How to cut the claws of the cat correctly?

how to cut a cat claws
Domestic cats, unable to grind claws in the wild, need to constantly adjust their length. Is this mandatory? The answer is yes. And there are two reasons for this. Firstly, long claws can harm you and your children when you play with the animal, and secondly, claws can grow into little fingers of the animal and cause pain to it. Of course, if you keep a cat in a country house, and it can go outside, then this is not necessary.

Cutting claws correctly is not an easy task. Not only will the animal just not give you a hand, but also this procedure has its own characteristics. In this article, we will tell you how to cut a cat's claws.

What do we need?

  1. Nail file.
  2. Veterinary guillotine nippers.
  3. Gauze.
  4. Hemostatic pencil.
  5. A piece of soap.

How to cut a cat claws? Stage 1

Training. You need one more person to complete this procedure. His mission will be to hold the animal while you trim the claws. So, pick up your pet and place it in a comfortable position on the table or on your lap. Please note that if the animal

how to trim the cat's claws
shows strong aggression and cannot sit quietly even for a few minutes, refuse the procedure for shortening the claws, as there is a risk that you will cause damage to the cat.

How to cut a cat claws? Stage 2

As soon as the animal is seated, immediately get down to business. In order for the claw to appear due to the pillow, lightly press on it. Next, carefully study it and determine where the blood vessels and nerve endings (pulp) end. Notice them easily if it is transparent, otherwise you will have to cut a small part. 2 millimeters must be pulled back from the pulp and with the help of wire cutters to separate the excess part of the claw. In this case, the tool itself must be held evenly and perpendicular to the nail. The slice should also be smooth, not oblique, otherwise there is a risk that the claw will flake.

How much does it cost to cut a cat's claws

How to cut a cat claws? Stage 3

Stop the blood after pulp damage. We sincerely hope that things will not come to this stage. If you still incorrectly calculated where the cat's pulp is, and touched the blood vessels, then use a hemostatic pencil. In its absence, you can use ordinary gauze. If the bleeding is strong and it doesn’t stop, try sprinkling the wound with talcum powder and stick the claw in a bar of soap. If there is no effect from the above actions, contact your veterinarian immediately.

How much does a cat's claws cost?

If you decide that you can’t cut the cat’s nails on your own, or if your pet is not comfortable and is not given to you, then contact a veterinary clinic. This procedure is carried out for little money (from 300 to 800 rubles). Professionals will trim the claws of your cat quickly and efficiently.

Tips and tricks on how to trim your cat's claws

  1. Cats need to be trained in this procedure from a young age.
  2. Do the procedure in such a way that the animal is pleased: stroke him in the process of cutting, treat him with a treat.
  3. Regular clipping of the claws does not mean giving up the claw point.


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