Yu. Yakovlev, Ledum: summary

The following article summarizes Yakovlev's Ledum. The Soviet writer, screenwriter, journalist Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev devoted his whole life to creating works for children of all ages and was very proud of his vocation. In particular, he wrote a script for the famous cartoon about the white bear Umka.

And the story that we want to tell about was published in 1972.

Weird boy

This story is seen and told by one of its main characters - a young teacher Evgenia Ivanovna, whom everyone called Zhenechka for her eyes. A strange boy was studying in her class. And his name is strange - Costa.

The boy, according to the teacher, behaved ugly.

He yawned defiantly in the classroom: he closed his eyes, disgustingly wrinkled his nose and opened his mouth - there is no other word for that. At the same time, he howled that he did not climb into any gates at all. Then he shook his head vigorously - dispersed the dream, and looked at the board, and after a few minutes yawned again.

For any teacher, this yawning would be especially offensive - would a student want to sleep in an interesting lesson? That is, Evgenia Ivanovna seemed that Costa yawns from boredom. And it annoyed her.

Near the window

But, in addition, the boy was taciturn and did not explain the reasons for his drowsiness. And one day in early spring he brought a bunch of twigs and put it in water, in a glass jar. There were people who wanted to sweep the floor with this makeshift broom, but Costa took it away and put it back into the water.

Soon the twigs bloomed. Outside the window, the snow had not melted yet, but on the windowsill:

The twigs were covered with small light purple flowers, similar to violets. From swollen kidney nodules, light green leaves erupted with a spoon.

It turned out that it was a Ledum. He emitted a fragrance - subtle and mysterious. Costa briefly became a wizard in the classroom.

And Zhenya began to look closely at the boy. Strange, but barely had time to ring the bell from the last lesson, when Costa jumped up and left the classroom first. He grabbed his coat in the wardrobe and on the go, catching his sleeves with his hands, fled from school. Where was he in such a hurry?

We recall in a brief summary of Yakovlev's Ledum that classmates talked differently about Costa. Some said they saw him walking with a red setter. Others claimed that he had a powerful tiger boxer. Still others saw a black-brown Malyavka on crooked legs - a dachshund. It turns out that Costa had three dogs.

And his parents never heard of any dogs. Upon returning from work, they forced their son at the table, muttering verbs or solving a problem. It never crossed their minds that he had just returned and had barely managed to clean his trousers from dog hair.

Zhenechkina pursuit

How events unfolded is also important for the summary of Yakovlev's Ledum. Where did Costa go? Where so in a hurry? This question worried the young teacher. And once she could not stand it and followed him. Walked at a distance, trying not to bang heels.

Costa jumped home for five minutes just to drop his briefcase and quickly swallow part of the cold lunch. He took the rest with him. And then he ran out of the house and ducked into a neighboring lane. Entered the entrance of the house and rang the doorbell. Zhenechka heard the dog barking and scratching from that side, until the door was opened.


A cheerful fiery red setter and Costa ran out into the courtyard, nearly knocking the teacher down. However, they did not even pay attention to her. The dog was happy:

He circled around the yard, fell on his front paws, and threw his hind legs like a kid, as if he wanted to bring down the flame. At the same time, he barked, jumped, and strove to lick Costa on the cheek or nose. So they ran, catching up with each other. And then reluctantly went home.

And the owner of Artyusha, we mention this in a brief summary of Yakovlev's Ledum, turned out to be a man with one leg and a crutch. When he returned, Costa said "until tomorrow" and left.

Irish setter


Until the next house, they - a boy and Zhenechka followed, walked three quarters. A tiger-colored boxer stood on the balcony of a two-story house and was waiting for Costa. The boy dragged the stairs from the barn to the balcony, and Attila (the name of the dog) was down the stairs.

German boxer

Costa took out the remnants of the dinner wrapped in a newspaper from his pockets, fed the dog. And he was hungry

He ate eagerly, but at the same time looked at Costa, and so many unexpressed feelings accumulated in his eyes that he seemed to be talking now.

