Edinburgh Castle, Scotland: photos, brief information, interesting facts, mystical stories, ghosts

Every person who has visited Scotland at least once leaves a part of himself in this amazing country, trying to return there again. A rich historical heritage, a unique culture, interesting traditions and, of course, many castles that have survived to our time in their original form are not all the features of the region that regularly attract hundreds of tourists. One of the most famous landmarks of the country, which is visited by thousands of people from all over the world, is Edinburgh Castle (Scotland), a mysterious place with many myths and legends.

Scotland - a trip to a fairy tale

This small country is one of the most beautiful places on earth. In addition to beauty, some areas of Scotland are among the cleanest and most untouched by tourists. For example, once in the northwestern part of the country, it is safe to say that you are in the past, to the roots of civilization. The Highlanders living here lead the same way of life that their fathers and grandfathers led, not trying to go to megacities. In this region there are not only large industrial cities, but even large settlements. That is why the air in this place is very clean.

Scotland consists of more than 800 islands, 500 of which are uninhabited. The nature of the region is very diverse due to its unique location: in the south of the country there is a border with England, in the west - the Atlantic Ocean, in the east - the North Sea. Here you can find mountains and narrow grena valleys, unexplored caves, ancient volcanoes, mountain lakes, as well as unique fjord bays and relict forests. Every meter here is associated with some historical event, which is why the Scots are so proud of their rich heritage.

Scotland has many natural attractions that attract tourists from all over the world. But, of course, the country is best known for its castles, of which there are more than 3,000. The most famous is the oldest fortress in the center of the capital - Edinburgh Castle, Scotland - one of the main attractions of the city. This object is open for tourists to visit.

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland. brief information

It is believed that if you went to Scotland and did not visit this ancient castle, your trip was incomplete. This impregnable fortress, proudly towering on top of a huge volcano, extinct millions of years ago, is connected with all historically significant events of the country. Edinburgh Castle - the heart of Scotland, the key to the country - such definitions emphasize the particular importance of this place. After all, it was believed that the owner of the castle owns the whole country.

This fortress is larger than a small medieval town. On its territory there is a royal palace, a chapel, barracks, warehouses with weapons, a prison and many other premises.

The founder of the castle is considered the King of North Edwin, Edwin, who lived in the 7th century. In his honor, the castle was named Edwinburg, which was later renamed Edinburgh. History says that in the struggle for the independence of Scotland, Edinburgh Castle changed its owners four times, but at the same time it was never possible to take it with an attack, victory was achieved only by cunning.

Unusual facts about the fortress

Edinburgh Castle (Scotland), dozens of interesting facts about it, is famous for many mysterious stories. So, in 1830, the bones of a child, a piece of cloth and wood were found in the walls of the fortress. The monogram β€œJ” was embroidered on the fabric. Rumors began that the child of Queen Mary of Scotland was born dead and that his bones were walled up in the wall.

Also interesting is the history of royal regalia, which are stored in one of the rooms of the castle. The crown, sword, scepter and sword belt were made of local material - gold of Scottish mountain streams and pearls of the country's rivers. Having placed in a large oak chest, they were forgotten for some time, and then they were considered lost. Only after more than 100 years, a special government commission led by the famous writer Walter Scott managed to find royal regalia, which is considered a national treasure. However, among the items found there was no sword belt, which after a while mysteriously fell out of the wall, which was demolished in the house located next to the castle.

A gloomy dungeon is located under the floor of the maternity ward, and to this day no one knows for sure who and for what crimes were held there.

Having decided to visit this amazing castle, you will touch the mysterious history of Scotland.

Royal mile

The road that leads from Holyrood Palace to Edinburgh Castle is called the Royal Mile. It is this length corresponding to the Scottish mile that connects several streets of the capital: Castlehill, Lonmarket, High Street and Canongate. Each of them has its own history and mission. The streets gradually descend, and from them, on both sides, other streets and dead ends stretch, which also belong to the Royal Mile. When planning to visit Edinburgh Castle, you should definitely go to it along this road, which is a separate attraction of the city.

Castle Attractions

Edinburgh Castle (Scotland) - a real museum, the inspection of which will take more than one hour. One of the main attractions of the fortress is the Clock Cannon, which has been standing since 1861. Every day, with the exception of Christmas and Good Friday, the sentry makes one volley from it strictly at 13:00. The accuracy of time was previously controlled by a special system - the β€œBall of Time” - which is considered another attraction of the castle. This is an exact watch at 1238 meters from the fortress.

A cable is laid between them - the longest electrical connection in the world at the beginning of the 20th century. Nowadays, the gunner is already checking with a small clock, which is installed next to the gun.

Another attraction is the chapel of St. Margarita, which is an active Catholic church and belongs to the oldest structures of the castle.

Mystic stories

In addition to its rich cultural heritage, another feature that Edinburgh Castle (Scotland) is famous for is mystical stories related to events in the fortress. It is believed that many ghosts wander through the expanses of the castle - the souls of long-dead people.

For example, they say that the ghost of the piper roams the dungeon - they sent him there in order to find a move. The man never returned back, which caused his death - is unknown.

Another ghost of the castle is the headless drummer. He was chopped off his head in these walls many centuries ago, and since then he has been wandering around indefatigably.

Strange sounds are also sometimes heard and translucent shadows are seen in the dungeons of the castle, which contained prisoners of war and criminals. Some of them were executed, others were starved to death. No scientific explanation for these sounds and visions has yet been found.

The ghost story does not end within the walls of the fortress of Edinburgh Castle (Scotland). Ghosts also live on the slopes of the volcano on which it is located. For example, sentries tell us that sometimes they see a person in these places. It is believed that he tried to escape from the fortress, but could not. He was pushed into a cliff, where he died.

Thanks to so many mystical stories and visions, this castle is considered the most densely populated ghosts.

The stone of Destiny

The mysterious stories that Edinburgh Castle (Scotland) is famous for are not limited to ghosts. The Stone of Destiny, which is considered a truly magical artifact, is stored here. According to one legend, his age exceeds 3000 years, he was owned by the daughter of the pharaoh of Egypt, Ramses II, who brought him to Scotland.

According to another legend, Jacob slept on it that night when he dreamed of angels descending to the earth. In which of the legends to believe, everyone decides for himself, however, the fact that the Stone of Destiny is important for the royal family is undeniable. After all, it was on him that all the monarchs were crowned, including Elizabeth II reigning today.


Edinburgh Castle in Scotland is truly one of the most mysterious and interesting places in the world. Almost every room in this museum hosts exhibitions that introduce the rich history of the fortress. Even the architecture of the building itself is worth seeing.

In addition, if you decide to go to Edinburgh Castle (Scotland), the photo you take on its territory can then greatly surprise you. Suddenly, one of the ghosts residing in it will fall into your shot?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9317/

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