What documents are needed for RVP?

Today, documents for RWP will be presented to our attention. Where to get them? How to form a package of papers for a temporary residence permit? What nuances of the process should you always remember? We have to figure out all of this below. With the proper preparation and study of the package of documents, it is possible to put the idea into practice without much difficulty.

documents for rvp

RVP is ...

What is RVP? The explanation of this document is a temporary residence permit. Already by one name it is clear why this paper is needed.

RVP allows a foreigner to live and conduct activities in Russia for a certain time. Permission of the established form is a necessary point for obtaining a residence permit in the future.

RVP looks like a stamp affixed to an alien’s identity card. If the applicant does not have a civil passport, then the document is executed in the form of a small booklet with the applicant’s data.


Thinking about what documents for RVP are required, a foreigner will have to remember some features of this paper.

For example, it is important to understand that a permit has a specific expiration date. After its completion, you will either have to leave the country, or decide issues with a residence permit or citizenship.

A temporary residence permit is issued for a maximum of 3 years. However, the extension of the document is not provided by law. A second request for RWP can only be submitted one year after the expiration of the previous document.

RVP Features

And what does the mentioned paper offer to a foreign citizen? What opportunities are open to a person who has issued a temporary residence permit in Russia?

what documents for rvp

RVP allows you to:

  • work in Russia without additional paperwork;
  • do not file a patent for employment;
  • receive medical care free of charge;
  • get TIN (optional);
  • apply for a multiple visa to travel outside the Russian Federation.

Moreover, the foreigner will not have a selective vote. In addition, persons with RVP are not called up for military duties on the territory of the Russian Federation.

About restrictions

What documents for RWP will be useful in this or that case? It all depends on the situation. An approximate list of papers will be presented later.

Before submitting a request, it is necessary to clarify a few more important nuances. For example, what limitations does RWP have?

Among them are:

  • the possibility of canceling a document with a long absence in Russia;
  • You can only work in the region in which they issued a PRP;
  • permission can be renewed upon cancellation only after 12 months.

As we have already said, military duty is not provided for foreigners with RVP in the Russian Federation. In addition, this category of citizens has no suffrage. Therefore, they cannot participate in the elections.

filing documents for rvp


Submission of documents for RVP is possible at almost any time. But citizens should hurry. After all, a temporary residence permit is usually granted under quotas. Once the amount of RWP allocated by the government has been exhausted, it will be impossible to obtain the paper under study.

Quotas are distributed taking into account the size of the region and the population density of the area. For example, in 2017 in Moscow, 8,000 permits for RWPs were granted. Next in terms of the number of quotas is Kaliningrad, Rostov, Samara.

Design Features

What documents can be useful for RVP? First you need to study the process of submitting a request in the established form.

The thing is that without prior training, a citizen is unlikely to succeed in realizing the idea. Usually a foreigner has to follow these steps:

  1. Preparation of a package of papers. Their list is presented below.
  2. Submission of a request for RVP.
  3. The reply is in process.
  4. Registration at the place of residence. This is usually called the registration procedure.
  5. Obtaining RVP with fingerprinting.
  6. Informing migration services about their place of residence. This operation is performed annually.

In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to correctly collect documents and apply for a temporary residence permit as soon as possible.

what documents to get rvp

Issuing authorities

And where to apply with the appropriate request?

Most often in Russia, issues related to the issue of a residence permit and a temporary residence permit are decided by the migration services. For example, the FMS or the relevant units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

But in some regions, you can submit a request in the established form through the MFC. Usually multifunctional centers allow you to quickly issue a residence permit. But RVP is most often issued only to the FMS.

About Documents

What documents does a citizen need for RVP? It all depends on the situation. In addition, the age of the applicant is significant.

As a rule, the list of papers for obtaining a temporary residence permit for an adult is as follows:

  • application (2 pieces);
  • photos (2 pieces, 3.3x4.5 ml);
  • passport;
  • international passport;
  • Residence permit (if a person arrived from a country of which he is not a citizen);
  • health report;
  • any evidence of Russian language proficiency;
  • marriage certificate (if available, with translation into Russian);
  • migration card;
  • a receipt with a paid duty (in 2017, the RVP will cost 1,600 rubles).

This is usually all. No more special papers are required. But the list of documents on RVP is changing when it comes to minor children.

ufms documents rvp

For children

What is useful in this situation? In general, the listed securities remain the same. But there are still some differences.

For example, the application is filled out on behalf of the parents. And only after reaching the age of 14, the child can sign the corresponding request.

What documents for RWP will be useful for children in 2017? Here is a list of them:

  • profile;
  • photo (2 pieces);
  • child migration card;
  • birth certificate;
  • any proof of citizenship;
  • passport of a foreign citizen (if any);
  • payment with a paid state duty;
  • certificate indicating the absence of infectious diseases.

Usually, parents do not have any problems with the formation of such a package of papers. After all, only conscientious families can obtain a temporary residence permit in Russia. Otherwise, the mentioned paper will be refused.

No quotas

Only occasionally citizens can apply to the FMS (documents of the RVP will change) with a request for permission to live in the country without taking into account quotas. Similar cases are quite rare.

what documents does a citizen need

Who has the right to appeal? For example:

  • a person who was born in the USSR;
  • migrants born in Russia;
  • a foreigner marries a citizen of a country;
  • a person participates in a state resettlement program;
  • a migrant minor children are citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • one of the guardians of an incompetent foreigner is Russian.

As a rule, documents for RWP will change slightly. It is necessary to add to the papers listed above:

  • certificate of participation in the resettlement program;
  • certificates of marriage, birth;
  • any confirmation of family ties with a citizen of the Russian Federation.

It all depends, as we have said, on the specific situation. A more accurate list of papers for a temporary residence permit can be specified in the FMS.

About exam

Now it’s clear what documents are required for obtaining a RVP in 2017. Some people are wondering where to get confirmation of knowledge of the Russian language.

You will have to pass an exam. It is held at the FMS. The service is paid. If the exam fails, the money will not be returned. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare for the operation in advance.

The cost of participation in the exam is about 5,000 rubles. This fee applies to both adults and children. Examination work requires knowledge of the Russian language and the history of the Russian Federation.

Medical board

It is clear what documents are useful for RVP. Where to get health certificates?

Usually they are issued in public and private clinics. After passing the commission, a person will be issued a document stating that he is healthy. Be sure to donate blood for the presence of HIV infection.

On average, about 3,000 rubles will have to be paid for the medical commission (2,500 for children). A certificate of absence of HIV can be submitted within a month from the date of request for RVP. This phenomenon is allowed by the legislation of the country.


From now on, it is clear how the documents are submitted to the RVP. This operation does not take much time. With proper preparation and subject to prompt contact with the FMS, it is possible to realize the idea in a few months.

list of documents for rvp

It is preferable to fill out an application for RVP by hand. It is forbidden to use abbreviations during the preparation of the request Abbreviations are also prohibited. If desired, a citizen can print out the completed application form on a PC, and then sign it by hand. Such papers should be accepted by the FMS. In electronic form, applications are also being processed.

On average, the answer regarding the issuance of the RVP comes within 6 months from the date of the request of the foreigner. That is why it is worth hurrying - quotas in the regions end quickly!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E931/

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