Zhenechka heard how after them the janitor said with disapproval about the owners of the dog:

- Put the dog on the balcony and left. And she at least die of hunger!


A kid lived in one of the neighboring houses. He was sick and bedridden. It was he who lived the same dachshund - the third dog, with whom Costa was friends and walked. Eugene heard a sick boy say that his mother was going to sell the dog, because there was no one to walk with her in the morning. After thinking, Costa promised to run in the morning, but very early, before school.

And then they went with a dachshund named Lapot for a walk. And Zhenechka quietly followed them.

Having walked off and with this dog, Costa moved to the sea. Zhenia hardly kept up with him: it was difficult to go - stepping over the clumsy pine roots, she broke her heel.

Dachshund dog breed

Saint Bernard by the sea

On the sandy shores, nets were dried up, inverted boats lay. Here, peering into the sea, as if waiting for someone, stood a dog. She had a big head, sad eyes, heavy paws and a regal lion's walk.

Costa persuaded her to eat - he offered the remnants of dinner brought from home. The dog chewed indifferently. She understood: she had to survive in order to wait for the owner. Then she walked a little with the boy, and again, sitting down at the inverted boat, she began to wait. And Costa told her:

“You are good ... You are faithful ... Come with me.” He will never return. He died. Honest pioneer ... You can’t live alone on the seashore. Someday you have to leave.

Noticing the teacher, the boy was not surprised. He explained:

- Dogs are always waiting. Even the dead ... They need help.

And together they - a teacher and a boy, returned to the city. Costa was in a hurry. He had to return home before his parents arrived and put himself in order. And as if nothing had happened to sit down for lessons. Then he was to read chapters from textbooks and prepare homework. I had to sit until late. All would be fine, but the next day I really wanted to sleep.

Kosta was in a hurry, but he helped Zhenechka with her broken heel, nailing him as he could.

And the next day, unable to stand it, Costa nevertheless fell asleep in the last lesson. Someone laughed. But the teacher said sternly:

“Do you know why he fell asleep?” ... I'll tell you ... He walks with other people's dogs. Feeds them. Dogs are always waiting. Even the dead ... They need help.

And when the bell rang, she woke him, and the boy, true to his promise, immediately ran to his four-legged friends.

This is how this story ends. We gave a brief summary of the story "Ledum" by Yuri Yakovlev.

main characters

Who is Zhenya? This is Evgenia Ivanovna - a young teacher in the class where Costa is studying. Thanks to her curiosity, we learn the history of Costa. Here is her portrait:

Small, thin, slightly mowing, hair with ponytail, collar with a collar, heels with horseshoes. On the street, no one would mistake her for a teacher. Here I ran across the road. There were horseshoes. The tail flutters in the wind. Stop the horse! He doesn’t hear, he runs ... And for a long time the sound of horseshoes does not subside ...

Judging by the plot, she is curious, restless. Conscientious, partial and stubborn. Since he is not only offended by the fact that the boy is sleeping in the classroom, but also decides to follow him. And the entire daily route of Costa goes to the end. Zhenya knows how to sympathize:

She wanted to speak with Costa. Ask him about the dogs that he fed, walked, maintained their faith in humans. But she silently followed in the footsteps of her student, who disgusted yawned in class and was known as a silent person. Now he was changing in her eyes, like a branch of rosemary.

But the author does not tell us anything about the boy’s appearance. It does not matter. So unpresentable, invisible, worthless, it would seem, twigs that suddenly bloomed, became magical, transformed. That is what Costa has become. And no matter what he was. It ceased to matter that he had difficulty crawling from troika to troika, fell asleep in the classroom and was a silent person. The main thing - he knew how to be friends.

Boy is reading

Here is all that can be told in a summary of the main characters of Yakovlev's Ledum.

The idea of ​​the work is as follows: human kindness, mercy and fidelity do not depend on the shape of the nose and the cut of the eyes. And it sometimes opens unexpectedly - just like the beauty of a blooming rosemary.

In addition, the boy helped not so much the dogs as the people, their owners, who found themselves in difficult life situations.

This was a brief retelling of Ledum by Yuri Yakovlev.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E934/

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