctor. For example, you should start to worry if the baby:

  • Makes more than 60 respiratory movements per minute.
  • It makes wheezing sounds after each subsequent breath.
  • Strongly expands the nostrils. This suggests that breathing is given to him hard.
  • It makes barking sounds like a cough.
  • Strongly annoying chest (it drops very much).
  • Holds your breath for more than 10 seconds.

It is also worth paying attention to another alarming sign. If the skin around the frontal zone, nose and lips of the baby becomes cyanotic, this indicates an insufficient amount of oxygen that comes from the baby’s lungs.

When not to worry

There are a number of reasons for frequent breathing in a newborn baby, which are in no way associated with possible pathologies. It is important to consider the conditions under which the baby begins to breathe with abnormalities. For example, pathology is not discussed if the baby's rapid breathing is observed during games, physical activity or an excited state. Also, changes can be observed in those moments when the baby is something very upset or crying.

If the child sniffs or even whistles a little while sleeping, then everything depends on his age. The respiratory system of newborns is not completely developed, therefore, this phenomenon also cannot be a deviation from the norm. If we are talking about a more adult child, who had never made such sounds before, but started, then it is better to visit a pediatrician.

Causes of frequent breathing in a newborn

Up to 6 months, the baby may experience slight apnea. During this period, doctors rarely suspect serious pathological conditions. In the first months, a child may experience up to 10% of breath holdings during sleep or, conversely, rapid chest movement.

With uneven breathing, you should make sure that the baby does not suffer from SARS. If parents note frequent breathing in the newborn when falling asleep, then perhaps the child suffers from a viral disease. At the same time, many pay attention to the appearance of wheezing and wheezing.

If the baby greatly captures the air, his skin becomes pale or cyanotic and the child does not respond to external stimuli, then you should immediately call an ambulance. There are many reasons for this. The kid could swallow a small part from the toy or he began to have problems with the lungs. Only a specialist can accurately determine the causes of frequent breathing in a newborn in a similar situation. Do not self-medicate and lose precious minutes.

The appearance of shortness of breath and frequent enlargement of the diaphragm can be a symptom of the appearance of fever. At elevated temperatures, breathing becomes more frequent. This often happens if the child has ARVI or the first teeth erupt. It is better to consult a pediatrician in such a situation.

There are often situations when frequent breathing in a newborn after childbirth is observed against the background of the so-called false croup. This disease is very serious, as it leads to severe suffocation. If the child is literally suffocating, then you can not do without medical assistance.

Breathing problems

If we are talking about older children who are already attending a nursery or kindergarten, then in this case there is a risk that the child has increased adenoids. This happens against a background of frequent colds. Children can be in poorly heated rooms during the cold season or become infected with viral diseases from their peers during games.

In this case, doctors prescribe treatment for adenoids. As a rule, special antiseptic sprays and drops are used for this. You can also do with the means of the homeopathic group.

If newborns face such problems, then parents should be vigilant. At the beginning of life, any infection can be dangerous.

Wheezing on babies breathing

If during sleep, newborn babies have similar problems, then this can be a cause of both respiratory failure and viral infections. The latter type is usually accompanied by cough and nasal congestion. If there are no such symptoms, then probably the respiratory system of the child has not fully developed. In rare situations, such symptoms indicate a serious condition.

mom and baby

Contacting an ambulance is necessary if, in addition to wheezing, the baby has blue lips and obvious inhibition. If you have a strong cough and refuse to eat, you should also call an ambulance. There is a risk that the child has developed bronchiolitis. In this case, he may need urgent hospitalization.

Breath sensors

Since many parents are very worried about what happens to their beloved child during sleep, but they cannot be near the newborn every second, a special device has been developed that helps to track any changes in the respiratory process of the baby.

The respiratory sensor is made in the form of a rug, which fits under the mattress of the baby's crib. This device connects to baby monitors or similar gadgets and allows parents to remotely control everything that happens to the child. If the sensor notes a strong change in the rhythm of breathing or its absence for a rather long period of time, then it sends an alarm.

Breath sensors

Devices of this type can be used from the first days of a child's life. Sensors are regulated depending on the thickness of the mattress and the weight of the newborn. Also on sale there are devices that are fixed directly on the clothes of the child. Gadgets of this type are equipped with a special vibration stimulator, which is activated when frequent respiratory delays occur. Thus, a kind of stimulation occurs. Until recently, such breathing monitors could give false alarms, but modern products are devoid of such drawbacks.

Preventive actions

In order not to wonder why the newborn has frequent breathing in his sleep, it is worthwhile to adhere to several recommendations that will help to avoid health problems in the baby.

First of all, it is important to ensure that the room has optimal humidity. Air temperature should be between 22-24 degrees Celsius. In winter, heating is actively used in houses, so the air becomes too dry and warm. This can provoke problems with the respiratory system not only in babies, but also in adults. Therefore, it is worth thinking about buying devices for humidifying the air. Or you can periodically take the child out of his bedroom and ventilate the room well. If this is not done, then the risk of various viruses entering the baby’s body increases.

It is also recommended to walk with the child in the fresh air as often as possible. However, in the cold season, it is important to ensure that the child does not catch a cold. Better to wrap his head and face. Gradually, his airways will become hardened. If the baby immediately begins to inhale the cold air, it will cause a cold.

Douching nose

When a runny nose appears, it is important to clean the baby’s nose in a timely manner, since at the very beginning of his life he is not able to blow his nose on his own. In this case, parents use a small syringe and a cotton swab. Sticks with cotton wool are better not to use, they can very easily damage the delicate mucous membrane.


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