Garnacha grape variety: description, taste, cultivation and care, photo

Grenache or Garnacha is a grape variety grown in France, Spain, the USA and Australia. The culture is considered one of the oldest and most popular, used for making wines. In Spain it is called Granch, and the name Grenache is French.

The exact origin of the variety is unknown, but according to some sources, it spread from Spanish Catalonia, and from others - from Sardinia (Italy). Due to its characteristics, the plant quickly became popular among winemakers.

Garnacha Grape Variety Description


Garnacha is a grape variety belonging to the technical species that are used to produce red and white wines. It is famous for its great flexibility, because of which the resulting drinks can have a variety of tastes.

Grenache is a heat-loving culture that tolerates drought and gives a stable high yield. Because of this, he takes root perfectly in arid areas. With an increased level of humidity, he can develop a variety of diseases - powdery mildew and other fungal diseases.

Garancha grapes are not only red, but also white, pink. However, these species are considered rare even in France.

The properties

Garnacha grapes belong to the ecological and geographical group of Western European species. It is characterized by a late ripening period, as it is most often grown in a hot area. The wines obtained from it are characterized by a high level of alcohols - 15% or more. Varietal drinks with a spicy berry aroma are made from grapes.

Garnacha grape variety wine

Acidity level

According to the description, the Garnacha grape variety gives berries with a thin skin. Indicators of acidity and tannin vary depending on climatic conditions, place of growth, productivity. Most often, the value remains at about average. But when growing a culture on shale lands, stony soil, concentrated wine is produced from berries, which is stored for decades. Such brushes are of particular value to winemakers.


Garnacha grape variety grown in Spain is distinguished by its strong growth and average number of stepsons. The culture has small leaves of medium size. They are three-lobed with sharp teeth. The leaf blade is slightly curved, resembles a funnel. The upper part is shiny, and the lower part with a slight pubescence. In general, the vine ripenes perfectly.

The culture has a powerful, tall trunk. The bush is so developed that it can be grown as a stand-alone tree. The vine is resistant to winds, drought. Because of this, the variety is cultivated in California, Australia. Due to the presence of a powerful root system, the plant is able to do without watering for a long time. This does not affect the taste of the Garnacha grape variety.

Garnacha grape variety taste


Culture gives medium clusters in the form of a cone. Their density is from loose to full. The berries are medium in size with a dark purple color. The peel is dense, the pulp is juicy, sugar. Because of this feature, the growing season is longer than other varieties. Often the berries fall off before they ripen. This natural selection allows winemakers to get only the best material.


During drought, the yield of the variety is 20 c / ha. The number of brushes and the quality of berries are affected by:

  • endurance of the vine;
  • resistance of the vine to winds, drought;
  • excellent frost resistance (the variety is able to withstand up to 18 degrees of frost);
  • unpretentiousness;
  • high resistance to diseases.

Yields are affected by moisture levels. Due to its increase, the culture is sick.

Gym Blash


To get an excellent wine from the Garnacha grape variety, you must consider the form:

  • Grenache Noir with black berries used to make red wine.
  • Grenache Gris, from which wines with raspberry flavor are made.
  • Grenache Blanc is considered rare. Garnacha Blanca grape variety colors the drinks a beautiful straw color.


Grenache is grown in warm regions with an arid climate. For landing, they choose open places, since he needs to provide a lot of sunlight. But at the same time, the vineyard must be protected from drafts. The ideal planting period is considered spring and autumn.

The soil under the grape must be dry. Ideally, water should not stagnate in it. When planting several bushes, withstand a distance of 2 meters.

In the early years of the vine provide support. It will increase with the growth of culture. The soil under the bush should be loose and clean from weeds.

Often, moistening new plantings is not necessary, as this can harm the variety. Two waterings are enough during the rooting period, and then the plant is irrigated once a month or less.

Garnacha grape variety spain

Diseases and Pests

Grapes can be prone to various diseases and pests. Most often it strikes:

  • mildew;
  • chlorosis;
  • rot;
  • armillariosis;
  • cercosporosis;
  • alternariosis;
  • oidium;
  • rubella foliage.

When affected by mildew or downy mildew, yellow oily spots appear on the leaves. At first, their size is small, but they grow rapidly. A small white coating appears on the back of the sheet. In warm and humid weather, the fungus spreads rapidly, affecting the entire vine, fruits, shoots, mustache, inflorescences. To prevent the occurrence of the disease, the vine is treated every two weeks with a solution of Bordeaux fluid.

Despite the resistance of the variety to alternariosis, this disease can affect the vine. It is characterized by the appearance of olive plaque on the back of the leaves, drying and twisting of the foliage. The berries affected by the fungus crack.

Alternariosis is treated by treating the vine with copper sulfate, Bordeaux fluid. All affected leaves, brushes are removed.

If rotten berries are found, aspergillosis can be suspected. This disease develops at high temperatures - above 32 degrees. First, an almost imperceptible white coating appears on the berries. Then dark spots form. The skin at the sites of infection is cracking, contracting. Inside, the berry rots. This medium is favorable for the reproduction of Drosophila flies. To combat the disease, the collection of affected berries is carried out and their destruction.

Another dangerous disease of grapes is oidium or powdery mildew. When it affects the green mass, inflorescences, shoots. Infected bushes are not able to produce crops.

When spores of fungi get on the leaves, they multiply rapidly. A manifestation of the disease is a white coating on the leaves, a curved edge of yellow. Mealy raid appears on the bunches. Young shoots begin to become covered in dark spots. For treatment, the vines are treated with special preparations ("Topaz" and others), and they also monitor the cleanliness of the instrument used to trim the vines and harvest. Good results are obtained with a sulfur solution diluted at the rate of 100 grams of substance per bucket of water.

Grape wines


With proper cultivation, Grenache gives a stable, high yield. The variety is considered the best for wines with different tastes and high strength. However, this grape is difficult to grow in Russia because of low frost resistance and sensitivity to high humidity.


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