When is it better to send a child to kindergarten? The opinion of experts

A visit to a kindergarten is the child’s first serious step towards independence. As a rule, the answer to the question of when it is better to send a child to kindergarten depends on the employment of parents, grandparents and material resources of the family. Of course, a preschool institution plays a significant role in raising children. It teaches adaptation to a new environment, establishing contacts with peers, and interaction in society.

Advantages and disadvantages of the garden

Often parents think about whether to send their child to kindergarten. In order to decide, it is necessary to consider the pluses and minutes that are inherent in both a private and public institution.

The main benefits that a child receives when attending kindergarten:

  • communication with other children and independent solution of problems arising from interaction;
  • development of speech skills;
  • assimilation of rules, regimen and norms of behavior;
  • the development of mental and physical capabilities, thanks to classes in the kindergarten, phased preparation for school is provided;
  • the child becomes independent, his self-service skill is improved.

However, it is worth noting some of the disadvantages of preschool institutions:

  • a big load on the psyche in the process of adaptation to kindergarten;
  • high probability of infection with viral and infectious diseases;
  • the child’s appetite often worsens, as eating out is not always to his taste;
  • there are frequent cases of insufficient experience of educators in communicating with children, their authoritarian behavior and inattention to the child due to the large number of pupils in the group;
  • a change in the child’s behavior for the worse, as the child begins to “copy” his peers and adopt not only good, but also bad habits.

In any case, visiting a kindergarten has become an integral part of the life of modern society. And most of the children begin their entry into society with a preschool.

when is it better to send a child to kindergarten

What time to send the child to kindergarten?

Undoubtedly, this issue should be resolved at the family council. Most often, children are brought to kindergarten at the age of 1-3 years, less often at 4-5. However, most kindergartens do not accept babies up to 1.5 years. If there is even the slightest doubt about whether it is worth giving the child to kindergarten, it is advisable to consult a psychologist on this issue.

If we talk about mom, then teachers and doctors agree that it is better to wait a bit when going to work. As a rule, adaptation is closely associated with the illness of the child. To make it go softer, and mom did not have to take sick leave regularly, it is better to dose a visit to kindergarten at first.

If the child goes to the garden under the age of 2 years

It is important to prepare a child at a young age for preschool, in order to injure the fragile psyche as little as possible.

Some of the nuances that tell you when you can send your child to kindergarten:

  1. Everything new in the habits, mode and life of the crumbs should be carried out slowly. For example, if he was breast-fed, then weaning should be done at least 2 months before the planned trip to kindergarten.
  2. It is advisable to ask in advance about the regimen of the day in the preschool, the time of sleep, walks and eating. At home, the baby is gradually accustomed to this routine, otherwise, in the child’s garden, there may be problems with a new regime for him.
  3. It is very important that by this age the child himself can fall asleep. As a rule, difficulties with sleep arise if the mother, up to the kindergarten, had to rock the baby or lay it down, giving the breast.
  4. It is possible to make a child’s presence in the garden more comfortable by instilling in him the basic skills: to teach him to pot, teach him how to eat and drink from a cup, put on and take off his clothes over his head. Not bad if he knows how to wash his hands.
    when is it better to take the child to kindergarten

Age features of children 2.5-4 years old

When deciding when it is best to take a child to kindergarten, it is important to consider his age characteristics:

1. Children under 2.5 years of age have a special relationship with mom and dad, they remain for them the main figures in life. That is why long separation is a serious stress for kids, which greatly complicates adaptation to kindergarten.

  • A child at this age continues to need special attention and care, while the teacher is physically unable to provide this to all the pupils.
  • Up to 2 years, the child does not so much need communication with other children; for the most part, he perceives them as animated objects that you want to touch, study, but not play.
  • Now the baby has enough communication with family members who care about him, with whom he has established emotional and tactile contact.

2. At the age of 3, the baby begins to be interested in communicating with other children. To develop, it is not enough close environment. The child is already quite independent and is gradually moving away from his parents.

Communicating with other children, the child learns new rules of behavior for him, develops speech accessible to his hearing, and expands his vocabulary. In the future, this greatly facilitates interaction with peers and adults.

3. By the age of 4, the child is able to self-service himself, up to physiological needs at night. Adaptation at this age is much faster and easier than in children under 2.5 years of age, so experts are sure that it is better to send a child to the garden from the age of 3 to 4 years.

whether to send the child to kindergarten

Pros and Cons of a Private Garden

It so happens that the first attempt to attend preschool was unsuccessful. Parents think not only about when it is better to send their child to kindergarten, but also consider paid options for teaching the baby.

The advantages of a private kindergarten are as follows:

  1. A small staffing of groups (8-15 children), therefore, the ability to pay more attention to each child. Less risk of contracting a viral or infectious disease.
  2. A higher level of classes that are conducted by modern or original methods.
  3. As a rule, in most private kindergartens a nursery group is provided. In them, the adaptation of the kids is milder.
  4. A flexible schedule allows you to visit the kindergarten at a convenient time for the baby and his parents.
  5. More comfortable conditions, modern equipment and toys.
  6. The ability to choose classes for the development of the child, based on his individual characteristics.
  7. Lack of queues.
  8. The best food.
    whether to send a child to kindergarten

Among the cons:

  • High cost.
  • Often the lack of a required license.
  • Not controlled by higher municipal organizations.

Pros and Cons of a Government Office

It was discussed above when it is better to send a child to kindergarten. But parents should also be aware of the pros and cons of the preschool.

The advantages of the state kindergarten are as follows:

  • Full compliance with sanitary norms and rules that ensure the safety of the child.
  • Affordable price.
  • Classes designed to standards that facilitate school preparation.
  • A balanced diet with strict control over it.
  • The ability to choose and attend interesting educational activities for the child.
  • Great location for kindergarten. As a rule, there are more such institutions in the city than private ones.

Among the cons:

  • Large staffing groups (from 25 children).
  • Lack of full attention to each pupil.
  • Unnecessarily equipped groups, furniture and toys.
  • In some cases, unskilled and rude staff, poor quality care for the children.
    what time to send the child to kindergarten

Adaptation and problems according to Komarovsky

Adaptation, according to a famous doctor, is the most difficult period in visiting a kindergarten. It is worth noting that all children go through this process. The child is faced with many changes, psychological and emotional stress. He has to adapt to the new regime of the day, nutrition, the environment, the rules and even face new viruses. How long the adaptation will last depends on the baby. Sometimes 2-3 weeks are enough, and sometimes a few years.

Such changes in the lives of children are often manifested in the form of psychological and medical problems, and parents wonder if the child is good in kindergarten. For such difficulties, Dr. Komarovsky recommends preparing in advance. Here, everything is purely individual: one child transfers everything much easier, while the other requires more effort. Usually these are psychological problems, although at times they are manifested by physical malaise.

The main thing to remember is that the child needs such an adaptation. The child will pass it at any age when it falls into an unfamiliar team.

Tantrums and tearfulness

By age, children are most likely to show their discontent through hysteria and tears. Due to the frequent manifestations of such an emotional state, parents begin to doubt whether to send the child to kindergarten.

In this case, sedatives are needed only for those children who are especially keen on their new stage in life, and even then strictly according to the doctor’s prescription. In all other cases, parents need to independently find an approach to the child and be able to calm him down. However, it is worth remembering that it is impossible to crush, scream and blackmail the baby in any case, this will further aggravate the situation.

when is it better to send a child to kindergarten

Frequent diseases

Often parents ask pediatricians when it is better to send the child to kindergarten so that he is less sick.

It is natural that the wider the child’s social circle, the greater the likelihood of developing a viral disease. However, it is worth remembering that in this way the immune system is hardened and strengthened. In addition, there are a number of diseases that it is advisable for a child to endure in childhood (rubella, chickenpox).

Excessive greenhouse conditions in infancy literally weaken the immune system, and even the slightest breeze can cause a runny nose and cough. Therefore, frequent diseases and their duration are more dependent on the body's defenses, and not on visits to kindergartens.

is it good for a child in kindergarten

Which child should not be sent to the garden, according to Komarovsky?

According to Dr. Komarovsky, there are simply no so-called non-kindergarten children. Only teachers or overly caring parents say so. In the event that the period of adaptation to the kindergarten is delayed or such “guardians” do not know when it is better to send the child to kindergarten.

If the group maintains the correct temperature regime, the room is regularly ventilated, the child has strong immunity. If the child is harmful, then visiting the kindergarten should be encouraged at least verbally.

Another thing is if the baby suffers from some kind of chronic disease. However, in this case, you can choose a specialized kindergarten with qualified medical staff and educators who will provide proper care.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E9318/

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